知识分工,knowledge division
1)knowledge division知识分工
1.This article explores the nature of the module production from the perspective of knowledge and based on the analysis of the knowledge division in the module-based production network of the industrial chain and the SECI process of knowledge creation,reveals that knowledge creation in a scattered manner is the key to distinguish network industrial chain from the linear industrial chain.透过知识视角考察模块化生产的本质,通过对以模块化生产为基础的网络状产业链的知识分工模式,以及知识创新的SECI过程的分析,揭示了分散的知识创新是网络状产业链区别于线性产业链的一个根本差异。

1.On the Division of Knowledge of Modeon Sports Training and Teamwork;试论现代运动训练知识分工、团队协作
2.The salary of intellectuals is low.知识分子的工资十分低
3.A study on the classification of knowledge work based on subjective perception analysis;基于知觉分析的知识性工作分类研究
4.Analysis on the Characteristics of Knowledge Work and the Motivation of Knowledge Workers;知识工作特征分析及知识工作者激励研究
5.The Subdivision of Knowledge Workers from the Perspective of the Employees Knowledge Network;从员工知识网络的角度研究知识型员工的细分
6.Knowledge of basic chemical unit operations and hazard analysis methodology.有良好的化工生产基本知识和危害分析知识。
7.Analysis on Knowledge-Flow Based on Key Knowledge Activity of Engineering Project Team;基于工程项目团队关键知识活动的知识流分析
8.Knowledge Flow and Knowledge Integration for Large-Scale Construction Engineering;大型建筑工程知识流分析及知识集成研究
9.I have said that intellectuals are part of the working class.我说过,知识分子是工人阶级的一部分。
10.The intellectual is working-class main component.知识分子是工人阶级重要组成部分。
11.As an important knowledge management tool, knowledge map provides the knowledge sharing platform of tacit and explicit knowledge assets.知识地图是一项重要的知识管理工具,为显性和隐性知识资产提供了一个知识分享平台。
12.On the Scientific Knowledge,the Technical Knowledge and the Engineering Knowledge;试论科学知识、技术知识与工程知识
13.This cause grounds mainly on workers and intellectuals这项事业主要依靠工人和知识分子。
14.The Party called on the intellectuals to become one with the workers, peasants and soldiers.党号召知识分子同工农兵相结合。
15.I admire the intellect's capacity for work.我钦佩那位知识分子的工作能力。
16.Intellectuals must integrate themselves with the workers and peasants知识分子必须与工农相结合。
17.In addition, they have not tried to recruit as many intellectuals as possible.吸收知识分子的工作也做得不够。
18.The party is resolving the wage problem of the intellectual people.党正在解决知识分子的工资问题

Theory of knowledge distribution知识分工论
3)intellectual work知识分子工作
1.At present,issues on Chinese intellectual work mainly include: hazy understanding on quality and position of intellectuals;relative delay of policies towards intellectuals;shortage of innovation of work mode;and ambiguity of intellectual work target and ignorance of intellectual capability construction.现阶段我国知识分子工作存在着对知识分子性质、地位的认识模糊、知识分子政策相对滞后、工作模式缺乏创新、知识分子工作对象不明确、忽视知识分子能力建设等方面的问题。
2.Therefore,we should understand the significance of intellectual work from the strategic height.所以 ,应从实施科教兴国战略的高度认识知识分子工作的重要意
4)knowledge engineering知识工程
1.Establishment of knowledge engineering system and development of fertilizer industry;构建知识工程体系与化肥工业发展
2.Development and Application of Knowledge Engineering for ICE Enterprises;内燃机企业知识工程的开发和应用
3.The Application of Knowledge Engineering to Intelligent Design of Valve;知识工程在阀门智能设计中的应用研究
5)knowledge-based engineering知识工程
1.Application of Knowledge-based Engineering in CAD;知识工程在CAD中的应用
2.Second development of UG based on knowledge-based engineering;基于知识工程的UG二次开发
3.The combination of Knowledge-Based Engineering(KBE) and CAD is a certain direction in the field of advanced design.知识工程与CAD技术相结合是先进设计技术发展的必然趋势。
1.Application and Research KBE on Food & Packing Machine Design Field;知识工程在食品包装机械设计领域中的应用研究
2.Application of 3D Solid Modeling Based on KBE in the Design of Roller Hearth Kiln Construction;基于知识工程的三维造型在辊道窑结构设计中的应用
3.The Application of KBE in the 3D CAD of Twist Drill;知识工程在麻花钻三维CAD中的应用

产业内国际分工论产业内国际分工论  产业内国际分工论产业内部各部门之间生产专业化的国际化。产业内国际分工主要有三种形式,即同类产品的不同型号规格的产品专业化、零件和部件的专业化和工艺过程的专业化。产业内分工又可细分为“产业内垂直分工”与“产业内水平分工”:前者是指同一产业内技术密集程度较高的产品与技术密集程度较低的产品间的国际分工,或同一产品的生产过程中,技术密集程度较高的工序与技术密集程度较低的工序之间的国际分工,它属于技术差距所引起的国际分工。后者又称“差异产品分工”,指同一产赞熬麟摧薰麟 观 际 由