1.Rearch of Guiguzi s Lie Psychological Thoughts;鬼谷子的测谎心理思想研究
2.An Analysis of the Philosophical Inclination in "Guiguzi;《鬼谷子》哲学倾向探析

1.A Reinterpretation of Guiguzi from a Rhetorical Perspective;从西方修辞学的角度重新解读《鬼谷子
2.The Yin-yang Thought and Relative Issues in Guiguzi;《鬼谷子》中的阴阳思想及相关问题
3."Book of Master Gui Gu":A Phenomenological Hermeneutical Analysis of Intelligence Decision Theorry;《鬼谷子》情报决策论的现象解释学分析
4.On the Strategy of Zhuan and Yuan in Guiguzi论《鬼谷子》“转圆”观的计谋思想
5.An Ancient Psychological Book on Understanding Human s Mind--On Psychology Thought of Gui Guzi;“达人心之理”的心理学典籍——试论《鬼谷子》的心理学思想
6.Gui Gu Zi: First Chinese Rhetorical Works --Also a Comparative Study of Aristotle s Works Rhetoric;《鬼谷子》:中国修辞学著作的最早源头——兼与亚里士多德的《修辞学》比较
7.Comparing the three Ancient Chinese Rhetoric Works(Gui Gu Zi,Wen Xin Diao Long and Wen Ze)中国古代三大修辞著作——《鬼谷子》、《文心雕龙》、《文则》之比较
8."Look at this land - what rice can it grow?你们睁眼睛看看,这鬼地方会出一颗半颗谷子么?
9.He is furtive in his manner.他的样子鬼鬼祟祟。
10.The barn was bursting with grain那谷仓堆满了谷子。
11.He calls him a sneaking fool.他骂他是一个鬼鬼祟祟的呆子。
12.He is between the devil and the deep sea.他在魔鬼与深海之间。他进退两难、退维谷、退不得。
13.The land surrounding Devil's Hole is part of the Death Valley National Monument.魔鬼洞周围的土地是国家级死谷名胜区。
14.Page 38: They passed through the treacherous canyon of Haunted Mountain.他们翻越鬼魂出没的山上的难以攀登的峡谷.
15.Your son's a little demon.你儿子是个小调皮鬼.
16.Let's dress up as ghosts.我们打扮成鬼的样子吧。
17.This is a haunted house.这是栋闹鬼的屋子。
18.So that's his (little) game! ie Now I know what he has been planning.原来那就是他的鬼点子!

Gui Gu-zi鬼谷子
1.Volume one and volume two of Gui Guzi were written in pre-Qin period, which were written by Gui Gu-zi except Fu Yan.《鬼谷子》内篇是先秦著作,其中的前11篇是鬼谷子原作,而《符言》是从《管子》混入的;《鬼谷子》外篇是唐朝人的作品。
1.On the Psychological Basis of Xin-shu(Mental Methods)of Guiguzi;论《鬼谷子》心术的心理思想依据
2.On the Strategy of Zhuan and Yuan in Guiguzi论《鬼谷子》“转圆”观的计谋思想
4)An Exposition on Guiguzi《鬼谷子》论略
5)Textual Research on GUI Gu-zi Himself and His Living Place of Solitude鬼谷子其人其地考
6)Guigu village鬼谷村
1.The paper gives a textual research on the issue rather than an immortal and that his living place of solitude where he lectured was located at Guigu village, Yumeng Mountain, Ruyang County, Henan Province.就鬼谷子是人而不是仙 ,其隐居讲学之地在河南省汝阳县云梦山鬼谷村进行了考

寄题清溪寺在峡州,鬼谷子之故居【诗文】:口舌安足恃,韩非死说难。自知不可用,鬼谷乃真奸。遗书今未亡,小数不足观。秦仪固新学,见利不知患。嗟时无桓文,使彼二子颠。死败无足怪,夫子固使然。君看巧更穷,不若愚自安。遗宫若有神,颔首然吾言。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷二十六