学术风气,academic atmosphere
1)academic atmosphere学术风气
1.Impetuous academic atmosphere in colleges and universities leads to great increase in contribution to college journals, of which the levels of proficiency vary a lot.高校急功近利的浮躁学术风气 ,导致学报来稿数量激增 ,水平参差不齐 ;作为高校教学科研队伍一部分的高校学报编辑也存在心气浮躁、把关不严的现象 ,学报整体学术质量不高。
2.Corrupting academic atmosphere, misleading the public and causing pseudo-science to spread unchecked, it does great harm without any good.学术炒作败坏学术风气,对社会公众产生误导,引发伪科学泛滥,有百害而无一利。

1.heavily overpainted the depression of English learning大肆渲染英国学术风气的衰颓
2.The Relationship between the Legal Stylistic Changes and Academic Atmosphere of Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋法律体例的变化与学术风气之关系
3.The professor on his own mettle strives to scale new heights in science and technology.这位教授意气风发,努力攀登科学技术的新高峰。
4.We should create a good general atmosphere throughout society -- that is, a good style of work in the Party and army and among the citizens and students. The Party's style of work is crucial.要树立好的风气。 讲风气,无非是党风、军风、民风、学风,最重要的是党风。
5.Promoting Talents: ZHU Jun s Academic Exchanges and Textology in Qian-Jia Period of Qing Dynasty;“称人之善,唯恐不及”:朱筠学术交游与清代乾嘉朴学风气的形成
6.Articles opened up a new trend of thought and works were the master of many generations--On LIANG Qi-Chao Leaning Spirit;文章开风气之先 著论为百年之师——论梁启超的学术精神
8.cruise fan aerodynamics巡航风扇空气动力学
9.aerodynamics of industrial ventilation工业通风气流动力学
10.The revolutionary spirit in our schools helped foster a revolutionary spirit in our whole society.学校风气的革命化促进了社会风气的革命化。
11.High Standard, Excellent Talent, Full of Courage and Power--Appreciation and Analysis of Zhuda' s Artistic Style眼高 才奇 胆壮 气足——朱耷艺术风格赏析
12.Study on Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Long-Distance Oil/Gas Pipelines in Service;在役油气长输管线定量风险技术研究
13.Somberness and Ghostly Atmosphere --An Analysis of the Artistic Style of Medicine;阴冷 鬼气——浅析《药》的艺术风格
14.High Standard, Excellent Talent, Full of Courage and Power--Appreciation and Analysis of Zhuda s Artistic Style;眼高 才奇 胆壮 气足——朱耷艺术风格赏析
15.A discussion on the criteria for quantitative risk analysis of sour gas wells含硫气井定量风险分析技术标准探讨
16.Construction Ventilation Technology for Tunnels in High Altitude and Low Atmospheric Pressure Area高海拔低气压地区隧道施工通风技术
17.The Relation Between the "Hongdumen Schoo1 of C1assical Philology" and the Shift of Literature Academicism of the Later Han Dynasty“鸿都门学”与汉末文学风气变迁之关系
18.From what the respect inspects the study ethos of the school?从哪些方面来考察学校的学习风气?

development of academic atmosphere学术风气建设
3)academic style学术风格
1.Persistence with Withdrawing——to observe Hart s academic style from postscript to The Concept of Law (2th edition);退守与坚持——从《法律的概念》第二版《后记》管窥哈特的学术风格
2.The teaching of philosophy and the nurture of academic style;哲学教学与学术风格的培养
3.All of these are embodiment of his academic style.20世纪中期在中国史学界具有广泛影响的史学家柴德赓先生,在治学中讲究考论结合、经世致用;文史结合、以诗证史;教研结合,指引门径,体现出鲜明的学术风格。
4)The Academic Mien学术风范
5)general tendency of historical science史学风气
6)style of pursuing one's studies治学风气

测风气球观测测风气球观测pilot-balloon observation eefeng qlq一u guanee测风气球观gnlj(pilot一balloon observation) ·种高空大气探测方法。是利用经纬仪跟综人气中随风飘升的小型气球,借以测定高空务层的风向、风速气球的上升速度视为定常.其值可从气球的净举力和气球的球皮屯量计算出来、气球的位置叮根据升速以及经纬仪追踪时读出的同一瞬间的仰角和方位角来确定山此即可获得高空各层的平均风向和风速测风气球中所充的氢气,一般采用苛性钠(Na0H)和硅铁粉(5102和Fe的混合物)加水进行化学反应的方法制得1也有用电解水等方法制氢的有些国家为了安全,采用氦气充气〕测风气球观测有单经纬仪观测及双经纬仪观测之分单经纬仪观测是从于假定气球升速不变而求得高空风向、风速的,手续较简.但因气球升速实际是变的,特别在近地面的大气低层,因此人们常用双经纬仪来进行高空测风。由于双经纬仪观测法定位并不假定气球升速为定常,故测得的高空风向、风速较为准确。气球在空间的位笠也可用无线电经纬仪或其他无线电定向方法去测得1这时须在气球L安装反射器或应答器甲以使地面的接收机能获得反射的:戈发自应答器的无线电信号,从而测定气球在高空的位移.求得各哄的风向、风速(见彩图川卜 (林哗)