陈毅,Chen Yi
1)Chen Yi陈毅
1.The Image Portrayal of Chen Yi in the Play "The Mayor ChenYi" by Sha Yexin;论沙叶新在《陈毅市长》中对陈毅形象的塑造
2.The Characteristics of Chen Yi’s United Front Work During the War of Resistance Against Japan;抗战时期陈毅从事统战工作的特点

1.After visiting the peaks and caves, Marshal Chen Yi who for many years was Minister of Foreign Affairs in China wrote the following poem:陈毅游后,曾赋诗称赞:
2.The Image Portrayal of Chen Yi in the Play "The Mayor ChenYi" by Sha Yexin;论沙叶新在《陈毅市长》中对陈毅形象的塑造
3.On Marshal CHEN Yi’s Poetry党人浩气 诗国雄风——陈毅元帅诗词论略
4.On Marshal CHEN Yi’s Poetry;党人浩气 诗国雄风——陈毅元帅诗词论略
5.On Chenyi s Contribution to the Party s Theory of National United Front in the Anti-Japanese War;论陈毅对党的抗日民族统一战线理论的贡献——纪念陈毅诞辰一百周年
6.Economic Resumption Work led by CHEN Yi at the Beginning of the Liberation of Shanghai陈毅领导上海解放之初的经济恢复工作
7.Chen Yi s great contributions to the Three-year Guerrilla War in southern areas;陈毅在南方三年游击战争中的伟大贡献
8.Today Comrade Chen Yi said that one must be able to grasp a thing when it is in the bud.今天陈毅同志说了,事物冒了一些头就要能够抓到。
9.As one walks up the crags, one sees inscribed on the rocks many poems by contemporaries like Zhu De, Dong Biwu and Chen Yi.沿石壁上山,你可读到朱德、董必武、陈毅等人的瑰丽诗篇。
10.The policies of the Border Area Special Committee (with Mao Tse-tung as secretary) and the Army Committee (with Chen Yi as secretary) of the Party were then as follows:当时边界特委(毛泽东为书记)和军委(陈毅为书记)的政策是:
11.8. Comrade Hsiang Ying is instructed to relay this directive in southern Anhwei and Comrade Chen Yi to relay it in southern Kiangsu.(八)此指示,在皖南由项英同志传达,在苏南由陈毅同志传达。
12.Setting Peoples Minds at Ease by Stabilizing the Market Prices:Chen Yi s Outstanding Contributions to the Stability of Shanghai Market;稳定市场 稳定人心——陈毅稳定上海市场的卓绝贡献
13.Informed of the whole course of the Southern Anhwei Incident by telegrams from Chen Yi, the Commander of the First Detachment of the army, and Chang Yun-yi, the army's Chief of Staff, the Commission expresses its great wrath and its deep solicitude for our comrades.迭据该军第一支队长陈毅、参谋长张云逸等电陈皖南事变经过,愤慨之余,殊深轸念。
14.In Shanghai, Comrade Chen Yi attended one or even two meetings every day to explain our position and policies, calling on the people to co-operate with us.在上海,陈毅同志几乎每天参加一个会,甚至两个会,来说明我们的态度和政策,要求通力合作。
15.The following year, he was joined by Zhu De and Chen Yi with what was left of their army after the failed Nanchang Uprising. Thus was established what is known as the Fourth Army of the Chinese Red Army.第二年,朱德、陈毅率南昌起义余部到达井冈山,跟毛泽东部会师,成立了中国工农红军第四军。
16.Comrade Chu Teh subsequently led them to the Chingkang Mountains to join the forces under Comrade Mao Tse-tung.后来这部分农军由朱德、陈毅率领到达井冈山,同毛泽东领导的部队会师。
17.With regard to the surrender of the Japanese troops in eastern China, you yourself are to appoint a representative to go to the Tienchang area, where the Headquarters of the New Fourth Army is located, to receive orders from General Chen Yi;在华东的日军,应由你直接派出代表至新四军军部所在地天长地区,接受陈毅将军的命令;
18.Chen Yi used to have a position in the government of Outer Mongolia from later 1915 to early 1921. During the later period of his commission Chen even took the position of the highest military officer.陈毅于1915年底至1921年春任职于外蒙古,后期担任外蒙古地区最高军政长官。

1.ChenYi’s Contributions to the Construction of the Communist Party of China During the War of Resistance Against Japan;论抗战时期陈毅对党建工作的贡献
2.ChenYi s Contribution to The Theory of Guerrilla Warfare;陈毅对游击战争的理论贡献
3)A Letter to Chen Yi《致陈毅》
1.Mao Zedong s "A Letter to Chen Yi" criticizes the Song poetry at the aesthetic height,for he puts forth a famous proposition that poetry must use the thinking images.毛泽东《致陈毅》一文,从美学的高度对宋诗作了批评,提出了诗歌须用形象思维的著名命题。
4)Chen Yi Chushan《陈毅出山》
5)Chen Yi Shizhang《陈毅市长》
6)Chen Yi Shixuɑn《陈毅诗选》
