1.The Development of Institute for the History of Natural Science in 48 Years——A Review on the Academic Development History of the Institute;四十八载风雨春秋——中科院自然科学史研究所学术发展侧记
2.The Developement of Zeng Guofan to Yao Nai’s Academic Thoughts and Ancient Prose Theory;曾国藩对姚鼐学术思想、古文理论的改造与创新
3.Punish Academic Misconducts, Purify Academic Research Environment;惩治学术不端行为,净化学术研究环境

1.associated with academia or an academy.与学术界或学术有关的。
2.The academic environment, community, or world.学术界,学术团体,学术环境
3.What is "Science for Science s Sake":A Typology Study of the Idea of Pure Science;何谓“为学术学术”——纯学术观的类型学考察
4.On the Academic Characteristics and Position of the Textual Research in the Ming Dynasty;明代考据学的学术特点及其学术地位
5.Construction of the University Academic System What Asked by the Academic Authority;大学学术权力诉求下的学术机制建设
6.The Academic Freedom Is the Soul of Modern University Academic Development;学术自由是现代大学学术发展的灵魂
7.Academic Autonomy and Academic Freedom in Colleges: a Comparative Account;大学学术自治与学术自由的比较阐释
8.Relating or belonging to a scholarly organization.学术组织的学术组织的,有关学术团体的
9.A person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background.学术界人士有学术观点或学术背景的人
10.Academic Prestige and Innovation in the Academic Profession Development;学术职业发展中的学术声望与学术创新
11.ACADEMY,ACADEMIC CRITICISM AND ACADEMIC COMMUNITY:Synthetical comment on Yang Yusheng s academic research;学术·学术批评·学术共同体——关于杨玉圣学术志业的综合评论
12.a man devoted to literary or scholarly activities.专心于文学或学术的人。
13.technical terms for analytical chemistry(optical part)分析化学术语(光学部分)
14.technical,legal,scientific,etc terms技术、法律、科学等的术语.
15.Thesaurus of Scientific and Technic Terms《科学技术术语叙词表》
16.Art Department, Lu Xun Institute of Literaturs and Arts鲁迅艺术文学院美术系
17."Mathematics, arithmetic," was the answer.“数学,算术,”他回答。
18.a riding school骑术学校 [教练所]

1.Academy and Times: Based on Liang Qichao s Explanation about Academic History of Qing Dynasty;学术与时代——基于梁启超论清学史两种的论述
2.An academy periodical should aim at developing academy.学术刊物办刊的目的应在于繁荣学术
1.Genus-book is an inevitable outcome from Chinese traditional learnings,culture,and thoughts when they were compiled in Wei-Jin and Nan-Bei Dynasty.在文献聚集、文献利用、文学创作、帝王影响、文献编纂、学术思想等因素的共同作用下,类书得以产生与发展。
2.The modern quality of Chinese learning established on the profound changes of research means in Late Qing.中国学术之现代品质的确立应当追溯到晚清民初学术研究方法的深刻变革,如果说中国传统学术主要是以"载籍"与"考据"作为一般方法而展开的话,那么,桐城学术对于"义理、考据、辞章"的划分则使传统学术具有了初步的"科层化"的趋向,而民初的"整理国故"运动进一步使传统的"载籍"与"考据"重新具有了现代学术之方法论的意义。
3.University must full of scholars and grandmaster, they should produce ideology, discover truth, devote to learning, engage in knowledge, detach the real.大学教授要能够跳出三界,不在五行,鄙视功名,祛除物欲,搞学问、迷学术、做学者、慕大师,致力于真理的追求,沉缅于探索的快乐,以享受原创的幸福。
1.Hanization on the Scholarship and Customs of Minority during the Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms;十六国时期少数民族学术与风俗习惯的汉化
2.Boyer extends the scholarship into the one of discovery, integration, application and teaching.联系是博耶学术思想的基础,它体现在人类的核心共性之中。
1.The Dual Variation of Comparative Education between Academics and Politics;学术与政治之间:比较教育学的双重变奏
2.In the first half of his life he wandered between politics and academics and played an active role on the Chinese historical stage,while in the second half of his life he become unknown and slipped from history.他前半生徘徊于政治和学术之间,积极活跃于中国的历史舞台上;后半生却默默无闻,被历史遗忘。
3.The mainstream criticism of academics in the Han Dynasty was performed not only in the different social fielels, but between different academic systems and schools, and among the individuals.汉代学术主体评论在不同的社会领域、学术体系、派别和个人之间进行,涉及学术研究者的立场、方法和成就诸层面,已经铸成一系列相对固定的概念,其中有代表性的是儒宗、通儒、俗儒和耆儒。
6)scholarship of teaching教学学术
1.The scholarship of the university faculty includes the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application and the scholarship of teaching.大学教师的教学学术是指大学教师在教学实践中表现出来的知识、能力和素质。
2.There was a heated discussion and practice in the field of higher education in America about the concept of scholarship of teaching,which was proposed by Ernest Boyer in 1990,and thus formed the movement of scholarship of teaching.1990年博耶提出"教学学术"这一理念,在美国高等教育界引起了热烈讨论和实践,并逐渐形成了大学教学学术运动。
3.The characteristics of the faculty with the scholarship of teaching are different from the faculty with low level in the scholarship of teaching.教学学术型大学教师的特征是指具有教学学术或教学学术水平高的大学教师区别于教学学术水平低或毫无教学学术的大学教师的独特差异或不同点,体现在教学行为和教学成就两方面,前者主要表现为富有教育知识、充满问题意识、展现教学机智和进行有效交往,后者主要表现为产生重要影响。

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿