结构变迁,structural change
1)structural change结构变迁
1.Historical Place,Structural Change and Tendency of "Transformation"——Logical and structural analysis in the perspective of modernization;“转型”的历史方位、结构变迁与趋向——现代化视角下的逻辑与结构分析
2.From the perspective of structural change in economic development, this paper demonstrates the relationships between income gap and economic structural change, between income gap and institutional change in China s transition period, and penetrates into the mechanisms.本文从经济发展中结构变迁的角度,验证我国经济发展及转型时期收入差距与经济结构和制度变迁之间的关系,并深入分析其背后的作用机理。
3.The structural changes of double standards have begun to challenge the traditional structures of jurisprudence,so the introspective reconstruction of traditional jurisprudence can be the due basis of the changed conditions of double standards and expand the theoretical space for the further development of judicial review standards.双重标准结构变迁的事实对其传统法理构成提出了挑战。

1.Relation between Institutional Changes, Structural Changes and Income Gap: Theoretical and Empirical Study;制度变迁、结构变迁与收入差距:理论与实证研究
2.Study on the Modern Development of Chinese Society Resulting from the Transformation of Social Structure;论社会结构变迁中“差序格局”的解构
3.The Changes of Property Rights Structure and Market Structure of Commercial Banks in China(1979-1999);中国商业银行的产权结构和市场结构变迁(1979-1999)
4.The Positive Analyses on the Change Progress of the Industrial Structure and Employment Structure in China;我国产业结构演进与就业结构变迁的实证分析
5.Evolution of Occupation Structure and Social Class Structure of China from 2000 to 2005;2000—2005年:我国职业结构和社会阶层结构变迁
6.Industrial Structure Change:An Analysis of China′s Consumer Structure Escalation and Promotion;产业结构变迁:我国消费结构升级与拉动分析
7.On Change of the Governance Structure of Medium and Small Enterprises;基于资本结构的中小企业治理结构变迁
8.The Theory of Capital Structure and the Changes of the Governance Structure of the Township Enterprises;资本结构理论与乡镇企业治理结构变迁
9.The Financial Structure during the Evolvement of the Regional Industry Structure;区域产业结构变迁中的金融结构因素分析
10.The Industrial Structure Escalation in China from the Change of Intemational Industrial Structure Hebei Normal University Law,Political &Management College;从国际产业结构变迁看中国产业结构升级
11.Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure;东亚垂直专业化与我国贸易结构变迁
12.Study on Interest-related Group in the Change of Urban-society Structure;城市社会结构变迁中的趣缘群体研究
13.The Development of Commercial Bank of Our Country As Viewed from Vicissitude of Financial Structure;从金融结构变迁看我国商业银行发展
14.Market inducing,government pushing and the changes in of financial structure;市场诱致、政府推动与金融结构变迁
15.An analysis of relationship between FDI and the transition of industry structure in China;从FDI的新视角看中国产业结构变迁
16.A Study of Contemporary China Social Class Structure Change;当代中国社会阶层结构变迁趋势研究
17.On the Familiy Structure Changes in the Invisible City;无形城市背景下的城市家庭结构变迁
18.Optimization of Finance Expenditure Construction in View of Public Finance;公共财政视野下的财政支出结构变迁

structure change结构变迁
1.The industry employment structure is studied within the Casells-Singelmann s classification of six sectors,and the factor which influences the structure change is decomposed into three parts: the industry shift effect,the occupation shift effect and the interaction effect,using the structure change model.研究了改革开放以来我国职业——产业就业结构变迁,采用Castells-Singelmann六部门分类法研究产业就业结构演变规律,运用"产业——职业就业结构模型"将影响职业就业结构变迁的因素分解为产业变动效应、职业变动效应和交互效应,将传统就业结构研究的单一维度视角扩展到产业和职业就业结构相结合的二维视角。
2.This paper decomposes the factors which influence the structure change from three parts: the industry shift effect,the occupation shift effect and the interaction effect,using the method of "Components of a difference between two rates"(CDR),and the three effects directions and intensities of different regions are studied in different occupations and periods.采用构成比差异分析法(CDR)将影响就业结构变迁的因素分解为产业变动效应、职业变动效应和交互效应,并分别研究了不同效应的作用方式,得出了两点结论:(1)从全国整体来看,产业变动效应占主导地位,在就业结构变迁中起关键作用,与此同时,显著的职业变动效应也不可忽视;(2)从六省市来看,在经济发达的城市型就业地区和结构调整比较显著的老工业基地,职业变动效应的作用居于主导地位。
3.Giving an overview about related theoretical achievements firstly, this article analyzed the question of property rights structure change of the foreign investment enterprises with the game frame, from the joint adventure to the sole ownership management, and proposed the share rights requesting sector in which the foreign merchants were willing to establish the joint capital enterprises.本文首先概述了相关理论成果,用博弈的框架分析了外商投资企业从合资经营到独资经营的所有权结构变迁问题,给出了外商愿意建立合资企业的股权要求区间。
3)structural changes结构变迁
1.Adopting a long-term view from the world history and the evolutionary ideology embodied in economics,politics,sociology,philosophy and biology,this paper makes an adequate analysis of the historical regularity in the long cycles of the rising of great powers by focusing on the evolutionary process of structural changes in the economic,political,social and cultural aspects of the world system.通过宏观的长期的世界历史视角,吸收经济学、政治学、社会学、哲学和生物学关于进化的思想,分析世界体系经济、政治、社会、文化结构变迁进化的长周期过程,以及大国崛起的历史规律,可以发现,世界体系变迁并不是一个均衡点到另一个均衡点的一波又一波平稳的态势,而是表现为有规律地打破均衡,由不均衡到均衡再到新的不均衡的周期性进化。
4)structure changes结构变迁
1.It is held in the article that economic development correlates with structure changes.本文认为 ,经济发展与结构变迁相关 ;经济结构的正向变迁推动经济发展 ;要实现经济结构的正向变迁就必须使变迁的成本与收益均衡。
5)structural change结构性变迁
6)economic structure transformation经济结构变迁

负债结构与资产结构对应分析负债结构与资产结构对应分析 【负债结构与资产结构对应分析】 1.负债结构与资产结构的对应分析要点 (l)分析长期资产与长期负债是否平衡 分析指标为长期资产与长期负债的比率,其比值若接近1或等于1,表明长期资产负债对应平衡,双方配置得当。若比值小于1,表明长期资产小于长期负债,长期负债在满足对应资金需求后仍有剩余,这时,应分析剩余资金的数量与去向,若剩余资金数量很大,显然不利于提高银行资金的盈利性,要相应调整资产结构。若其比值大于1,表明长期资产大于长期负债,出现缺口,(这种现象在目前专业我国银行资金营运中比较普遍)这时要从资产负债两方面找出存在资金缺口的原因,可着重分析以下两点:①看购买长期债券与3年以上定期存款是否对应,若前者大于后者,说明用非长期负债购买了长期资产,配置不合理;②看技改贷、基建贷款与3年以上定期存款是否对应,若前者大于后者,说明贷款超来源投放。 (2)分析中期资产与中期负债是否对应平衡 分析指标为中期资产对中期负债的比率,其比值若接近于1或等于1,表明二者之间对应平衡、配置合理。若不等于1,有以下两种情况: ①中期资产与中期负债之比大于1,表明中期资产过多,中期负债不足,要从两方面分析:一看周转贷款+l冶时贷款长期占用部分是否小于或等于向央行年度借款+l庙时借款稳定部分+活期存款稳定部分,若前者大于后者,说明流动资金贷款沉淀过多,缺乏对应来源;二看流动基金贷款是否大于或等于两年以下定期存款,若前者大于后者,说明此项贷款过多,要分析过多的原因。 ②中期资产与中期负债之比小于1,表明中期资产偏少,中期负债有剩余,要分析中期负债剩余的去向。 (3)分析短期资产与短期负债是否对应平衡 分析指标为短期资产对短期负债的比率,其比值若接近或等于1,表明短期资产负债对应平衡、配置合理。若大于1,说明短期资产多于短期负债,短期负债不足,短期资产过多,势必占用中、长期负债来源,提高银行的营运成本。若小于1,说明短期负债多于短期资产,应从以下两方面查找原因: ①从负债方面来看,短期负债与短期资产失衡可能与存款等负债波动性较强有关,故首先要分析存款波动率过大的原因。可从银行内外两方面分析:从内部检查存款增长机制方面存在哪些问题;从外部检查生产、收入、物价、利率、社会心理、消费习惯等因素对存款波动的影响。其次要分析向央行临时借款的稳定性,看是本身资金计划性不强、头寸不均衡所致,还是受央行资金波动的影响。