专利长度,patent length
1)patent length专利长度
1.Research on optimal patent length and breadth design;最优专利长度与宽度设计研究
2.The Optimal Design of Patent Length and Breadth in Continuous Innovation持续创新中最优专利长度与宽度设计
3.Despite that patent system isn t the best way of resources allocation,one can construct optimal combination of patent length and breadth according to different conditions,so as to enhance the efficiency of patent system,which has an important i.但是,通过根据不同情况而构建不同的最优专利组合(专利长度和宽度的组合)来平衡社会收益与私人的收益,可以提高专利制度的效率,这一点对于专利制度的设计具有重要的意义。

1.The Optimal Design of Patent Length and Breadth in Continuous Innovation持续创新中最优专利长度与宽度设计
2.A Research on the Patent Institution and China s Economic Growth;专利制度与我国经济增长关系的研究
3.Patent System and Economic Developm ent:Theory &Reality---Analysis on the Dynamic Utility of China s Patent System;专利制度与经济增长:理论与现实——对中国专利制度运行绩效的评估
4.Analysis of Patent Investment and Profits Growth in Domestic Enterprises我国企业专利投资及其利润增长分析
5.1. Analyzing the distribution of the EV patent1、从专利角度分析了电动汽车专利的分布状况。
6.A Study on the Influence of Patent Law System for Patentability of Basic Research Results;基础研究成果可专利性对专利制度的影响研究
7.On the Medicine Patent System and the Traditional Chinese Traditional Medicine Patent Protection in TRIPs Agreement;TRIPs协议的药品专利制度与中药专利保护
8.An Approach of the Economics of Law to the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Patent System --While coping with the necessary amendments to China s Patent Law;从法律经济学的角度看专利制度的利弊——兼谈我国《专利法》的修订
9.Discusses the Advantages and Disadvantages of Practiced New Patent System of our Country;浅谈我国实用新型专利制度的利与弊
10.If you need to measure samples at different temperatures, the patented reference oscillator( AT399051) eliminates long-term drift.如需在不同温度下测量样品,受专利保护的基准振荡器(T399051)除了长期的漂移。
11.Impact of the new <Act of Paten> of India on Her Pharmaceutical Industry;印度新专利法对印度药品工业的影响
12.Comptroller-General [United Kingdom Patent Office]总审计长〔联合王国专利局〕
13.Future of International Patent System and Improvement of Chinese Patent System;国际专利制度的发展趋势与我国专利制度的完善
14.A Brief Analysis on Reforming the Bio-patent System of China on the Basis of Comparing the Bio-patent System of Europe and the U.S.;通过比较欧美生物专利制度的差异简析中国生物专利制度的变革
15.Infer the Death Age through Dental Length Increment;利用牙齿长度的增长量推断死亡年龄
16.Utilization of foreign capitals: Utilization of foreign capitals grew by a large margin.利用外资:利用外资有较大幅度增长。
17.Reissue in the Patent Law of the United States美国专利法的“权利重授”制度——兼论该制度对利益平衡观念的诠释
18.She have a certificate of proficiency in english.她有英语专长程度的证书。

3)Patent system专利制度
1.The U.S. patent system innovation and the influence;美国专利制度创新及其影响
2.The Effect of Piracy Activities on Patent System;假冒生产对专利制度的伤害
3.Analysis of the Economic Effect of Technology Patent System;技术专利制度的经济效应分析
1.Study on Patent System for Agricultural Technology Innovation;农业技术创新的专利制度探析
2.In such context,this article raises the conflict between patent and public ownership in technological innovation of private enterprises, and further analyses this antinomy from the viewpoints of the rationality and limitation of patent.提出了专利制度与公有制规范在民营企业技术创新中存在着矛盾,并从专利制度的合理性和局限性两方面进一步分析了这一矛盾。
3.It puts forward a concept of humanstic design,analyzes patent system influence on humanstic sign and compares the difference between China and Japan.专利制度对激励技术创新有十分重要的意义。
5)patent breadth专利宽度
1.The former is the patent length and the latter is the patent breadth.专利制度在授予专利权人垄断权利的同时 ,必然会产生专利权人享有垄断期限的长短和垄断程度的大小问题 ,前者即专利长度 ,而后者是专利宽度的问题。
2.The Optimization of Patent Length and Patent Breadth;通过专利制度对技术创新的激励效能和垄断的社会成本之权衡,本文指出,适当延长专利年限从社会福利的角度而言是可取的;而在序贯创新中,延长专利年限是必要的,本文还优化确定了序贯创新中的专利宽度。
6)Patent institution专利制度
1.Costs and Revenus Analysis on the Patent institution;专利制度的成本收益分析
2.Encouragement Theory is an important theory of proper patent institution.激励论是专利制度正当性的一种十分重要的理论。
3.For a long time, the institution featuring the consistency between private return and social return and the promotion of innovation are guaranteed by exclusive monopoly of knowledge in patent institution.一直以来,专利制度以知识的专有垄断性来保证私人报酬与社会报酬相一致并促进创新。
