平面波展开,plane wave expansion
1)plane wave expansion平面波展开
1.Group theory is introduced into the calculation of photonic band gap with the plane wave expansion method, and improved calculation formulae are derived.介绍群论在光子晶体带隙平面波展开法计算中的应用 ,推导了改进后的算法公式 。
2.An idea is presented to calculate the MMW PD in the area of the biological sample using the electric field measured in the scanning plane based on the plane wave expansion technique.利用平面波展开技术,提出了通过在扫描平面上测量电场来计算生物样品空间毫米波功率流密度的方法,以及相应的利用开口波导的测量来计算毫米波电场的方法。
3.Acoustic band gap properties of the forward Brillouin scattering phenomenon in photonic crystal fibers are simulated by using plane wave expansion method.利用平面波展开方法,对光子晶体光纤的前向布里渊散射现象中的声波带隙特性进行了数值仿真。

1.Analyzing frequency selective surface with plane wave approach and the method of moments平面波展开结合矩量法分析频率选择表面
2.Laser modes calculation with plan wave expansion method激光谐振腔模场分布的平面波展开法计算
3.Two-dimensional acrylic/ air sonic band structure with square lattice is considered in the numerical example.本文以平面波展开法分析压克力╱气声子晶体声波全频沟之现象。
4.Two-dimensional acrylic/air sonic band structure with square lattice is considered in the numerical example.本文以平面波展开法分析压克力?空气声子晶体声波全频沟之现象。
5.The theory study of a plane-wave expansion method based on the effective medium technique in the two-dimensional photonic crystal;基于等效介质二维光子晶体平面波展开法的理论研究
6.Absolute Bandgaps of Photonic Crystal in FCC Opposite Phase Close Structure Calculated by Plane-Wave Expansion Method平面波展开法计算FCC反相密堆积结构光子晶体的完全禁带
7.Debye Series Expansion of Plane Wave Scattering by Homogeneous Spheroidal Particles;均匀椭球粒子对平面波散射的Debye级数展开
8.stretched out and lying at full length along the ground.伸展开、贴着地面平躺着。
9.On the frequency notched planar ultra-wideband antennas陷波特性平面超宽带天线的研究进展
10.Development in Shortwave Infrared Focal Plane Array and Application短波红外焦平面探测器及其应用进展
11.Research on Interleaving Filters and Thermo-Optic Switches Based on Planar Lightwave Circuit;基于平面光路的梳状滤波器和热光开关研究
12.Research and Development of Planar Waveguide Circuit's Packaging Software平面波导器件封装工艺软件的研究与开发
13.The plan of the new development is on show at the town hall.镇公所大厅展出了新开发平面图。
14.The plans of the new development are on show at the Town Hall.镇公所大厅展出了新开发平面图.
15.The plan of the new development be on show at the town hall镇公所大厅展出了新开发平面图
16.open centre PPI scan空心式或展开式平面位置显示器
17.Surface Expanded Algrithm and Computer Application of Curved Metal Wall;曲面金属幕墙平面展开算法及计算机应用设计
18.Application of Surface-flattening Technology in Blank Development of Automotive Cover;曲面展平技术在汽车覆盖件毛坯展开中的应用

Plane wave expansion method平面波展开法
1.In this paper,the band structures of the two-dimensional phononic crystals consisting of(elliptic) cylinders were calculated by using the plane wave expansion method.采用平面波展开法数值计算了二维椭圆柱散射体声子晶体的带结构,并与圆柱散射体声子晶体的带结构进行比较,发现利用椭圆柱散射体可以获得较大的声子带隙。
2.The photonic bandgaps of 2-D photonic crystals with graphite lattice were simulated with plane wave expansion method.采用平面波展开法模拟计算了由锗圆柱构成的Graphite格子二维光子晶体的带隙结构,发现由空气背景中的介质柱构成的二维Graphite格子结构的光子晶体具有完全光子带隙,并得到了使完全带隙最大化的结构参数。
3.Based on plane wave expansion method, the influence of factors such as lattice structure, dielectric constant ratio and filling ratio on three-dimensional photonic crystals with fcc, diamond and woodpile structures is studied.基于平面波展开法,理论分析了晶格结构、填充率、介电常数比等因素对fcc,diamond,woodpile三种三维光子晶体典型结构完全禁带的影响。
3)plane-wave expansion method平面波展开法
1.The theory study of a plane-wave expansion method based on the effective medium technique in the two-dimensional photonic crystal;基于等效介质二维光子晶体平面波展开法的理论研究
2.The plane-wave expansion method is used to calculate the band structure of a two-dimensional photonic crystal with hexagonal lattice,and the optium structural parameters of photonic crystals with the largest complete bandgap are obtained.运用平面波展开法模拟计算了二维六边形晶格光子晶体的能带结构,得到了使光子带隙最大化的结构参数。
3.By the plane-wave expansion method,the acoustic elastic band structures of two-(dimensional) phononic crystal composed of square or triangle array of tungsten square rods embedded in epoxy,and the influence of rods rotating on the acoustic band structures were studied.用平面波展开法研究方形钨柱在环氧树脂基体中呈正方形排列和三角形排列时的带隙以及方柱转动对带隙结构的影响。
4)guide modes平面波展开方法
1.The calculated results show that that the SSTH heterostucture may produce guide modes in absolute photonic band gap(PBG) when introducing relatively longitudinal gliding or transverse displacement of the sub-lattices along the interface of the heterostructure.本文利用平面波展开方法和超原胞方法研究了由正方形格子上放置正方形散射子和三角形格子上放置六角形散射子组成的异质结 (SSTH异质结 )的带隙结构 。
2.By using the plane wave expansion method combined with the supercell technique, we investigate the band structures of the heterostructure composed of square cylinders in square lattice and hexagon cylinders in triangular lattice (SSTH heterostucture), and the guide modes at the interface of the heterostructure.本文利用平面波展开方法和超原胞方法研究了由正方形格子上放置正方形散射子和三角形格子上放置六角形散射子组成的异质结(SSTH异质结)的带隙结构。
5)plane wave expansion method平面波展开方法
1.Two different methods (plane wave expansion method and the finite differential of time domain method) are employed to calculate the complete band gap of a two-dimensional photonic crystal consisting of anisotropic elliptic cylinders of Tellurium.用平面波展开方法及时域有限差分法计算了各向异性介质材料碲形成的椭圆柱光子晶体的带隙结构 。
2.The valence subband energies and wave functions of a tensile strained quantum well are calculated by the plane wave expansion method within the 6×6 Luttinger Kohn model.用 6× 6 L uttinger- Kohn模型结合平面波展开方法计算了应变量子阱材料的价带结构 ,分析了用来展开的平面波的数目和周期对能量本征值的影响 。
6)PWS theory平面波谱展开
1.And through the comparisons of results, we analyzed the effects of sampling plane to far field, demonstrated the applicability of PWS theory to high and low directivity antennas , so that we can further researchthe error analysis and correction.利用平面波谱展开理论和时域有限差分法对几种典型天线的远场方向图建模计算 ,分析和比较了不同采样平面对远场的影响 ,以及平面波谱理论对强、弱方向性天线的适用性 ,为进一步误差分析修正奠定了基础。

媒质中的平面电磁波  平面波是指等相位面和等振幅面都是平面的波。一个有限的波源所发出的波,在远处局限的范围内,可以近似地被看成平面电磁波,另外,一般的波还可以看作是许多平面波的叠加。因此对平面波的分析是研究电磁波性质及传播规律的基础。    对于在媒质中传播的平面波,其传播特性将受到媒质电磁性质的影响。这里只讨论电磁波在线性、均匀且各向同性的媒质中传播的情形,这种媒质的电磁性质可用介电常数ε、电导率σ和磁导率μ三个参数来表征。 在等相位面与等振幅面都与x轴方向垂直的情况下,根据麦克斯韦方程组可得     (1)   此处选择直角坐标系,使E)沿y轴方向、H沿z轴方向。在正弦稳态下,用交流电中相量表示法(见交流电),可将式(1)化为只含一自变量的常微分方程组,即     (2)   其中和为复数量,表示E及H的有效值相量。此方程组的解答为     (3)     (4)   其中的 1、2(从而1、2)须根据边界条件来确定。这些解式中各包含着两个向相反方向传播的行波,式中的     (5)   是确定波的振幅和相位变化的复参数,被称为传播系数,其实部     (6)   代表波的衰减系数,波每传播单位距离,其振幅降到原值的e-α;γ的虚部     (7)   代表波的相位系数,波每传播单位距离,其相位较原值滞后一角度β。    以上α和β都是正值,这是由于媒质的导电性质造成其中的焦耳热损耗,随着波的传播,其振幅应逐渐减小;又由于电磁波是以有限速度传播的,随着波的传播,其相位也应逐渐滞后。从此可以看出,式(3)、(4)中前一项是沿x轴正方向传播的波;后一项则是沿x轴负方向传播的波。不论向哪个方向传播的波,其电场强度与磁场强度两相量的比都是     (8)   称为媒质的复数波阻抗,基模 是电场强度与磁场强度振幅的比,其幅角就是电场强度超前于磁场强度的相位角。    电磁波传播的相速在数值上等于单位时间内等相位面前进的距离,υ=ω/β。由式⑺可见,只要σ0,则υ与频率有关,称为导电媒质的色散效应。电磁波的波长(即等相位点一周期内经过的距离)为λ=υT=2h/β。    在以上这些关系中,令σ=0,则得到电磁波在无损绝缘介质中的传播特性。    在良导体中,只要频率不是极高,一般都可以忽略位移电流,令以上各式中ε 为零,得,其倒量是波的幅值减弱到原值的1/e时波所传播的距离,称为波在该导体中的贯穿深度。当频率较高时,波贯穿导体的深度甚小。    在良导体中相位系数与衰减系数近似相等,波长λ=远比空气中的短。例如铜在3兆赫频率下波长只有0.242毫米,比空气中小40万倍多。    在良导体中复数波阻抗,所以磁场强度在相位上总是滞后于电场强度h/4弧度。由于σ 的值较大,除非频率极高,波阻抗的值总是很小的。因此良导体中虽然电场强度一般都较小,磁场强度却仍可能有较大的量值。    良导体中电磁波的传播特性是对趋肤效应、邻近效应及电磁屏蔽进行分析和计算的基础。    参考书目   谢处方、饶克谨编:《电磁场与电磁波》,人民教育出版社,北京,1979。   郭硕鸿著:《电动力学》,人民教育出版社,北京1979。   George Bekefi and Alan H. Barrett,Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves and Radiation,MIT Press, Cambridge,Mass.,1977.