医学信息资源,Medical information resources
1)Medical information resources医学信息资源
1.Integration of Medical Information Resources and Personnel stuff Education;医学信息资源的整合与人员素质教育
2.The paper discusses the principle to proˉvide personalized knowledge service of medical information resources under network environment with the result of anˉalyzing such resources and characteristics and presents relevant measures for the service.文献简要地介绍了网络环境下医学信息资源和个性化知识信息服务的涵义 ,分析了影响医学个性化知识信息服务的环境要素 ,提出了网络环境下医学信息资源个性化知识信息服务的原则和相关对策。
3.Methods The writers made the best use of the medical information resources with general medical searching means and accumulated skills.方法 利用常用的医学检索工具 ,介绍一定的检索技巧 ,及时快捷地获取网上医学信息资源

1.Discuss Briefly Enforcement for Share Local Medical Information Resources刍议陕西省医学信息资源共享的实施
2.Organization and management of medical information resources by intensive and semantic indexing医学信息资源组织与管理——深化标引和语义标引
3.Study on Requirements and Utilization Status of Medical Information Resources in Mainland国内医学信息资源需求与利用状况调查研究
4.Shanxi medical information resource allocation on the Current Situation and Countermeasures山西省医学信息资源配置现状与对策研究
5.Strategy Research on the Construction of Biomedical Information Resources Guarantee System in China;中国生物医学信息资源保障体系建设的战略研究
6.Problems and Countermeasures of the Construction and Service of Prevention Medicine Information Resources预防医学信息资源建设与服务面临的问题与对策
7.Digital information resource needs of undergraduates in medical university and their information literacy training医学大学生数字信息资源需求与信息素质培养
8.The Research into Medical Literature Information Resources Sharing in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省医学文献信息资源共享研究
9.Evaluation of information resources on medical Blog医药学术性Blog信息资源的评价
10.The Relationship Between Library Information and Medical Personnel's Information Consciousness and Ability利用医学院校图书馆信息资源培养医务人员的信息能力
11.Classification and evaluation of network academic medical information resources网络医学学术信息资源的分类及其评析
12.Co-construction and Information Share of Medical Literature Resource Under Network Environment;论网络环境下医学文献信息资源的共建共享
13.Study on the system of medical multimedia educational information resources express description;医学教育多媒体信息资源表征体系研究
14.The Suggestion of the Development of the Information Resources in the Libraries of Senior Medical Vocational Colleges;对医学高职图书馆信息资源建设的对策思考
15.User-oriented information resource construction model in medical libraries面向用户的医学图书馆信息资源建设模式
16.Integration of information resources in medical literature platform construction医学科技文献平台建设中的信息资源整合
17.A Study on the Biopharmaceutical Information Consulting Strategy and Resources;生物医药信息咨询策略及相关信息资源研究
18.Information Resource Management in the Construction of Pharmaceutical Enterprises Informatization;谈医药企业信息化建设中的信息资源管理

medical information resource医学信息资源
1.Inquire about the medical information resource on Internet;互联网上的医学信息资源查询
2.Unbalanced distribution of medical information resources;医学信息资源的不均衡分配问题
3.This artical reports the characteristics and classification of medical information resources in Internet.文章论述了网上医学信息资源的特点和类型,介绍了获取医学信息的常用工具和几个国外常用的搜 索引擎。
3)Web medical information resourceWEB医学信息资源
4)academic medical information resource医学学术信息资源
1.Classification and evaluation of network academic medical information resources网络医学学术信息资源的分类及其评析
5)Biomedical information resources生物医学信息资源
1.Description and Integration of Biomedical Information Resources by Metadata;生物医学信息资源的元数据描述与整合
6)network medical information resources网络医学信息资源
1.The status and existing problems in the exploitation and utilization of network medical information resources have been analyzed,and the strategy for the exploitation and utilization of network medical information resources has also been discussed in order to resolve these problems.分析了网络医学信息资源开发利用现状和存在的问题,针对这些问题探讨了网络医学信息资源开发利用的策略。

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。