1.Design of multidimensional management information systems of university enrollment;高校招生立体化管理系统的设计
2.The Study and Realization of a Computer-aided Management System in the Postgraduate Enrollment;研究生招生工作计算机辅助管理系统的研究与实现
3.Analyses On Enrollment Service Model of Distance Education Pilot Universities in China;我国现代远程教育试点院校招生服务模式探析

1.Strengthen the Management of Admission of Postgraduates and Improve the Enrolment Quality;加强研究生招生管理 提高招生质量
2.Recruit: Those who graduate from junior middle schools allover China.招生对象:面向全国招收初中毕业生。
3.Spring Enrolment-Hurdles to be Cleared;春招生,一路走来不平坦——春招生及春招制度相关问题调查报告
4.Universities CentralCouncil on Admissions大学统一招生委员会
5.with Admissions at Columbia University.与Columbia大学的招生人员。
6.a school with a large catchment area有大范围招生区的学校.
7.Why should we enrol students directly?为什么要直接招生呢?
8.The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.补习班招生已满额。
9.enrolment and vocation guidance office招生就业指导办公室
10.An Analysis of the Relativity of the Expansion of Postgraduate Enrollment to the Quality of Postgraduates;关于研究生扩招和招生质量相关性的分析
11.Making Use of the Enrolment and Exam System of Higher Education in the Reform of Enrolment System in our Country;美国高校招生考试制度与我国招生制度的改革
12.From Unified Enrolment Exam to Independent Enrolment Exam:The Important Reforms in Enrolment Entrance Examination of China Universities;从统一招考到自主招考:中国大学招生入学考试之重大变革
13.EEOC is abbreviated from the Enrollment Expansion of Colleges.扩招是指学校扩大招生规模。 本文所谓扩招,特指高等教育扩大招生规模。
14.I recruited Vera, and I strongly recommend her to this committee.我招募的她 我全力向招生委员会推荐她
15.We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got more than 60.去年秋天我们曾登广告招生,并且招了60多名。
16.We advertised for pupils last autumn , and got more than 60 .去年秋天我们曾登广告招生,并且招了六十多名。
17.Law strokes,To achieve harmony Vocational College Enrollment;实现高职院校和谐招生应坚持依法治招
18.Mr. George lashed out at the university enrolling system.乔治先生猛烈抨击大学的招生制度。

1.The paper shows that the admission of new students is an important tie between university and society, a mirror reflecting the state of work in the university and is also an important means to achieve the university develcpment aim.本文指出招生工作既是学校联系社会的重要纽带又是学校办学状态的一面镜子,也是实现学校发展目标的重要手段;作者搜集和分析了大量与本校招生工作有关的数据后提出了有利学校发展的招生策略。
2.American universities have a unified entrance examination but no uniform admission criteria.美国高校有统一入学考试但没有统一的招生录取标准,高校有很强的招生自主权。
3.After entering WTO, the educational industry in China now is confronted with the circumstantances of all new self-challenge, especially the admission work.特别是我们的招生工作 ,应如何积极而谨慎地开放 ,被提到了高等教育招生工作者的思考和实践面前。
1.Research on Enrolment Stratege of Newly-Upgradded Universities;新升格地方本科院校招生策略研究
2.It is suggested that the enrolment .中国高等职业教育的发展需要学习和借鉴当前世界上包括资本主义国家在内的具有先进生产力和优秀文化土壤的国家经验,对它们开展高等职业教育实践的成败得失进行科学的判断和分析,总结出高等职业教育的办学规律,进而结合我们的实际和基本国情来发展我国的高等职业教育,提出了逐步取消高等职业招生考试制度的设想,倡导全力普及高等职业教育的大众化,发挥我国高等职业教育的后发优势,实现我国高等职业教育的跨越式发展。
3.This paper researched into the enrolment of top level athletes in Jiangsu colleges,which implement the "Combination of Sports with Education" through the methods of interviewing,consulting experts and questionnaire;then,analyzed the problems existed in enrolment work and put forward some reasonable suggestions.运用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,对江苏省实施"体教结合"的高校高水平运动员的招生现状进行研究,找出江苏省高校高水平运动队招生工作中存在的问题,并提出优化高水平运动队招生工作的建议。
1.A Development Auxiliary Information System on the University Recruitment;普通高校网上招生辅助系统的设计和实现
2.The Electronic Files System For Recruitment of Higher Education;高校网上招生电子档案系统的实现
3.The Problem and Solving Strategy in the Students Recruitment of Private Universities;民办高校招生中存在的问题及对策思考
5)Recruit students招生
1.The Development and Study of Recruit Students Management Information System Based on .NET;基于.NET的招生管理信息系统开发与研究
2.This essay illustrates the design and the system of INTESS Call Center and how to use it to recruit students in higher educational institutes.文章阐述了高等院校INTESS Call Center 用于招生的设计思想与系统结构。
3.This article introduces and analyses recruit students management of the on - job education of e-ducational specialty master graduate student from different sides, At the same times, combining the social reality, it proposes an actual operating scheme of educational master management, and carries out feasibility demonstration and probes into the development of the educational master management.本文从不同方面对目前我国在职攻读教育硕士专业学位招生管理的现状进行了介绍和分析,提出改 革的实际操作方案,并进行了可行性论证,对教育硕士管理工作的发展进行探讨。
6)mode of recruiting students招生方式
1.Exploration on mode of recruiting students in 8-year system medical education;八年制医学教育招生方式探讨
