个体幸福,individual happiness
1)individual happiness个体幸福
1.The pursuit of happiness determines individual happiness involved in education,so education should not deviate from happiness.关涉个体幸福是教育的应然追求,教育不能背离"幸福"这一价值旨归。
2.The faultiness,unscientificness and immoralness of current goal of moral education were analyzed,the psychological and ethic foundation for individual happiness as the goal of moral education was presented in this article.本文分析了现行德育目标的不完善、不科学和不道德;指出个体幸福作为德育目的的心理学、伦理学根据;通过对个体幸福的积极心理效应以及个体不幸福感受的消极的心理效应的分析说明,把个体幸福作为德育的一个目的,不仅不会降低德育的目标,而且会有效地改善德育的实效。

1.Knowledge Education and Individual Happiness--A Reflection of Education in the View of Knowledge Leading to Happiness;知识教育与个体幸福——知识幸福观视野下的教育反思
2.To Re-establish the Goal of Moral Education of Person-centered with concerning on Individual Happiness;关注个体幸福,重建以人为本的道德教育目标
3.A happy, happy family.一个幸福幸福的家庭。
4.3) personal value orientation influences SWB;( 3)个体的价值取向对主观幸福感产生影响 ;
5.Individual Characteristics, Job Characteristics and Job Related Well-being;个体特征、工作特征与工作幸福感的关系研究
6.A Cross-cultural Study on the Relationship between Individual Cultural Orientations and Subjective Well-being;个体文化取向与主观幸福感关系的跨文化研究
7.I had a happy boyhood.我有一个幸福的童年。
8.Health is a condition of happiness.健康是幸福的一个条件。
9.Happiness is growth.幸福是一个成长的过程。
10.It's a happy ending.这是一个幸福的结局,
11.You have a happy family.你有一个幸福的家庭。
12.They have a happy family.他们是一个幸福的家庭。
13.I have a happy family.我有个幸福的家庭。
14.taste the joys of the happy life体会幸福生活的欢乐
15.A blessed state in which the individual transcends desire and suffering and attains Nirvana.开悟一个个人体验欲望和苦难且达到涅的幸福状态
16.Effects of Undergraduates Self-concept,Collective Self-esteem and Individual Self-esteem on Their Subjective Well-being;自我概念和个体自尊、集体自尊对大学生主观幸福感的影响
17.Living a happy life,everyone wants to have a good health and a long life.过着幸福的生活,谁不想有个健康的身体,谁不想长寿呢?
18.The Relationship between Coping Styles and Well-being:The Modification and Application of a Coping Style Questionnaire;不同应对风格个体的幸福感研究——应对风格问卷的修改与应用

personal happiness个人幸福
1.The pursuance of personal happiness is in accord with the pursuit of social harmony.个人幸福的追求与社会和谐的追寻实质上是一致的,德性自身的双重价值构成了二者实现的基础。
2.Social happiness and personal happiness belong to a dialectical unity in which personal happiness depends not only on one\'s own experiences and feelings,but also on survival environment and social system,and in which happiness has the dual characteristics of both subjective happiness and objective happiness.社会幸福与个人幸福是辩证的统一,个人幸福的获得既靠自身的体验与感受能力,同时也靠其生存环境与社会制度;主观幸福与客观幸福是幸福的二重属性。
3)the happiness of the whole整体幸福
4)expression of happiness幸福体现
5)General Well-being总体幸福感
1.A Research on the Influence of the Internet on Undergraduate General Well-being and Personality and Self Consistency and Congruence;大学生上网行为与总体幸福感、人格、自我和谐的关系
2.Study on subjective self consistency and congruence and general well-being and their relationship in soldiers;军人自我和谐与总体幸福感及其关系的研究
3.A Study on the Relationship Between the Main Life Events,Temperament Type and General Well-being of the Undergraduates in Local College地方性院校本科毕业生主要生活事件、气质类型和总体幸福感的关系
6)be indifferent about one's welfare不顾个人的幸福
