辩证反思,reflect dialectically
1)reflect dialectically辩证反思

1.Oneness of Heaven and Man in Modern Mediatation;对“天人合一”观之现代意义的辩证反思
2.Dialectical Reflection on Aletai's System of Declaring Property and Its Enlightenment阿勒泰官员财产申报制度的辩证反思及其启示
3.On dialectic relationship between the politics teaching and practice;论思想政治课教学反思实践的辩证观
4.Analyse or Sophistry that Goes against Dialectics--Research of Neg ative Thinking (Part Ⅱ);违反辩证法的诡辩方法剖析——负面思维研究之二
5.From Philosophical Reflection to Practical Skills--Transformation of Dialectics;从哲学反思到实践技艺——辩证法的嬗变
6.Popper's Anti-historicism of Dialectical Thought Reading波普尔反历史决定论思想的辩证解读
7.Dialectical thinking of using one against three and using three against one in Chinese Teaching;语文教学“举一反三”与“举三反一”问题的辩证思考
8.Reflection on the Dilemma of Dialectic-Also a Comment on Critique of Dialectical Reason;辩证法困境的当代反思——兼评萨特的《辩证理性批判》
9.An Introdution of Dialectical Thinking about Writing in Middle Schools巧用辩证法 正反皆文章——摭谈辩证思维在中学作文指导中的运用
10.Dialectical Introspection on Technology Alienation辩证眼光看异化——对技术异化的一点反思
11.Dialectical Thought of Education, Law, Supervision and Against Corruption;教育、法制、监督与反腐倡廉关系的辩证思维
12.To Prove or to Rebut;证明还是反驳——对辩护人责任的本体论思考
13.Dialectical Analysis on Social Discourse -Reflection on Lunacharsky s Critical Views;社会话语的辩证解析——卢那察尔斯基批评观反思
14.On the Thoughts of Systemic Dialectics in the IDC Networking Planning Method and Its Inspiration;同异反网络计划中的系统辩证思维及启示
15.Reflections on the "Dialectics in Enlightenment":A Review of Kant's "An Answer to the Question:What is Enlightenment"从康德的“启蒙论文”重新反思“启蒙的辩证法”
16.Practical Dialectics: Exposition of Marx Dialectics;实践辩证法:马克思辩证法的定性阐释
17.Huang Emperor Medical Book s Dialectic Thinking and Dialectics in Medical Activities;《内经》的辩证思维与"辩"证施治
18.Cultivate Students Ability of Dialectical Thinking;渗透辩证法观点 培养辩证思维能力

Dialectical thought辩证思维
1.The athletics educator should improve oneself dialectical thought ability;体育教育工作者应提高自身辩证思维能力的意义
2.The Dialectical Thought Characteristics of Traditional Dai Medicineon Diseases View;试论傣医疾病观的辩证思维特点
3.By analyzing some problems in the diagnosis and treatment of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy(HIE),this paper try to discuss the guidance of dialectical thought and demonstrate some basic principles in the course of solving these problems.辩证思维是最重要的科学思维之一,广泛应用于各种科学研究中。
3)dialectical thinking辩证思维
1.On Issues Concerning Dialectical Thinking and Practice of Jiang Ze-min s New Concept of Security;论江泽民新安全观的辩证思维及实践问题
2.Cultivating Students′ Dialectical Thinking in Chinese Language Teaching in Senior Middle Schools;试论高中语文教学对学生辩证思维能力的培养
4)dialectical thinking辩证思考
1.Dialectical Thinking on Technological Change and Technological Change of Dialectic;技术变革的辩证思考与辩证的技术变革
2.Dialectical Thinking of Chinese sports’ development in post Olympic后奥运时期中国体育发展的辩证思考
3.Reform requires dialectical thinking, while an overall and deep reform needs more dialectical thinking.改革需要辩证思考,一场全面深入的改革更需要辩证思考。
5)dialectic thought辩证思考
1.With the deep research,theoretical development,formation mechanism and influencing factors of bone-implant osseointegration give us much dialectic thought.随着研究的逐步深入,口腔种植体骨界面骨整合的理论发展、形成机制及影响因素带给我们许多辩证思考。
6)dialectic thought辩证思维
1.Ecological thought pattern——The return of dialectic thought;生态思维方式——对辩证思维的回归
2.In order to decrease death rate of acute organophosphorous insecticides poisoning, must cure with dialectic thought to understand the system therapy correctly.解决急性有机磷农药中毒病死率居高不下的问题,必须提高救治中的辩证思维。
