计量评价,Quantitative evaluation
1)Quantitative evaluation计量评价
1.The quantitative evaluation on forest scenic function;森林风景功能的计量评价
2.From the viewpoint of utility value theory, the authors used the quantitative evaluation method of equivalent benefits substitute to estimate the forest ecological benefits in Xiaolongshan forest area.本文从效用价值论的观点出发,运用等效益替代的计量评价方法,对小陇山林区的森林生态效益进行了计量评价,得到小陇山林区森林生态效益的综合价值为1。

1.The Measuring System and the Appliance of Human Capital;人力资本计量评价体系及其应用研究
2.Analysis on the research performance of Chinese fields and its international comparison;我国分学科科学计量评价及国际比较
3.Study on Audit Quality Appraisal of State Audit Institutions;国家审计机关审计质量评价问题研究
4.Study on Evaluation System of Accounting Firms' Audit Quality会计师事务所审计质量评价体系研究
5.measurement and evaluation测量和评价 测量和评价
6.The Levels of Audit Quality: A Tentative Appraisal on Audit Quality;审计质量分层:审计质量的一种初步评价
7.A Bibliometric Analysis and Evaluation of Acta Nutrimenta Sinica;《营养学报》的文献计量学分析与评价
8.Design and Implementation for Objective Assessment System of Speech Quality;语音质量客观评价系统的设计与实现
9.A Color Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Uniform Color Coordinate System;基于均匀计色制的彩色图像质量评价
10.Link-Based Webometric Indexes and Scientific Evaluation;基于链接的网络计量指标与科学评价
11.Military Software Quality Evaluation System;军用软件质量评价工具的开发与设计
12.Scaling Method of Personnel Credit Risk Assessment System;个人信用风险评价系统的统计量表法
13.A Statistical Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of the Inhabitant Quality of Life;居民生活质量的统计分析与综合评价
14.The Literatures of Independent Audit Quality:Review and Appraise;独立审计质量实证文献:回顾与评价
15.On Evaluations of the Disclosure Quality of Accounting Information of Listed Companies;上市公司会计信息质量评价问题研究
16.Utilizing Statistic Technique to Develop Three Process Quality Evaluation;运用统计技术开展三个工序质量评价
17.Optimization Design and Assessment of Product Quality Based on QFD;基于QFD的产品质量优化设计与评价
18.A Database Design on the Evaluating System to the Present-stituation of the Enviromental Quality;环境质量现状评价系统的数据库设计

evaluation and quantization计量评价
1.Beginning with the concept of public forests, this paper summarized the current situation, theory methods, representative evaluation and quantization models which are currently used in the research of ecological benefits evaluation and quantization on public forests, as well as the problems and developing trend of research were analyzed.从公益林的概念入手 ,以生态学和经济学为理论依据 ,概述了目前国内外公益林效益计量评价的研究现状、理论基础、评价方法及典型计量评价模型 ,并对公益林效益计量评价中存在的问题以及今后的发展趋势进行了分
3)measure and evaluate计量评价
1.This paper, taking CJFD as the statistical data, aims to measure and evaluate " Comparative Education Research" between 1998 and 2003.文章以《中国期刊全文数据库》为统计源,对1998-2003年《比较教育研究》进行了计量评价,并得出我国比较教育研究人员的个人及小规模的智力因素在研究中仍起着决定性主导作用、科研人员使用的外语文献资料数量要高于中文文献资料、外语水平较高,和该刊论文质量、在国内比较教育研究方面所占有的重要地位都很高等结论。
2.This paper,takes CJFD as the statistical data,aims to measure and evaluate "Studies in Foreign Education"which is about the research from 1998 to 2003 so as to come to some conclusions.文章以《中国期刊全文数据库》为统计源,对1998~2003年《外国教育研究》杂志进行了计量评价,并得出我国外国教育研究文献更新速度快、科研人员使用的外语文献资料数量高于中文文献资料、外语水平较高和外国教育研究的作者具有明显的地域性特点等结论。
4)Calculation and assessment计量与评价
5)evaluation of estimator估计量评价
6)?Quantitative evaluation经济计量与评价

长度计量(见几何量计量)长度计量(见几何量计量)length measurement: see geometrical quantity metrology  由。飞州ulil心闪长度计l(le理户~~m)童。见几何童计