新价值观,new values
1)new values新价值观
1.Contemporary rise of new values is the result of innovative economic development,and the logistic necessity that people keep on deepening understand the knowledge of value.当代新价值观的兴起,是创新经济发展的产物,也是人们对价值认识不断深化的逻辑必然。
2.This paper on the new values visual angle,explores innovative economic changes in the values of the profound economic and cultural impact,Analyzes the main characteristics of Innovative Culture,On this basis,Put forward the significance and basic ideas of China s cultural innovation through the Empirical Analysis.本文从新价值观视角,探讨了创新性经济带来的价值观变化对经济文化的深刻影响,分析了创新文化的主要特征,在此基础上通过实证分析,提出了我国经济转型中文化创新的意义与基本思路。

1.Innovative Culture:On the Basis of Analysis and Choice of the New Values;创新文化:基于新价值观的分析与选择
2.This is the new value we need.这才是我们所需的新价值观
3.An Analysis of Sustainable Development;浅析可持续发展所蕴含的全新价值观
4.College Students Value Orientation and Values Education;新时期大学生价值取向与价值观教育
5.The Development of Value Theory: Naturalism Theory of Value;价值理论的新发展——自然主义价值观
6.On Collectivism Values and Individualism Values;整体主义价值观与个体本位价值观新论
7.On the Value Orientations of University Students and Education of Values in Universities;论新时期大学生价值取向及其价值观教育
8.The New Environment Value Theory--Ecology Civilization Value View;新环境资源价值论——兼论生态文明的价值观
9.The Historic Changes of the View on Education Values and the Comprehensive System of New One in China;教育价值观的历史演进与我国新教育价值观的完整体系
10.MaoZedong’s Administration Values and Chinese Government’s Innovation of Administration Values in the Present Age;毛泽东行政价值观与当代中国政府的价值观创新
11.The Scientific View and the Renewal of the Idea of Economical Law;科学发展观与经济法价值理念的更新
12.A Study of the Influence of the 20~(th) Century Values on New Words in English and Chinese;二十世纪价值观念对英汉新词的影响
13.Values and Lifestyles: Research of New Consumers in 2003;价值观与生活形态:2003年新消费者研究
14.The Thought Foundation and Value of New Outlook for Honors and Disgraces;新时期荣辱观的思想基础与价值探析
15.A Survey of Scientific Values of Freshman in Universities and Colleges;对大学新生科学价值观的调查与思考
16.The Strategic Orientation and Innovation Value of the Scientific View of Development;论科学发展观的战略定位和创新价值
17.On the Innovation of College Students Value Education Practice;论大学生价值观教育实施环节的创新
18.On the Value Education of College Students at Present Age--"How to Choose";新时期大学生价值观教育要“教会选择”

news values新闻价值观
1.Furthermore, the news practice of network dissemination has also shed light on the traditional news values.而网络传播的新闻实践也给原有的新闻价值观带来了新的变
2.This essay, based on content analysis of the People s Daily news of natural disasters from 1980 to 2006 , combined with an analysis of some cases to study how the mainstream media for natural disasters in China , so as to find out their news values.本文在对《人民日报》1980-2006年自然灾害报道进行内容分析的基础上,结合典型个案,考察中国主流媒体如何呈现自然灾害,进而探讨其新闻价值观。
3)new concept of value新价值观念
4)new view of value新型价值观
5)innovation values创新价值观
1.The author started the research with the perspective of management science and applied psychology, and then investigated interpersonal harmony values, the feature of innovation values and the present situation of innovative behavior of employees by methodologies like literature review, questionnaire survey and interview etc.本文以管理学、应用心理学为研究视角,综合运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对员工人际和谐观、创新价值观特征以及创新行为现状作了调查,同时对三者之间的关系进行深入分析,并在此基础上提出人际和谐与创新管理的相关措施。
6)concept of traditional news value传统新闻价值观
