范蠡,Fan Li
1)Fan Li范蠡
1.The Reception of the Allusion on Fan Li from Records of the History into Poetry of the Song Dynasty;宋词对《史记》中“范蠡”形象的接受
2.Fan Li s Economic Ethic and Realistic Sense;富行其德——浅论范蠡的经济伦理观及其现代意义

1.Fang Li-Ideal Personality in the Candle-light of Rational Spirit;范蠡——理性精神烛照下的人格范式
2.The Influence of YU Xiong and LU Shang on FAN Li s Thought;试论鬻熊、吕尚对范蠡思想的影响——范蠡思想渊源考论之一
3.The Reception of the Allusion on Fan Li from Records of the History into Poetry of the Song Dynasty;宋词对《史记》中“范蠡”形象的接受
4.Fanli s Success in Battle and Business;“千古一陶朱”:范蠡兵战与商战的成功
5.Fan Li s Economic Ethic and Realistic Sense;富行其德——浅论范蠡的经济伦理观及其现代意义
6.Doubts as to the Earliest Historical Record of Piscicultureand the Author of the Guidebook to Pisciculture;关于池塘养鱼的最早记载和范蠡《养鱼经》的问题
7.Discrimination on"Xishi Traveled Five Lakes With Fanli " After the Perdition of Country Wu -Arguments on the Notes of Xishi in the Etymologicon, Ci Hai Dictionary, etc.;吴亡后“西施从范蠡作五湖之游”考辨——兼评《辞源》、《辞海》等关于西施之注
8.Who Understands to Search for Fan Li by Boat,It Is Unforgetable on the Smoke and Water of Overseas--On Visualize of Fisherman in Classical Poems;谁解乘舟寻范蠡 五湖烟水独忘机——论古典诗词中的渔父意象
9.An Initial Analysis of Differences between Chinese and Western Culture from Fan Li and Aristotle s Political Thinking;从范蠡与亚里士多德社会政治思想比较看中西方文化差异
10.But Fan Li maintains the political system of autocratic monarchy,while Aristotle that of democracy though holding the concentration of power andopposing the misuse of democracy.范蠡主张君主专制政体,亚里士多德主张民主政体,但亦主张权力集中,反对滥用民主。
11.Administrator and Conservatism--Drawing some Conclusions about Wang Zhichun based on Li Ce Zhi Yan;经世与保守——从《蠡测卮言》看王之春
12.A Study of the Burial Jades Unearthed in the Tomb of King Liangwang of Western Han Dynasty at Yongcheng County, Henan Province;河南永城西汉梁王陵墓出土葬玉蠡探
13.Academic History Supplementary and Forecast of Literature Research in Tang Dynasty;唐代文学研究“鉴往”补阙与“知今”蠡测
14.Prometheus Stealing Fire--Inspection of The West Humanism;偷火的普罗米修斯——西方人道主义蠡测
15.The efficacy is beyond the poetry--on teaching studentsChinese in accordance with their aptitude in the secondary vocational school.;功夫在诗外——中专语文因材施教蠡测
16.On the Mission Route from Shazhou to Chang an in the 2~(nd) Year of Dazhong of Tang Dynasty;大中二年(848)沙州遣使中原路线蠡测
17.The Complementarity of slowness and Eloquence──A Study of Folkways and Writing Styles in the Kingdom Qi;舒缓与辩智的互补──齐地民性文风蠡测
18.Guided Reading of Lu Li s Works and Analysis of His Psychological Development;陆蠡散文的文本解读和心路历程探析

Fang Li范蠡
1.Fang Li—Ideal Personality in the Candle-light of Rational Spirit;范蠡——理性精神烛照下的人格范式
3)FanLi's Thoughts范蠡思想
4)the tomb of Fan Li范蠡墓
5)Fan Li, a Scholar Merchant儒商范蠡
6)Fanlihu park范蠡湖公园
1.Through the investigation and analysis of planting landscape in Fanlihu Park of Jiaxing city,the characteristics of planting landscape in Fanlihu park were summed up from the two aspects of science and art,at the same time some sugges- tions to solve the existed problem were put forward.通过对嘉兴市范蠡湖公园的实地调查和分析研究,从植物配置的科学性和艺术性两方面出发,分析了公园的植物造景特色,同时针对现有情况,对一些不足之处提出了相应的改进意见。
