复杂性研究,Complexity Research
1)Complexity Research复杂性研究
1.The characteristic of complexity researches is the critical attitude to the traditional reductionism.复杂性研究的一个总特征是对传统还原论持批判态度,并且试图通过建立复杂性范式来超越沿用了数百年的还原论。

1.Complexity Science and Study of Complexity;令人关注的复杂性科学和复杂性研究
2.Complexity from a Philosophical View--Develop A New View of the Study of Complexity;哲学视野中的复杂性——拓展复杂性研究的新视野
3.A Research on Complexity Thought of QIAN Xue-sen;钱学森复杂性思想研究——兼论中国复杂性研究的特色
4.Study on Complexity Based Large-Scale Research Project Management;基于复杂性研究的大型科研项目管理
5.Study on Task Complexity of Scientific Research Management in College;高等院校科研管理任务的复杂性研究
6.The Epistemology of Complexity Science--Mao Zedong s On Practice and Complexity Science;复杂性科学的认识论探索——毛泽东《实践论》与复杂性研究
7.Through the "Complexity Jungle" --Four Fundamental Theoretical Pivots of Complexity Study and the Philosophical Reflection;穿越复杂性丛林——复杂性研究的四种理论基点及其哲学反思
8.The Research of the Polynomial Bounded Circuit-Size Complexity of Some Languages Approximate to Probabilistic Classes BPP and PP逼近于BPP和PP的概率复杂性语言类的多项式有界线路复杂性研究
9.A Study of Complexity of Erosional/accretionary Evolution in Large Estuary Based on GIS;基于GIS的大河口冲淤复杂性研究
10.Analysis, Integration and Complexity Study of Industrial Ecosystems;工业生态系统分析集成与复杂性研究
11.The Research Object of Complexity Science:Non-linear Complex System;复杂科学的研究对象:非线性复杂系统
12.On the Measure of Complexity复杂性究竟有多复杂?——论复杂性的测度
13.A Study on Qualitative Simulation for Complexity of Group Behavior;企业群体行为复杂性的定性模拟研究
14.Study on the Feasibility of Interpreting University Research Teaching in the Perspective of Complexity Thinking复杂性思维诠释大学研究性教学的可行性研究
15.but intricate characters are the most amusing.可是最有趣味的还是研究复杂的性格。
17.The Study of Synergetic and Competitive Mechanism among Corporations Based on Complexity;基于复杂性的企业协同竞争机制研究
18.Study on Electrical Character of Grounding Grids in Non-Uniform Soil Regions;复杂土壤地区接地网电气特性的研究

complexity study复杂性研究
1.The complexity study springing up in the 1980s takes the complexity as the research object, aiming to establish the complexity science describing the complex real world.20世纪80年代兴起的复杂性研究,直接将复杂性作为其研究对象,试图建立描述复杂真实世界的复杂性科学。
2.Its Influences are mainly manifested in three aspects: First, on the basis of Dissipative Structure Theory s arrow of time, Wallerstein constructs five kinds of TimeSpaces for studying historical social systems; Second, with the aid of complexity study of dissipative structure theory, Wallerstein advances unidisciplinary approach to eliminate the antithesis of two culture; Third, Wallerstein.普里高津的耗散结构论是沃勒斯坦的世界体系分析的重要源流之一,其影响主要表现在三个方面:在耗散结构论的时间之矢的基础上,沃勒斯坦建构了研究历史社会体系的五种时空;借助于耗散结构论的复杂性研究,沃勒斯坦提出学科一体化方法以消除两种文化的对立;沃勒斯坦引申了普里高津的"世界的返魅"的概念,强调历史社会体系在分叉点上的不确定性和人的自由意志问题。
3.The complexity study has become a hot sport of the scientific forward position,and it is one of the orientation of our center in the days to come.复杂性研究已成为科学前沿的一大热点 ,也是北京大学现代科学与哲学研究中心今后的研究方向之一。
3)study of complexity复杂性研究
1.Therefore,with no idea of divergence between Bertalanffy and Institute in regard to principles,many scholars mistake the study of complexity for a new trend of thought in the scope of the system theory.由于贝塔朗菲的系统论和圣菲研究所的复杂性理论都宣称探讨事物系统的“涌现”或“整体大于部分之和”的性质,导致许多学者认为复杂性研究只是在系统论研究范围内兴起的新思潮,殊不知“一般系统论”和“复杂适应系统理论”在原理上大相径庭。
4)complex exploring study复杂性探索研究
1.The illness, by its high incidence and the severe impacts on the life quality of people, has an effect on accelerating the medical application of complex exploring study and the renaissance of oriental holism, and furthermore being used thoroughly in management of medical difficulties such as Irritable bowel syndrome.以其高发病率和对人类生活质量的严重影响促使复杂性探索研究在医学中应用并促进东方整体观在现代医学中复兴,从而用于解决诸如肠易激综合征等的医学疑难。
5)complexity research of science复杂性科学研究
6)complex paradigm of education research复杂性教育研究范式

复杂部分性发作复杂部分性发作〖HT5”SS〗complex partial seizures 癫痫发作的一个临床类型。以往又称为精神运动性癫痫。发作时有精神意识改变、意识丧失或处于朦胧状态。伴有自动症,为一系列无目的、不恰当而离奇的重复刻板运动,有些运动形式很简单,也有些病儿表现为复杂形式的自动症。有的病儿尚伴有感觉异常。脑电图90%异常,以棘波为主,也可为高幅Q或θ节律,可呈颞叶局灶性异常、双侧弥漫性异常或弥漫性阵发性电活动合并局灶异常。药物治疗痛可定口服有效,无效者可行手术治疗。预后较差,长期多次发作往往影响智力。