马克思主义认识论,Marxism epistemology
1)Marxism epistemology马克思主义认识论
1.This paper studies Polanyi s thought of tacit knowing,and points out that Polanyi s thought of tacit knowing shows certain coincidences with Marxism epistemology.在对认识主体的地位和作用的重视上,其思想表现出与马克思主义认识论的某种契合关系。
2.With the rapid development of current science and techo no logy, some scholars think that Marxism epistemology had been out-of-date and the guided science should be the cognition science.随着当代科学技术的飞速发展 ,有些学者提出马克思主义认识论已过时、落伍了 ,并认为指导我们探索世界的科学应是认知科学。

1.The Basic Content of “Innovation”in Marxism s Epistemology;马克思主义认识论中“创新”的基本内容
2.Blending Innovation into the Epistemology of Maxism;把“创新”融入到马克思主义认识论
3.The Compared Study of the Marxism Epistemology and the Cognition Science;马克思主义认识论与认知科学的比较研究
4.A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology;认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较
5.The Reflection on the Development Way of Chinese Marxism Epistemology in the New Era;新时期中国马克思主义认识论发展理路之反思
6.Integration of Historical Materialism and Theory of Knowledge--《On Practive》develops Marxist theory of knowledge;唯物史观与认识论的统一——《实践论》对马克思主义认识论的发展
7.Reflection of Popper s Falsification Theory from the Perspective of the Marxism Theory of Knowledge;波普尔证伪主义理论反思——基于马克思主义认识论的视角
8.Analysis of the cognitive principle of scientistic western Marxism;唯科学的西方马克思主义认识论原则评析
9.Deng xiaoping s Persistance and Development of Marxist Epistemology;邓小平对马克思主义认识论的坚持和发展
10.Marxist Philosophical Epistemology马克思主义哲学认识论
11.Such is the Marxist theory of knowledge.这就是马克思主义的认识论。
12.Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistemology)马克思主义哲学原理(认识论)
13.The Epistemological Development and Renewal of Marxism Philosophy马克思主义哲学认识论的创新与发展
14.On the Global Knowledge of Marxist Sinification;论对马克思主义中国化的整体性认识
15.The recognition of the Marxism management theory;对马克思主义管理性质理论的再认识
16.Proper Insight into Marx s Theory " Two Inevitables";正确认识马克思主义"两个必然"的理论
17.On Xiang Jingyu s Understanding of Marxism and Practice;论向警予对马克思主义的认识和实践
18.Reconsidering the Theory of Labor in Ualue of Marx;关于马克思主义劳动价值论的再认识

Marxist epistemology马克思主义认识论
1.The viewpoint of practice is the first and basic idea of the Marxist epistemology.实践的观点是马克思主义认识论的第一的和基本的观点;党的基本领导方法既要坚持又要发展;坚持我党基本领导方法其意义是十分重大的,我们应该在新的实践中不断地去丰富、完善和发展它。
3)understanding Marxism认识马克思主义
1.The core of Deng Xiaoping s view about Marxism is the question of how to understand and treat Marxism, which involves the methodology principles of understanding Marxism correctly.邓小平马克思主义观的核心是关于怎样认识和对待马克思主义的问题 ,其中包括关于正确认识马克思主义的方法论原则。
4)Contemporary Chinese Marxism Epistemology当代中国马克思主义认识论
5)the development of the interpretation of Marxism马克思主义的认识发展
6)Marxism Theory of Consciousness马克思主义意识论
1.The Hard Problem on Consciousness and Thought on Deepening the Research of Marxism Theory of Consciousness;意识的“困难问题”与深化马克思主义意识论研究的思考
