健身意识,fitness consciousness
1)fitness consciousness健身意识
1.A study of physical education fitness consciousness and behaviors of postgraduates;河北省高校在读研究生体育健身意识与行为研究
2.The cultivation of fitness consciousness of students not only promotes the development of national fitting program but also lay the solid foundation for the lifelong physical education.高校体育教学正处于多种指导思想和教学方法并存的改革年代,培养学生的健身意识既推动了全民健身计划的开展,又为终身体育打下坚实的基础。

1.Simply Analysis on Fitness Consciousness and Habit of Ningbo Citizens;浅析宁波市民的健身意识与健身行为习惯
2.Self-Consciousness of Body-building of Intellectuals at Middle and Higher Ranks in Henan Province and the Investigation about Their Health Situation;河南省中高级知识分子的自我健身意识与身体健康现状调查
3.On Quality Education in Universities and Training of the Sense of Lifelong Physical Training of College Students;高校素质教育与大学生终身健身意识的培养
4.The antithetic and unified relations between the ideas of lifelong physical education and nationwide body-building;终身体育观念和全民健身意识的对立统一
5.A Survey On City Women s Physical Exercise Consciousness And Behavior In Henan Province;河南省城市女性健身意识与健身行为习惯的调查
6.Investigation and Analysis on the Higher Official s Self-fitness consciousness and Heath Condition in Henan;河南省市厅级公务员的自我健身意识及身体健康现状调查
7.Analysis on Female s Consciousness and Action of Bodybuilding in Fitness Centers in Fujian;福建省健身中心女性健身意识与行为的调查分析
8.Analysis of university students consciousness and behavior habit of exercises in Qinghai province;青海省大学生体育健身意识与体育健身行为习惯的调查分析
9.Investigation of Fitness Awareness and Fitness Behavior of Students in Guizhong Region of Guangxi广西桂中地区大学生健身意识和健身行为的调查分析
10.The investigation and analysis on the body building consciousness and health situation of the middle-old-aged intellectuals in western of Hunan;湘西地区中老年知识分子健身意识与健康现状的调查与分析
11.The Investigation and Analysis of The Current Situation of Body Building and Their Health Situation Among the Young Intellectual in the Area of Western Hunan;湘西地区青年知识分子健身意识与健康现状调查研究
12.The Study on Physical Exercises Consciousness of IT Workers;IT行业从业人员体育健身意识现状的调查与研究
13.A Study of the Consciousness of Fitness Features of Rural Middle School Key Teachers in Huaibei;淮北市农村中学骨干教师体育健身意识的研究
14.Research on Physical Body-building Consciousness of the Students in Higher Vocational Colleges of Zhejiang;对浙江省高职院校学生体育健身意识的研究
15.Comparative Study on Body-Building Consciousness of Different Women Groups in Wuhan;武汉市妇女不同定向群体健身意识对比研究
16.A Survey of Female Students Physical Condition;不同专业女大学生体育健身意识、行为现状研究
17.Comparative Study of Spare-time Bodybuilding Consciousness and Behaviors among the Residents of Fujian Province;福建省居民闲暇体育健身意识、行为的比较研究
18.How to See the College Students Health Consciousness and Physical Development;如何看待高校学生健身意识及体育发展

bodybuilding consciousness健身意识
1.This paper analyzes the influences of sports facilities on people’s bodybuilding consciousness, and probes into the present situation and development prospect of community sports facilities.分析了健身路径对人们健身意识的影响,对社区健身路径的现状与发展前景进行了探讨。
3)fitness awareness健身意识
1.Based on random question investigation,literature survey,statistics,to investigate the fitness awareness and fitness behavior of students in Guizhong region.采用随机抽样问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法等对桂中地区在校大学生的健身意识和健身行为进行了调查分析。
2.By the application study on sport prescription teaching in university fitness lessons, the author tries to find out the influence of prescription teaching on university students\' fitness awareness and extracurricular exercise.通过在高校健美课中进行运动处方教学的应用研究,探讨健美运动处方教学对大学生健身意识和课外锻炼的影响。
4)bodybuilding awareness健身意识
1.Reinforcing the bodybuilding awareness of the juveniles in the countryside;试论农村青少年健身意识的培养
5)body-building consciousness健身意识
1.This research,using condensed questionnaire,made an investigation into 2300 students body-building consciousness of 23 schools chosen from 48 higher vocational colleges of Zhejiang and its result indicates that the students body-building consciousness remained to be enhanced and it is extremely urgent to reform physical education.通过问卷调查选取浙江省48所高职院校中的23所学校中的2300名学生进行调查,结果表明:浙江省高职院校学生健身意识还有待进一步提高;体育教学改革迫在眉睫。
2.It analyzed the state quo and the problems relevant to the body-building consciousness and gave advice to facilitate the implementation of Fitness for All Plan and build their constitutions.从体育锻炼动机、形成体育兴趣的原因及对体育工作的要求和愿望等方面,对武汉市家庭妇女、下岗群体、退休群体和工人群体的健身意识进行了调查。
6)sense of lifelong physical training终身健身意识

《全民健身计划纲要》《全民健身计划纲要》  《全民健身计划纲要》国家体委1993年在全国体委主任会议上,首先提出了制订全民健身计划的构想,同年12月《全民健身计划纲要》初稿出台。以后多方征求意见,反复论证,巧次易稿,于1995年6月20日经国务院会议批准,正式发布。 《纲要》规定了中国从1995一2010年实施全民健身计划的任务、对象、措施、工作原则和步骤。共分5个方面:①面临的形势。对建国四十多年来中国群众性体育活动和人民体质与健康状况进行了分析,提出了推行全民健身计划的必要性。②目标和任务。把努力实现体育与国民经济和社会事业的协调发展,全面提高中华民族的体质与健康水平,基本建成具有中国特色的全民健身体系,作为到20ro年的奋斗目标和任务。③对象和重点。以全国人民为实施对象,以青少年和儿童为重点。同时,对企事业单位、社区、农村、军队、少数民族地区以及妇女、老年人、残疾人和知识分子等不同对象的健身要求作了规定。④对策和措施。主体就是将全民健身计划纳人国民经济和社会发展的总体规划,坚持群众体育与竞技体育协调发展的方针,以普遍增强人民体质为重点,加强领导,统筹规划,切实抓出实效。⑤实施步骤。采取整体规划,逐步实施的方式,分两期工程(即1995-2000年、2000一2010年)全面实施全民健身计划,把全民健身工作提高到一个新的水平,基本建成具有中国特色的全民健身体系。 《纲要》是与实现社会主义现代化目标相配套的社会系统工程和跨世纪的发展战略规划。它的颁布实施,在推进全民族的健身方面发挥了重要作用。同时,全民健身热潮的兴起与开展,亦将对中国的竞技体育和奥林匹克运动的进一步开展打下良好的基础。