检索效率,Retrieval efficiency
1)Retrieval efficiency检索效率
1.Improving retrieval efficiency of under network environment;提高网络环境下的检索效率
2.The author considered that the retrieval efficiency of knowledge retrieval was better than information retrieval.本文在对知识检索与信息检索的检索机制分析的基础上,对知识检索与信息检索的检全率、检准率进行了比较,认为知识检索的检索效率优于传统信息检索,同时对影响知识检索效率的因素进行了讨论,指出信息检索要向知识检索过渡和发展,并针对目前网络检索的现状,提出了一些改进措施。
3.So it is important to analyse their retrieval efficiency.中文Google和百度是大陆网民最常使用的两个中文搜索引擎,因此对其检索效率的比较分析就显得格外重要。

1.Study on Application of Full Text Retrieval Based on Lucene and Retrieval Efficiency TestLucene全文检索的应用及检索效率测试研究
2.Strategies of Improving Literature Search Efficiency by Library OPAC System提高图书馆OPAC检索效率的策略
3.The application of CD ROM retrieval in journal information service bears such advantages as high efficiency in terms of searching rate, extensive comprehensiveness in terms of searching coverage and high accuracy in terms of searching results.应用光盘数据库技术检索期刊文献, 具有检索效率高、文献查全率、检准率高等优点。
4.The matching efficiency and exactness of Web site are improved.Net技术实现了中文全文检索,提高了站点的检索效率
5.This paper expounds the methods for increasing the retrieval efficienc y of computer-readed catalog from the skills of making accurate records, proper selection of retrieval course and retrieval channel.从准确著录、确选择检索途径和检索过程的技巧等方面阐述了提高机读目录检索效率的方法。
6.The reasonable system of classification is the key of retrieval efficiency.合理的分类体系是提交构件检索效率的关键。
7.Influencing Factors and Measures to Efficiency of Online Information Retrieval网络信息检索效率的影响因素及其对策
8.How to improve the efficiency is the important point that the programmer should put more emphasis on.如何提高检索效率,是编程人员需要著重考虑的要点。
9.The efficiency of searching is the key problem of an E-journal Website.检索效率是关系到电子期刊网站生死存亡的一处问题。
10.An Analysis of Archive - index Efficiency--For advice of Deng Shaoxing and Chen Zhiwei;档案检索效率浅析——与邓绍兴、陈智为二位先生商榷
11.Comprehensive Application of VIP,CNKI,Wanfang Databases Enhances Retrieval Efficiency of Topics综合运用VIP、CNKI、万方数据系统功能提高课题检索效率
12.The K-NN case retrieval strategy has been applied in injection mould design system which indicated that the strategy could dramatically improved overall case retrieval efficiency and quality in case-based reasoning system.应用实例表明,该方法能够有效提高基于事例的推理系统整体的检索效率与质量。
13.By the reform to register a record, the goals can be attained to relieve work intensification, increase the systemic and safe nature of files, and improve the search efficiency.通过立卷改革,可以达到减轻劳动强度、增加档案的系统性与安全性及提高检索效率的目的。
14.Applied Information Index System to Promot the Testing Standard Management Efficiency应用信息检索系统提高检测标准管理效率
15.Efficient Relevance Feedback Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on Frequency Layer Characters基于频率层特征的相关反馈高效图像检索算法
16.Study on the Application of Full Text Retrieval Based on Lucene/XML and Efficiency Test基于Lucene/XML全文检索的应用及效率测试研究
17.A Research of FTS Query Efficiency Based on Invert Index in RDBMS基于倒排索引的关系数据库全文检索查询效率研究
18.Correction and validity can be improved by the feedback of clustering correlativity.利用检索结果的聚类性,以聚类用户反馈来提高检索系统的准确率和有效率。

retrieval effectiveness检索效率
1.Main objective of this article is to analysis the retrieval effectiveness and quality of web search engine.分析了搜索引擎的检索效率和检索质量 ,指出目前影响搜索引擎检索效率和检索质量的主要因素是检出信息相关度低、信息重复出现率高等问题 ,提出了提高检出信息相关度、降低检出信息重复出现的方
2.As software libraries grow in size, it becomes increasingly difficult to retrieve components and the factors affecting retrieval effectiveness become more complex.可复用软件库中存放着各种类型的构件,随着库的增大,构件的检索将变得愈加困难,影响检索效率的因素也更加复杂。
3)Searches Efficiency检索效率
1.Research on the Relation betweenData Storage Structures and Searches Efficiency——About DNA Data Storage and Match Efficiency;数据存储结构与检索效率关系的研究——关于DNA数据存储结构与比对效率
4)quality of Web searchesWeb检索效率
5)efficiency of retrieval system检索系统的效率
6)the efficiency of network information retrieval网络信息检索效率
1.Then the author proposes some strategies to improve the efficiency of network information retrieval.本文从分析网络信息检索的现状入手,从ICP方面因素、网络信息检索工具、数据的标引质量、检索入口词的选择、检索人员的素质、用户语言等方面,详细分析这些因素对用户网络信息检索效率的影响,并制定出相应的检索策略以提高检索效率

配置效率和生产效率  在经济学上,经济发展的动力,或者说效率的来源,分为两类:一类是配置效率,二是生产效率。所谓配置效率,是指给定资源和技术的条件下,怎么样使资源从边际生产率低的地方流向边际生产率高的地方,从而使得资源和利用更合理、社会总价值达到最大;而生产效率是指如何通过技术进步提高每一种资源的生产率,也就是把社会的生产可行性边界向外移。