学科分布,subject distribution
1)subject distribution学科分布
1.The contribution adoption and the paper-subject distribution as well as the relationship between authors and scientific research work are analysed here.通过对稿件利用情况、载文的学科分布、作者与科研工作关系等方面的分析,在评价本刊学术水平的基础上,对今后的学报工作方向进行了探讨。
2.The contents of study included their subject distribution,organization distribution,region distribution,and authors distribution of high yield and deep influence,The results s.通过对作者群的学科分布、机构分布、地区分布、高产、高影响作者群分布的统计,分析了中国科研队伍发表论文的现状。
3.The contents of study included their subject distribution, organization distribution, region distribution, and authors distribution of high yield and deep influence, The res.通过对2003年我国自然科学论文发表作者群的统计与分析,对作者群的学科分布,机构分布,地区分布,高产、高影响作者群的分布进行了统计与分析。

1.Subject Distribution and Degree of Recognition to Measurement Methods of Social Science;社会科学测度方法的学科分布及其受重视程度
2.Study on the Characteristic of Area and Discipline Distribution of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Core Journal江苏省科技核心期刊地区和学科分布特点研究
3.Disciplines Distribution of High-quality Courses of Science and Engineering University in the Perspective of Disciplines Structure;学科结构视野中的理工科高校精品课程的学科分布
4.Analysis on the Subject Configuration in Shanghai Universities and Proposal on its Development;上海高校学科的布局分析与发展建议——教育部高等学校重点学科分布情况分析
5.Universities Ranking in Australian and Its Dominant Discipline Distribution澳大利亚国内大学排名及优势学科分布
6.Mapping the Subject Distribution and Collaboration Networks of Natural Science of Universities in Liaoning Based on SCI基于SCI的辽宁省高校自然科学学科分布与合作网络知识图谱
7.On Productivity of Chinese Social Sciences, Its Structure and Distribution;中国社会科学生产力及其结构、分布
8.The study of the geographic distribution of organisms.生物地理学研究有机体地理分布的学科
9.Distribution Study of Foreign Language Periodical of University Key Subject高校重点学科外文学术期刊的分布研究
10.Analysis on Fund-sponsored Theses Distribution of Anhui Agricultural Sciences from 2001 to 20072001~2007年《安徽农业科学》基金论文分布情况分析
11.Study on Articles Distribution in Marine Science Subject Based on Bradford Law基于布拉德福定律的海洋学科学术论文分布研究
12.The Predominance Distribution of Our Basic Research Subjects in the Regard of National Science Award;从国家自然科学奖看我国基础研究学科优势分布
13.The Development of Science Society in the Republic of China--An Analysis of the Members Distribution of the Science Society of China;民国科学社团发展变迁——中国科学社社员的时空分布透析
14.Study on the Taxonomy and Faunistic Characters of Families Paraonidae and Spionidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from China Seas;中国海异毛虫科和海稚虫科分类学和地理分布研究
15.Moreover, the locality at San Tau has been listed as a SSSI.位于东涌的分布点已列为「具特别科学价值地点」。
16.Study on Transformation Process and Geographical Distribution of Scientific-technological Resources;科学技术资源的转化过程与地理分布研究
17.The Development of Chinese Social Science & the Study of Authors Distribution;中国社会科学发展与作者分布实证研究
18.Studies on a Distributed Visualization System Oriented to Engineering and Scientific Computation;面向工程与科学计算的分布式可视化系统研究

discipline distribution学科分布
1.the yearly quantity, discipline distribution of the all articles published in the journal form 2000 to 2003,etc.为客观定量地了解目前《空军雷达学院学报》(简称《雷院学报》)的学术水平现状、推进《雷院学报》的建设,在概介自然科学学术期刊综合评价指标的基础上,依据综合指标对2000~2003年《雷院学报》的年载文量,载文学科分布等8项指标进行统计分析,得出了相关结论。
2.This paper, with A Catalogue of Foreign Newspapers and Periodicals (ninth edition) as source of materials, makes a deep study of the discipline distribution, country distribution, category distribution, publishing frequency publishing institution, and so on, of biological periodicals, and a brief description of the prominent characteristics of these periodicals.以《外国报刊目录》第九版为资料,对生物学期刊的学科分布、国别分布、类别分布、出版频率及出版机构等进行了认真调查,并对其突出的特点进行了简要的描述。
3.Based on the data of Henan’s S&T Papers published in Domestic periodicals ,offered by ISTIC, some analyses on the discipline distribution, organization distribution and other indicators are made.基于中国科技信息研究所(ISTIC)提供的,河南省1992- 1996 年发表在全国1 200多种较有影响的学术刊物上的论文数据,本文在全国大背景下对河南省国内论文的学科分布、机构分布、高产作者、基金资助论文等情况作了分析,并给出提高河南省科技论文数量和质量的几点建议。
3)subject structure学科分布
1.According to the Chinese discipline classification country standard "Discipline Classification and Code" ,the paper first reveals the subject structure of Chinese scholarly journal, then evaluates it from two points of view:average number of journals per researcher and average number of articles per researcher.依据中国学科分类国家标准《学科分类与代码》,揭示了我国学术期刊的学科分布状况,并从人均期刊数和论文产出率两个角度对各个学科的期刊进行横向比较和评价,对部分学科还进行了中美两国之间的论文生产率比较研究。
2.According to the Chinese discipline classification country standard "Discipline Classification and Code",the paper first reveals the subject structure of Chinese scholarly journal,then evaluates it from two point of view: average number of journal per researcher,and average number of articles per researcher.文章依据中国学科分类国家标准《学科分类与代码》,揭示了中国学术期刊的学科分布状况,并从人均期刊数和论文产出率两个角度对各个学科的期刊进行横向比较与评价,对部分学科还进行了中美两国之间的论文生产率比较研究。
4)distribution of branch subject分支学科分布
1.Published papers in Yunnan Chemical Technology from 2000 to 2004 were analyzed including amount of published papers, information density, subject of contents, distribution of branch subjects, portion of papers with granted funds and publication period.采用文献计量学原理和方法,以《云南化工》2000年~2004年发表的494篇科技论文为研究对象,对其载文量、信息密度、载文的学科内容及分支学科分布、基金资助论文率、出版时滞等进行了统计和分析。
5)discipline distribution and structure学科分布与结构
6)paper distribution by subject论文学科分布

《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New Discipline  B心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。 (赵全仁崔华)