应用型本科人才,application-oriented undergraduate talents
1)application-oriented undergraduate talents应用型本科人才
1.Then he puts forwards some practical suggestions that librarians should provide efficient service for cultivation of application-oriented undergraduate talents,they should also develop some relevant activities.对福建师范大学福清分校图书馆现刊阅览室中的书报借阅情况的调查结果进行分析探讨,找出本科生对知识信息需求的基本走向,然后结合实际提出现刊阅览室馆员应为应用型本科人才培养提供优质服务并开展相关活动的一些构想。

1.Building a qualified undergraduate institute and training high-level technical personnel;建设合格本科院校培养应用型本科人才
2.Cultivation of Application-oriented Undergraduate Talents Based on the Experience of German Universities of Applied Sciences;借鉴德国经验,培养应用型本科人才
3.Discussion on the Pattern of the Talent Cultivation of Application-oriented Undergraduate Education of Economic Management Specialty经管类应用型本科人才培养模式探讨
4.Study on the Teaching Scheme for Application-oriented Undergraduate Talents in the Faculty of Material Shaping材料成型专业应用型本科人才培养方案探索
5.On the Functions of "Professional Teachers" to Engineering Applied Undergraduates Talents Cultivation;“业界教师”对工程应用型本科人才培养的作用
6.The Study and Practice of the Applied Undergradates Cultivating Mode in the Local Academies;地方院校应用型本科人才培养模式研究与实践
7.Discussion of the Education Mode for Applied Financial Majors in Guangdong Baiyun Institute;金融学应用型本科人才培养模式的探讨
8.The Study of the Talented Person Cultivation Model Based on Career Orientation;基于就业导向的应用型本科人才培养模式研究
9.Measures for Training Professionals of Business Administration at the Undergraduate Level;工商管理专业应用型本科人才培养措施
10.Cultivation of Talents of Innovation in Application- oriented Colleges and Universities论应用型本科院校创新型人才的培养
11.Study on the Cultivation Objective and Orientation of Higher Application Talents′;论本科应用型人才的培养目标与定位
12.The Tostering Mode for Polytechnic Specialists in Universities and Colleges for Applied Undergraduate Courses;应用型本科院校工程人才的培养模式
13.Development of Undergraduates for Practical Purpose on Computerized Accounting;《会计电算化》本科应用型人才的培养
14.A Study of the Applied Undergraduates Cultivating in the Local University地方性本科院校应用型人才培养研究
15.Study on the Application Personnel Training of the Business Management Undergraduate工商管理类本科应用型人才培养探析
16.Developing an undergraduate program to turn out advanced application-oriented students;探索应用型本科教育 培养高层次应用型人才
17.Human as Source" Model of Science\|Technology and Management Manpower;科技与管理人才人本模型的建立与应用
18.On the Development of University Level Personnel Characteristic of Application;两阶段制三结合 培养本科应用型人才──兄弟院校培养本科应用型人才经验综述

applied undergraduate professionals本科应用型人才
3)undergraduate application talents person本科工程应用型人才
4)engineering undergraduates工程应用型本科人才
1.According to requirements for engineering undergraduates during the knowledge-based economic times, a measure of higher education scientific research applied to training practice of engineering undergraduates is discussed, with a clear focus on identifying our own outstanding teaching characteristics.本文阐述了高等教育科学研究的重要性及其存在的问题,根据知识经济时代对工程应用型本科人才的要求,提出了明确自身定位,突出自己的办学特色,把高等教育科学研究运用到工程应用型本科人才培养实践中的措施。
5)practical interpreters at undergraduate level实用型本科口译人才
6)Applied Talent应用型人才
1.The discussion on the model between Applied Talent cultivating and subject contest;应用型人才培养与学科竞赛机制构建探讨
2.Combined with the actual requirements of Chongqing automobile and motorcycle industry for applied talents,this paper analyzes and studies the shortcomings in Chongqing engineering education,and discusses the ways that engineering institutions of higher learning respond to the demand of Chongqing automotive and motorcycle industry.结合重庆汽摩产业发展对应用型人才的实际需求,对当前重庆工科教育中存在的不足进行了研究分析,论述了重庆工科院校如何适应重庆汽摩产业发展对应用型人才的需求,通过构建应用型人才培养模式,拓宽学生的汽摩专业知识面,增强学生的创新意识和实际动手能力,提高学生的综合素质,培养出适应重庆汽摩产业发展需求的应用型人才。
3.Higher vocational education is the indispensable base for cultivating applied talents.在已有的认识和实践的基础上 ,树立以就业为导向的办学理念进行高职教育的改革 ,主要包括 4个方面 :确立应用型人才培养目标、促进产学结合、设置特色专业、调整专业结构和布

T型人才T型人才T type talent  下型人才(T type talent)按知识结构区分出来的一种新型人才类型。用字母,’T”来表示他们的知识结构特点。“一”表示有广博的知识面,“}”表示知识的深度。两者的结合,既有较深的专业知识,又有广博的知识面,这类集深与博于一身的人才,就称之为T型人才。当前我国T型人才十分缺乏。随着社会主义现代化事业的发展,对T型人才要求更为迫切。因此,领导者应把培养T型人才作为战略重点,下大气力抓好。 (李军撰王树茂审)