囚徒困境博弈,prisoner's dilemma game
1)prisoner's dilemma game囚徒困境博弈

1.Repeated Prisoners Dilemma Games in SWN;基于小世界网络的重复囚徒困境博弈
2.Research of iterated prisoner's dilemma game on complex network复杂网络上重复囚徒困境博弈的研究
3.Repeated Prisoner′s Dilemma Game Model Based on Mealy Automaton;基于Mealy自动机的重复囚徒困境博弈模型
4.Iterated prisoner's dilemma game with multi-Agent based on evidence theory基于证据理论的多Agent重复囚徒困境博弈研究
5.The Impact of Cooperation Index and the Description of Payoff Matrix on Cooperation of the Prisoner's Dilemma of Children合作指数与描述方式对儿童囚徒困境博弈中合作行为的影响
6.Analysis on "Prisoners Dilemma" Game Affecting Team Performance;影响团队绩效的“囚徒困境”博弈分析
7.Analysis of the Plea Bargaining Game: the Prisoner’s Dilemma Example;辩诉交易的博弈分析——以囚徒困境为例
8.The Research of the Computer Technology Applications in the "Prisoner s Dilemma" Game Theory;计算机技术在“囚徒困境”博弈中的应用研究
9.Analysis on "Prisoner s Dilemma" in the Transaction of Plant Variety Rights Applying Game Theory;植物品种权交易中的“囚徒困境”博弈分析
10.The Criticism of Game Theory on"the Prisoner's Difficulty" Within the Perspectve of Economical Morality经济道德观视阈中的“囚徒困境”博弈论批判
11.By means of game theory, this paper presents a historical modeling and proves that human society lies in the state of prisoner's dilemma and confronts various troubles and alternatives.本文利用博弈论囚徒困境分析法指出人类社会如同囚徒困境 ,面临着许多的难题与抉择。
12.On Prisoner s Dilemma and Game of Plea in Criminal Proceedings--In the View of the Plea Bargain;论刑事诉讼中的囚徒困境与控辩博弈——以辩诉交易为视点
13.The Application of the Game Theory in Hotel Trade--“the prison s dilemma” in sustainable development of hotel trade;博弈论在饭店业中的应用——论饭店业可持续发展中的“囚徒困境”
14.Game Analysis of the Prisoner's Dilemma to Deter Collusion:An Inspiration for State-owned Enterprise's Supervision阻止合谋的“囚徒困境”博弈分析:对国企监管的启示
15.On "Prisoner's Dilemma"of Tobacco Advertisement Game and the Disembarrassing Function of Government Legislation试析烟草广告博弈的“囚徒困境”及政府立法的解围作用
16.On the Pause and Foreground of Doha Round from Agricultural Subsidy s "Prisoner s Dilemma";从农业补贴的“囚徒困境”看多哈回合的前景——一个完全竞争的战略性保护博弈框架
17.Analysis of The Game theory for Public Crisis Management System--On Governmental Strategies for the Prisoner s Dilemma;公共危机管理体系博弈模型分析——略论政府的囚徒困境模型应对策略
18.The Analysis on the Application of Related Contracts and Trade about Property Right of Knowledge--From the Prisoner in Difficulties;知识产权相关协议实施及知识产权交易的博弈分析——从“囚徒困境”谈起

"Convict-Lurch" chess theory"囚徒困境"博弈论
3)iterated prisoners dilemma(IPD)重复的囚徒困境博弈(IPD)
4)iterated prisoner's dilemma重复囚徒困境博弈
5)prisoner's dilemma囚徒困境
1.Prisoner's Dilemma and its strategy to break in their daily work of the application example囚徒困境及其破解策略在日常工作中的应用举例
2.On "Prisoner's Dilemma"of Tobacco Advertisement Game and the Disembarrassing Function of Government Legislation试析烟草广告博弈的“囚徒困境”及政府立法的解围作用
6)prisoner dilemma囚徒困境
1.The strategy selection in 2-person iterated prisoner dilemma was extended and the concept of n-person stochastic iterated prisoner dilemma(NSIPD) was proposed to accommodate to new development arising from technology advancement.采用随机匹配选择两个局中人进行囚徒困境博弈,且每人的策略历史可被所有人知道。
2.In recent years, missing of accounting honesty and confidence has become a focus problem for the society, which result from being economic interest-driven, corruption, accounting "prisoner dilemma", and "super-normalization" in China s accounting practices.经济利益的驱动、腐败现象的产生、会计的“囚徒困境”和中国会计实务中的“超规范”导致了会计诚信的缺失。
3.The present payment structure of profit game between the employees and enterprises has determined that personal reason will inevitably lead to a "prisoner dilemma" of passive cooperation.当前员工和企业利益博弈的支付结构决定了个人理性必然导致消极合作的"囚徒困境"。
