审美创造,aesthetic creation
1)aesthetic creation审美创造
1.Psychological behaviors and aesthetic creations:a description of psychology in literary writing;心理行为与审美创造:文学写作心理描述
2.Aesthetic Creation And The effect Of "unfamiliarity;审美创造与“陌生化”效果
3.Green Mountains Greeting Me And I Waving to ThemThe Relation bettween the facts of Injecting Feelings and the aesthetic creation of realm theory;青山与我共妩媚——试论“境界说”中的移情因素与审美创造之关系

1.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素
2.Childlike Innocence and Creative Work─a Research by Ye Shentao on Aesthetic Psychology of Creation;童心与创造──叶圣陶对审美创造心理的探索
3.The Psychology of the Xianguai Poets in Middle Tang Dynasty;中唐“险怪派”诗人审美创造心态探析
4.On the Artistic style of One literary Text with Different Implications in Conflicting Contexts in Bai Lu Yuan;论《白鹿原》审美创造中的反讽艺术
5.The Mental Motive of Aesthetic Creation in WANG Wei s Pastoral Poetry;王维山水田园诗审美创造的心理动机
6.Discuss the Appreciative and Creative Education Which is under the Background of Contemporary Design of Culture;论当代涉及文化背景下的审美创造教育
7.Art Is the State of Esthetic Creation--on the existence way of art;艺术是物态化的审美创造——论艺术的存在方式
8.Aesthetic creation of compound art--Reading poem written by Lin Sheng in own painting;复合艺术的审美创造——读林声的《自题画诗》
9.Pursue Profundity and Inspire Motif: On Aesthetic Creativity of Photographic Literature;探幽发微 摄魂点睛——论摄影文学的审美创造
10.Psychological behaviors and aesthetic creations:a description of psychology in literary writing;心理行为与审美创造:文学写作心理描述
11.The art is not in the interest of beauty appreciation but emergence either production .艺术不是为审美而出现或创造的。
12.Relationships Among Art Creation Aesthetics and Education论艺术创造及审美与艺术教育之关系
13.The Role of Aesthetic Method on the Creation of Natural Sciences;论审美方法在自然科学创造中的作用
15.Esthetic Education--Basic Way to Boost Creativity;审美教育——提升创造力的基本路径
16.The significance of Aesthetic Education affecting the Creative Personality;论审美教育对创造性人格发展的意义
17.Aesthetic Activity--the Valid Approach to Expand the Character and Foster the Creative Power;审美——伸张个性、培养创造力的有效途径
18.A Discussion of the Aesthetic Value of Classic Poems Concerning the Creation of Artistic Conception;从意境的创造谈古典诗歌的审美价值

appreciation of the beauty and creation审美和创造
3)aesthetics and creation审美与创造
4)aesthetic creativity审美创造力
1.Its cultivation and strengthening mainly includes the following three points:first,the cultivation of aesthetic interest;second,the cultivation of aesthetic notions;third,the cultivation of aesthetic capacity,especially the aesthetic creativity.审美素质是素质教育的核心 ,它的培养和提高主要有如下三方面 :首先是审美性趣的培养 ;其次是审美观念的培养 ;再次是审美能力的培养 ,审美能力的培养尤其重要的是人的审美创造力的培养。
5)mew aesthetics creation新审美创造
6)pronunciation aesthetics审美再创造
1.In this aesthetic recreating process,there are three major ways to recreate: pronunciation aesthetics,semantic aesthetics and the combination of them.在商标翻译的审美再创造过程中,音美再创造、意美再创造和音意合一再创造是三种主要的再创造手段。

管理审美心理中介管理审美心理中介aesthetic psychological medium of management  个中介系列里面。 (林兆其撰国巫固审)管理审美心理中介(a es止e桩e psyehologiealmedium of management)学校管理的审美因素到师生员工美感渐成的过渡环节,包含审美感觉、审美知觉和审美表象的和谐运动的系列。从美感效应生成的机制来看,管理者所提供的管理中的审美媒介能否作用于师生员工,要受他们审美的历史层次和心理层次所制约,美感效应就是在与这两个中介层次的交融中形成的。个体的审美心理能力是在人类总体审美实践的历史积淀的基础上,通过后天个人的审美活动实践获得、发展和逐步完善起来,并成为审美心理的深层结构。在某次具体的审美活动中,美感效应的形成是心理组织作用的结果。审美心理中介系列里蕴藏着审美主体的巨大能动性。借助于格式塔心理学派的“场”概念,皮亚杰的S一认T)一R公式,即一定刺激(S)被个体同化认)于认知结构(T)中,才能对刺激(S)作出反应(R),对管理美育中的美感反应过程提出如下公式::TS才AT之R。其中,S是管理中美的信息系统,作为刺激丛作用于师生员工大脑。A代表师生员工(受教者)的心理文化结构。T代表其心理组织功能,包括对刺激的顺应和同化功能。R代表美感效应渐成,即美育功效的生成。管理美育作为一种审美心理活动,其作用的发生及取得的效果,奥秘就隐藏在AT这