学术伦理,academic ethics
1)academic ethics学术伦理
1.Zhang Xuecheng is the first scholar t ha t recognizes the determination of academic development by academic ethics and gi ves the study the importance of an academic discipline.章学诚的学术伦理思想有其积极合理之处。
2.To build the university culture, we should give a full play of its administrator, uphold the ideas of university as its core, set academic ethics as its benchmarking, take the campus culture as its principal part and support with the social culture, establish its mind identity, build humanity university, and create corporate cultural atmosphere.大学文化的建设应该重视领导者的作用 ,以大学精神为核心 ,以学术伦理为标竿 ,以校园文化为主体 ,以社会文化为依托 ,构建理念识别 ,建设人文大学 ,营造组织文化氛围。
3.However,this attempt of Chen had aroused hot public debate which was actually originated from the conflict between Chen\'s academic ethics and the popular social ethics at that time.认真分析这个风波,可以发现,所以会引起争议的深层原因,是陈寅恪所坚守的学术伦理与社会大众认同的社会伦理之间发生了冲突所致。

1.The Construction of Chinese Academic Ethic from the Disorganization of Academic Morality从学术道德失范论中国学术伦理的构建
2.The Clash between Academic Ethics and Social Ethics--An Analysis of the Incident of "Poetic Couplet Creation" Involving Chen Yinke学术伦理和社会伦理的抵牾——试析陈寅恪“对对子”事件
3.As regards science and technology, ethic foresight has the priority over ethic appraisal.对科学技术而言,伦理预见优先于伦理评价。
4.View of Modern Ethics and Construction of the Ethics Principles of Technology of Genetic Engineering;现代伦理学视角与基因技术伦理原则的建构
5.Viewing Polygraphical Technology from the Angle of Psychology and Ethics;关于测谎技术的心理学和伦理学思考
6.Medical Ethics Should Pay Much Attention to the Study of the Technological Question;医学伦理学应重视研究医疗技术问题
7.Artification of Life--On Michel Foucault s aesthetic ethics;论生活的艺术化——谈福柯的美学伦理学
8.Controversy on the Ethics of Applying Gene Techniques to Eugenics基因技术应用于优生学的伦理争议
9.On the Ethics Angle of Marxist View of Science and Technology;论马克思主义科学技术观的伦理维度
10.An Analysis of System and Ethics on Lack of Academic Standard;对我国“学术失范”现象的制度伦理分析
11.Ethics of the Responsibility in the Technological Civilization: On Hans Jonas;技术时代的责任伦理学:论汉斯·约纳斯
12.Thoughts on Academic Corrution;学术、伦理和人性——关于学术腐败的思考笔记
13.On the Application of Multi-media Technique in Nursing Ethnics Teaching;浅谈多媒体技术在护理伦理学教学中的应用
14.Plato s Thoughts of Scientific and Techonological Rational Ethics and It s Temporory Value;柏拉图科学技术理性伦理思想及其当代价值
15.A Study on the Bioethical Governance Mechansim in China;关于我国生命科学技术伦理治理机制的探讨
16.The Necessary Requirement of Medicine Ethics:enhancing pediatric perioperative pain management;加强小儿围术期疼痛管理——医学伦理的必然要求
17.Ethics of Technology and Metaphysics--on Hans Jonas the Imperative of Responsibility;技术伦理与形而上学——试论尤纳斯《责任原理》
18.She looked forward to long conversation with the young man of literature, art, and ethics.她指望跟这个年轻人畅谈文学,艺术和伦理学。

the ethics of terminology术语伦理学
3)ethics of science and technology科学技术伦理学
4)construction on the Ethics of Technology技术伦理学建构
5)Technology innovation ethics技术创新伦理学
6)scientific & technical ethics科学技术伦理
1.Realizing the relationship between science & technology and ethics & moral correctly is the key to unlock the mystery of the present scientific & technical ethics issue.正确认识科学技术与伦理道德的关系,是解开当前科学技术伦理问题之谜的钥匙。

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿