大众社会,Mass Society
1)Mass Society大众社会
1.Understanding Political Conflicts:An Explaination of Mass Society Theory and Criss-Cross Hypothesis;理解政治冲突:大众社会和交叉压力的解说
2.Characteristic of our own age, the mass society as a societal concept is usually defined by the three-fold manifestation: the high-scale industrialization of the productive process, the high-scale urbanization of the living process, and the high-scale popularization of the cultural process.“大众社会”是一个具有时代意义的社会范畴,集中表现为“生产高度工业化、生活高度城市化、文化高度大众化”三大特征。

1.Association pour la promotion social de la masse大众社会促进会(大众会)
2.Indeed, the problem of dealing with boredom,确实,未来的大众社会排遣无聊
3.Centro de Investigacion Social y Education Popular大众社会和教育研究中心
4.Alternative-(Centro de Investigacion Social y Education Popular)抉择 -大众社会和教育研究中心
5.José Ortega y Gasset:Toward a Theory of “Mass Society”;奥尔特加-加塞特的“大众社会”理论刍议
6.Mass Media and Aesthetics of Popular Culture in Social Transition Period;社会转型期的大众传媒与大众文化审美
7.On the Popular Trend of the Popular Enlightenment And the Changes of Social Culture at the End of the Qing Dynasty;启蒙大众与清末社会文化变迁的大众化趋向
8.A Study on Relationship between Mass Media,Popular Culture and Social Factors of Impulsive Purchase;大众传媒、大众文化与“即兴购物”社会因素研究
9.Physical Education for the Masses: A Call of A Harmonious Society--On the Development of Physical Education for the Masses in our Country in a Harmonious Society;大众体育:和谐社会的呼唤——论和谐社会下我国大众体育的发展
10.Analyzing the Relations and Origin on Mass Sport,Social Sport,Sport for all;浅析社会体育、群众体育、大众体育的关系与渊源
11.On the Role of Mass Media in the Process of Building a Harmonious Socialist Society;试论社会主义和谐社会构建中的大众媒介角色
12.Surplus products were sold to members of the public.多馀的产品就卖给一般社会大众。
13.Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (the)大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国
14.Spirit dissemination is different from public dissemination and social dissemination.精神传播不等于大众传播或社会传播。
15.Study on the Roles of Mass Media in the Course of Harmonious Society Construction;论大众传媒在构建和谐社会中的作用
16.Outlaws of the Marsh and the People s Psychological Demands in China s Traditional Community;《水浒传》与我国传统社会大众心理诉求
17.The Way:Mass Media Help the Social Vulnerable Groups;大众传媒对社会弱势群体的援助方式
18.Mass Morality: The Base of Forming Harmonious Society;大众道德:构建和谐社会的道德基础

Mass Society Theory大众社会理论
1.Understanding Political Conflicts:An Explaination of Mass Society Theory and Criss-Cross Hypothesis;其中,大众社会理论对研究政治冲突的研究有着里程碑意义,是西方解释政治冲突和政治稳定的重要工具。
1.News both reflects and directs the public opinions.新闻传媒以最新事态和社会问题为基点 ,反映舆论 ,引导舆论 ,使社会公众能够认清社会发展的总趋势 ,正确对待各种社会现象 ,提高改革的承受力和使命感。
2.Sincere administration is not only the self-awareness and action by the government in dealing the public affairs but also is the value judgment of social organizations and public to the reputation of the government."诚信行政"既是政府在管理社会公共事务中的一种自觉意识和行动,同时也是社会组织和民众对政府信誉的一种 价值判断,使政府行政行为所产生的信誉和形象在社会组织和民众中所形成的一种心理反应;"诚信行政"应包括政府诚实的动 机、忠诚的行动、公众的信任、向社会公众提供真实的信息、国家公务员良好的品德等方面的基本内涵和精神实质。
4)social public社会公众
1.The Survey of Chinese social public s IP protection awareness is in the form of Internet questionnaire.社会公众知识产权意识调研以网上问卷调查的形式,对不特定公众的创新意识、知识产权认知程度以及相关规则意识和道德意识等方面进行了有针对性的调查和分析,结构性地描述了我国社会整体的知识产权意识现状,并形成了全面系统的实证材料。
5)the public社会公众
1.The media accomplishment is people s motives,purpose and behaviour when they understand,participate in and make use of the media,Improving the media aecomplish- ment of the public is good for strengthening the social function of media and cultural ac- complishment of the public.提高全民媒介素养,需要提高传播主体(“媒介公民”)、接受主体(“社会公民”)和“政府公民”的媒介素养,加强媒介素养教育,优化媒介生态,使媒介更好地为社会公众服务,产生更好的社会效益。
2.With the increase of the public facilities in modern society,the public suffer damage from these facilities increasingly.随着现代社会公有公共设施越来越多,社会公众因此而受到的损害也日渐增多,公有公共设施管理人成为被告,要求其承担责任的情况也经常出现。
3.The impact and influence of the crisis on the public psychology shows that crisis intervening is necessary in a crisis.文章认为突发危机事件对社会公众心理的冲击和影响说明危机干预是突发危机事件的现实需要,并指出了现时危机干预需要在整个社会系统背景下进行,其社会组织系统的构建内容和实施过程诸如电话危机热线、面对面危机服务、电子延伸服务等作为积极的现时危机干预策略,可以给身处危机事件中社会公众以强有力的心理支持。
6)the social public社会民众
