信息活动,information activity
1)information activity信息活动
1.On one hand,modern editor activity is different from other individual information activity in the society;on the other hand,present-day information times entrusts editor activity information characteristic.现代编辑活动一方面有别于社会其他个体的信息活动,当今信息时代又赋予编辑活动以信息化特征。
2.The paper holds that moral problems arise during the increasingly efficient gaining of discourse power of modern information activities as backed up by hi-tech systems, and such problems may be settled by considering the three aspects, moral concepts, moral conducts, and influence of information activity on social morality.现代信息活动凭借发达的“技术支持系统”在获得了显著的效率和知识话语权力的同时,也出现了一系列新的问题和道德失范现象。
3.The essential characteristic of the IT curriculum decides that , as the curriculum two kinds of attributes, Information activity and the technical application should affect and support mutually to the.信息技术课程的本质决定了信息活动与技术应用作为课程的两种属性应相互作用、相互支持于课程建设的始终。

1.Analysis on Information Activity and Information Flow in the Leader s Dynamic Management Process in Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业盟主动态管理过程中信息活动和信息流分析
2.Information System on TCDC技合活动信息系统(技合信息系统)
3.Sound and movement make information come alive.声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。
4.Information User Action Control in Modern Information Environment现代信息环境下信息用户及其活动控制
5.IT Textbook is Innovated by Activity--Research on Construction of IT Textbook with View of Activity Learning;活动革新信息技术教材——活动学习视野下信息技术教材的建构研究
6.Inserts information from an external data source into the active document将外部数据源信息插入到活动文档中
7.encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required.减少带宽或者字节数的信息编码活动。
8.6.Information Warfare is a low risk/ high reward endeavor.信息战争是低风险高收益的活动。
9.Research of Games in the Training of Information Technology Teachers;信息技术教师培训中的游戏活动研究
10.Apply Information Technology to Research Teaching Activities;信息技术在研究型教学活动中的应用
11.The Application and Control of Information in Editing Activity;编辑活动中对信息的具体运用与把握
12.Discussion on Collecting and Processing of Information in Scientific Inquiry;论科学探究活动中信息的收集与处理
13.Making Information Study and Judgment Part of the Police Advisory Activities;让信息研判纳入警务参谋活动的轨道
14.Positive Research on Information Intercommunion of Teacher Lecturer in Study;大学教师科研活动信息交流实证研究
15.Designing of "Information Gap"Group Works in Classroom;“信息差”式课堂小组活动设计模式探究
16.R&D of Public Companies and Information Asymmetry;浅析上市公司研发活动的信息不对称
17.Talking about Assuring Information Security in Activities of E-commerce;浅谈保障电子商务活动中的信息安全

information activities信息活动
1.Information law is made to regulate information activities, as information activities are different from other kinds of activities of man, ie, they are wide-ranging, world-widespread and varied and much uneasier to be regulated, it is required that the information law embody information ethical value to make information law have good effect on information activities.信息法对信息活动进行调整,由于信息活动具有与传统的其他活动所不同的广泛性、跨地域性、丰富性以及快速变化性的特征,因此,传统法律难以对信息活动进行有效调整,而信息法要能对信息活动进行正确而有效的调整,就必须合理地奠定信息法的伦理基础:信息法首先要确立正确的伦理目的,即保障公民的信息权利和信息社会的有序发展;其次,信息法要体现基础的信息伦理价值,即维护信息传播自由、信息主体平等以及信息活动公正的信息伦理价值,并以实现这些价值为目标;最后,信息法在动态的实施过程中要保持价值不偏离,就要在立法者的信息伦理尺度、执法者的信息伦理考量以及守法者的信息伦理自觉中有相应的信息伦理价值的渗透。
3)information gap activities信息沟活动
4)Web information actionWeb信息活动
5)non- action message非活动信息
6)Medical informatics activity医学信息活动
