利润分享,profit sharing
1)profit sharing利润分享

1.The company operates a profit - sharing scheme .公司施行利润分享计划。
2.The employee has benifited from the profit - sharing scheme .雇员们从利润分享的计划中受益。
3.Study A Manager s Behavior Combination under Mechanism of Profits Share Incentive;利润分享机制下经理行动组合的探讨
4.Model of Quantity-cost-profit in Manufacture-retailer Alliance and Making Profit Distribution Method;厂商联盟的量-本-利模型与利润分享方案的确定
5.Design of optimal mechanism for layoff employees under mode of profit share in enterprise;企业利润分享模式下的员工最优退出机制
6.A Method of Profit Distribution in Manufacture-Retailer Alliance Making;厂商联盟的利润分享机制的一种确定方法
7.Pattern Selection of Profit Sharing System and State-owned Enterprises Reform System;利润分享制与国有企业改制的形式选择
8.A Profit Distribution Tactics and Whole Rebate Method Making in Manufacture-Retailers Alliance;一厂多商联盟的利润分享方案和整段返利方法的确定
9.Analysis on the human capital investment gaming model under the firm profit sharing system;对企业利润分享式人力资本投资博弈模型的创建及其应用分析
10.It still offers a profit-sharing plan, life and health insurance, and a variety of other benefits.公司现在仍实行利润分享计划,员工还享受人寿保险和健康保险及一系列其他利益。
11.Ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing.福特从效率和利润分享的角度来解释这项新的工资政策。
12.They divided the profits with the employees.他们兴员工分享利润。
13.They divided their profits equally between themselves.他们平均分享利润。
14.We'll split the cost and profits among all of us.我们大家共同分担费用和分享利润。
15.share(profits,costs,etc)equally with others与他人分享(利润)或分摊(费用)
16.How should profit and loss be shared between the parties to a joint venture?合资企业各方如何分享利润、分担亏损?
17.Co-ownership of partnership property and profits共同分享合伙财产和利润
18.All partners share profits, management responsibilities, and liabilities.所有的合伙人分享利润,分担管理责任和债务。

participate in profits分享利润
3)profit sharing system利润分享制
1.To execute profit sharing system is an effective movement for construction enterprise to straighten out sharing relation, to make the staff enjoy the achievements of reform, opening and development.实行"利润分享制"是建筑施工企业理顺分配关系,使企业的全体员工都能享受改革、开放和发展的成果的一项有效举措。
4)profit sharing分红;利润分享;利润分摊
5)profit-sharing plan利润分享计划
1.The profit-sharing plan is an effective measure in accordance with the needs of the present situation.让员工参与到企业的经营管理中、参与到企业的利润分配中、增强员工的归属感不失为可行之策 ,利润分享计划是顺应当前需求的一项有效激励措施。
6)profit-sharing schemes利润分享制度
1.This paper expounds the scientificity of Marx’s theory of surplus value, analyzes the position of theory of surplus value in the era of knowledge economy, and probes into the theory of surplus value and profit-sharing schemes of enterprise.论述了马克思剩余价值理论的科学性,分析了剩余价值理论在知识经济时代的地位,探讨了剩余价值理论与企业利润分享制度。

利润分享利润分享 【利润分享]在正常工资之外以某种方式让职工参与企业利润的分享。这是企业为激励职工、增强他们对企业的认同意识、提高企业素质和效率而实行的一项制度。目前有3种基本的利润分享形式:(l)根据企业赢利状况,直接把利润的一部分以现金或股票形式支付给职工;〔2)建立利润分享信托基金,把职工应得部分存人基金,到退休或有紧急需要时再支付给职工;(3)把两种方式结合起来,把利润分享的一部分以现金形式支给职工,另一部分存入分享基金。 利润分享是以行为科学方法为理论依据的,它强调人的因素、组织的力量、团队精神、人的需要的多元性,力求以这种方式把职工、经营者和股东三者利益联系起来,使企业的生存和发展,成为全体职工共同关心的目标。