穷人经济学,the poor people economics
1)the poor people economics穷人经济学
1.The mineral right reading of"the poor people economics":the benefits gaming of the mineral disaster born;“穷人经济学”的矿权解读:矿难生成的利益博弈

1.Health Care Reform Based on the Perspective of Lighthouse Economics and Pauper Economics;“灯塔经济”与医改的“穷人经济学
2.The Mmedical Rights of "Poor People Economics" Medical Treatment Coupon Operation of "the Terrible Problem of the Poor People";“穷人经济学”的医疗权解读:“穷人的穷问题”的医疗券运作
3.Review on Rural Bank Mode of Yunus:Inspection of Economics of Poor Citizens;尤努斯乡村银行模式探析——对穷人经济学的考察
4.State-Private Rights Gaming of "The Poor People Economics":An Analysis on the Normal Form of Agricultural Land Rights;“穷人经济学”的公私权博弈:农地权的分析范式
5.A Discussion on the Origin of Urban Poverty:from the Point of Economics for the Poor;城镇贫困问题探源:从穷人经济学的角度
6.On the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society from the Perspective of The Economics of Being Poor;构建社会主义和谐社会的穷人经济学解读
7.The mineral right reading of"the poor people economics":the benefits gaming of the mineral disaster born;“穷人经济学”的矿权解读:矿难生成的利益博弈
8.Lately Question on the Occupation Education Development of " the Poor People Economics";关注“穷人经济学”:中国职业教育发展新话语
9.All People-Inclusion-Whole Person:New Language Complexion of Higher Vocational Education of "Economics for Poor People" in China;全民—全纳—全人:“穷人经济学”的中国高职教育新语境
10.Understanding on the Right of Habitation of "the Poor People Economics": Impact of Supply and Deviation of Aiming;“穷人经济学”的居住权解读:供应的冲击和瞄准的偏差
11.On Credit Right Based on “Poor People Economics”;“穷人经济学”的信贷权解读——小额信贷“瞄而不准”的现实考量
12."Three-Aspected Education":New Mission of Chinese high Vocational Education Based on "Poor People Economics";“三全教育”:基于“穷人经济学”的中国高职教育新使命
13.The poor" and" poor enterprises" are the weak colony of the society.穷人”和“穷企业”都是市场经济的弱势群体。
14.Economy the poor man's mint extravagance the rich man's pitfall.(Martin Tu er. American economist.节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱。(美国经济学家塔珀.M.
15.Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall.(Martin Tupper. american economist.)节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱。(美国经济学家塔珀)
16.It is almost an “item of faith” among development economists that the poor act rationally, however straitened their circumstances.无论多么穷困潦倒,穷人做事都很理性,这几乎成了发展经济学家所持的信念。
17.The economist who laments the hardships of the poor, allows himself to grow rich upon the sale of his book.经济学家痛心疾首的描写穷人的困苦生活,却靠了书的销路发大财。
18.Some will argue for trickle-down economics: Don't worry about the poor, eventually everybody will benefit from growth.有些人可能主张滴入式经济学;不必为穷人担心,每个人最终都会从经济发展中获益。

The Economics of Being Poor穷人经济学
1.On the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society from the Perspective of The Economics of Being Poor;构建社会主义和谐社会的穷人经济学解读
3)Explore The Economics of Being Poor穷人经济学新探
4)the Economist《经济学人》
1.A Research on the Economist s China Economic Report;《经济学人》中国经济问题报道研究
5)relieve distress among the poor救济穷人
6)give alms to the poor赈济穷人

有房的穷人%26#8220;有房的穷人%26#8221;来自英语%26#8220;House Poor%26#8220;即%26#8220;一个人把他或她的收入的大部分用来支付住房所有权%26#8221;(House Poor:Describes a person who directs a large portion of his or her income to home ownership.)换言之,%26#8220;某人拥有住房但通常只有非常少的可支配收入,是谓有房的穷人。%26#8221;(Someone who is house poor usually has very little discretionary income.)还有人定义:%26#8220;有房的穷人即描述这样一种状态:某人在支付其住房融资和相关成本之后只有非常少的可支配收入。%26#8221;(house-poor:A description of the state of having very little disposable income after paying the financing and carrying costs of one's home.)最简洁的定义是:%26#8220;某人的净财富太紧密地与其住房联系在一起而现金却少得可怜的状况%26#8221;(The condition of having very little cash because nearly all of one's net worth is tied up in one's house.)不难看出,西方的%26#8220;有房的穷人%26#8221;就是我们所说的%26#8220;房奴%26#8221;。