科学进步,Science progress
1)Science progress科学进步
1.The conception of science progress comes from western philosophy of science exists two kinds of extreme view about the relationship between science development and science progress, one is “development equals to progress” , take the example of logic experientialism; the other is “development has nothing to do with”, take the example of Kuhn.在科学发展与科学进步的关系上, 西方科学哲学的科学进步观存在着两种片面的观点, 一种观点以逻辑经验主义为代表, 将发展与进步等同起来, “发展即进步”; 另一种以社会历史学派为代表, 将发展与进步对立起来。
2.We will dispread a new sight to study science and science progress if we regard science as one of special important social factors.把科学作为一种重要而特殊的社会因素 ,就展开了研究科学、科学进步的全新视域。

1.Rationality and Modes of Scientific Progress;科学进步的合理性以及科学进步模式
2.As Western science moves forward, Chinese scientists move upward.外国科学进步,中国科学家进爵。
3.The Study of Philosophy of Science: “Science→Values”, A New Mode of Science Progress;科学哲学的价值论转向——科学进步模式新探
4.Laudan s View of Scientific Progress and Its Significance for Psychology;劳丹科学进步观对心理学研究的启示
5.Academic idea exchange s influence upon technical progress;论学术思想的交流对科学进步的影响
6.Reasonable Objective for the Development of Science and Rational Scientific Action;科学进步的合理目标与理性的科学行为
8.researchers in the vanguard of scientific progress在科学进步前列的研究人员.
9.National Award for Science and Technology Progress国家科学技术进步奖
10.Persist in the Scientific Development View,Pushing Forward the Science and Technology Development of Electric Design;落实科学发展观,促进电力科技进步
11.Learning of Modern Science and Technological Knowledge Promoting Science and Technology Progress of Enterprise;学习现代科技知识 促进企业科技进步
12.The Strong Subject Leading Relevant Suject to Progress;以优势学科来带领相关学科共同进步
13.Adhere to the Scientific View of Development and Promote College Education;坚持科学发展观 促进高校事业进步
14.Improving further Teaching Quality in Undergraduate Education to Keep up with The Times;与时俱进,进一步提高本科教学质量
15.To Further Flourish Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Capital as a Systematic Project;论进一步繁荣发展首都哲学社会科学
16.Scientific knowledge was further popularized and the spirit of science spread.科学知识进一步普及,科学精神得到弘扬。
17.Enhance the All-out Progress of the College with a Scientific Concept of Development;以科学发展观促进学院各项事业的全面进步
18.I choose the example of scientific and industrial progress.我用科学和工业的进步作为例子。

scientific progress科学进步
1.The logical model of rationality of scientific progress regards truth or closing-to-truth as the aim of science and looks for a kind of fixed regulations of methodology for judging the progress of knowledge and theory comparison and selection only by logical relations.科学进步的逻辑合理性模式把真理或逼近真理看作科学的目标 ,寻求一种判别知识进步 ,进行理论比较和选择的不变的方法论规则 ,通过理论之间的逻辑联系比较不同理论趋向真理而进步的程度。
2.According to the standard for the rationality of scientific progress,we can divide the modes of scientific progress of the western scientific philosophy in our times into three types——the mode that adheres to the rationality of scientific progress,the standpoint that opposes the rationality of scientific progress,and the standpoint of new historicism that is between the two previous modes.将当代西方科学哲学中的科学进步模式按科学进步是否合理的标准来划分 ,可分为三大类 :即坚持科学进步是合理的科学进步模式、反对科学进步是合理的科学进步观以及介于这两者之间的新历史主义学派的科学进步观。
3)science and technology progress科学技术进步
1.The impact of science and technology progress on economy growth is ana- lyzed, The impact of science and technology progress on economy growth, can be evaluated by Solow method, Finally some problems should be paid attention to when applying mathematic models.分析了科学技术进步对经济发展的作用,尔后探讨了定量数学模型索洛余值法评价科学技术进步对经济增长的作用,最后提出了定量数学模型应注意的问题。
4)the scientific and technological progress law《科学技术进步法》
5)Theory of scientific progress科学进步理论
6)Science is always on the move.科学总是在进步。

国家科学技术进步奖授予在应用推广先进科学技术成果,完成重大科学技术工作计划。项目等方面, 做出突出贡献的下列公民、组织: 在实施技术开发项目中,完成重大科学技术创新,科学技术成果转化,创造显著经济效益的;在实施社会公益项目中,长期从事科学技术基础性工作和社会公益性科学技术事业,经过实践检验,创造显著社会效益的;在实施国家安全项目中,为推进国防现代化建设、保障国家安全做出重大科学技术贡献的;在实施重大工程项目中,保障工程达到国际先进水平的。每年奖励项目总数不超过400项,分为一等奖。二等奖2个等级。