农业劳动生产率,agricultural labor productivity
1)agricultural labor productivity农业劳动生产率
1.This article has a test of agricultural labor productivity convergence of our country between year 1990 and 2002 with cross-section analyzing approach.文章运用横截面分析法对我国1990-2002年间的农业劳动生产率进行了趋同测试,结果表明,农业劳动生产率不仅发生了显著的条件β趋同,还存在显著的σ趋同,且处于向其稳态转型的最后阶段。
2.From an economic perspective, the significance of strengthen the farmland Infrastructure is mainly to achieve the extension of expanded reproduction, to achieve the Connotation of the expansion in agriculture, can effectively raise agricultural labor productivity, can significantly reduce the unit value of agricultural products and enhance economic efficiency.从经济学的视角看,加强农田基础建设的意义主要是能实现农业的外延性扩大再生产,能实现农业的内涵性扩大再生产,能有效提高农业劳动生产率,能显著降低单位农产品的价值量,提高经济效益。

1.The Effect of Output Growth Rate and the Labor Transfer on the Agricultural Labor Productivity Convergence of Our Country;中国农业劳动生产率的稳态趋同:产出增长率与劳动力转移的影响
2.A Case Study on the Agricultural Labor Transference and Convergence of the Agricultural Labor Productivity in China;中国农业劳动力转移与农业劳动生产率趋同的实证分析
3.Improving Agricultural Labor Productivity is an Important Way to Increase the Peasant s Income;提高农业劳动生产率是农民增收的重要途径
4.Research on Per Mu Grain Yield and Agricultural Labour Productivity in Sichuan During the Qing Dynasty;清代四川粮食亩产与农业劳动生产率研究
5.An Analysis of the Characteristics and Route of the Growth Rate of Agricultural Productivity in China;中国农业劳动生产率增长的特点与路径分析
6.Analysis of Agricultural Productivity Current Situation and Factors in Tibet西藏农业劳动生产率的现状及因素分析
7.Currently, China's agricultural and rural development faces such basic problems as limited per-capita resources and low productivity.现在农村人均占有资源少,农业劳动生产率低,是中国农业和农村发展面临的基本矛盾。
8.Empirical Analysis on Determinants of Agricultural Productivity and its Policy Implications;我国农业劳动生产率决定的实证分析及政策含义
9.Rent reduction has heightened the peasants' enthusiasm in production and mutual aid has increased the productivity of agricultural labour.减租提高了农民的生产兴趣,劳动互助提高了农业劳动的生产率。
10.3. Labour productivity;(三)劳动生产率;
11.An Overall Analysis of the Productivity of Tourism in China;我国旅游业劳动生产率水平总体评析
12.agricultural producing period and labouring period农业生产时间和劳动时间
13.The Externality of Industries, the Competitive Environment of Enterprises, and the Productivity产业外部性、企业竞争环境与劳动生产率
14.Study on the Shift of Agricultural Labor Force and the Improvement of the General Agricultural Productivity;农业劳动力转移与农业综合生产能力提高
15.labour productivity in tons per person-day工人实物劳动生产率
16.maturity of largest labour productivity劳动生产率最高成熟
17.average labour productivity in the world世界平均劳动生产率
18.A study of Correlation between Demands and Productivity of the Service Sector in China;服务业需求与服务业劳动生产率的相关性研究

Agricultural Productivity农业劳动生产率
1.An Analysis of the Characteristics and Route of the Growth Rate of Agricultural Productivity in China;中国农业劳动生产率增长的特点与路径分析
3)agriculture labor productivity enhance农业劳动力生产率提高
4)farm labour productivity农户劳动生产率
1.Based on a household survey in 23 poor counties of China, this paper analyzes the disparities of farm productivity by levels of farms education and health, explores the determinants of farm labour productivity,and identifies the contribution of education and health to labour productivity.根据中国 2 3个贫困县农户抽样调查数据 ,分析了不同教育和健康水平农户劳动生产率的差异 ,探讨了农户劳动生产率的决定因素 ,确定改进农户教育和健康水平对提高劳动生产率的贡献。
5)the average labour productivity农产品人均劳动生产率
6)laborers in agricultural industries农业产业劳动力
