英文版,English edition
1)English edition英文版
1.Status and analysis for English edition Chinese science and technology periodical;英文版中国科技期刊的现状与分析
2.Propose that making, marketing bamboos website of our country must pay attention to English edition establishment, laminate the rule of the search engine , notice websites popularizing the.提出打造、营销中国竹子网站必须重视英文版编制,贴合搜索引擎规则、注意网站推广方法等策略。
3.Expounded in the article is the importance of the English edition of the university journal as an image of the university.论述了英文版学报作为一所研究型大学的窗口在提高该校国际国内知名度的重要性,分析了办好英文版学报与提高师生员工素质尤其是提高他们的英语应用能力的关系。

1.The Chinese version of the Rules of Procedure takes precedence over the English one.本程序文件的中文版优先于英文版
2.If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.如中英文版本有差异之处,以英文版本为准。
3.If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes.英文版本与中文版本倘出现任何歧义,概以中文版本为准。
4.The book was printed in 1938, both in Chinese and in English.这本书于1938年问世,既出了英文版,也出了中文版。
5.The book "The New Middle East" originally was published as an English edition around the end of autumn last year.《新中东》一书原为英文版,去年秋冬之交出版。
6.Since 1990 the China Environment Yearbook has been published, and its English version also published since 1994.1990年《中国环境年鉴》出版,并从1994年开始出版英文版
7.Chinese Medical Sciences Journa中国医学科学杂志(英文版)
8.I'm afraid we don't. Won't an English edition do?恐怕没有,英文版的不行吗?
9.I'll try to read one.那我就看英文版的试试了。
10.This volume of selected works by Shakespeare is in English.这本莎士比亚的精选作品是英文版
11.Journal of Xi'an Medical University西安医科大学学报(英文版)
12.Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University上海第二医科大学学报(英文版)
13.Journal of Nanjing Medical University南京医科大学学报(英文版)
14.Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA中国人民解放军军医大学学报(英文版)
15.Bmj Chinese Edition英国医学杂志(中文版)
16.The effect of English original film to promote Oral English;英文原版电影对英语口语的提高作用
17.On the practice of classifying the original English books by using the chinese library classification fourth edition;使用《中图法》(第4版)类分原版英文图书实践谈
18.《The Timeless Way of Building》Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., Silverstein, M., New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.《面向对象软件构造(第2版)(英文影印版)》,清华大学出版社1999年。

original English books原版英文
1.On the practice of classifying the original English books by using the chinese library classification fourth edition;使用《中图法》(第4版)类分原版英文图书实践谈
3)original English edition英文原版
1.A tentative research on technology mathematics teaching based on the original English edition;工科数学英文原版教材教学初探
4)English versions of sci-tech periodicals英文版期刊
1.This paper has briefly introduced Elsvier s management and business mechanism and operation models,and discussed the experience and enlightenment of Elsvier s management practices on our work in the compilation of the English versions of sci-tech periodicals in China.并讨论对我国英文版期刊建设和发展的一些体会和启示。
5)English journals英文版学报
1.Practical analysis about internationalization for English journals of Chinese universities;高校英文版学报国际化办刊改革实践谈
6)English sci-tech periodical英文版科技期刊
1.Some experiences of English sci-tech periodicals on advertisement exchange with foreign periodicals;英文版科技期刊对外广告交换经验谈

材料方面的标准(英文版)前段时间碰到一些材料问题,因为我们是外企,老外对中国的材料标准不明白,而专业方面的东西直接沟通也比较困难,有了这些英文版的国标沟通起来就方便多了。所以想到这些标准的英文版可能对大家也有帮助,拿出来共享。详细内容 点击下载,解压密码:machine365.com下载声明:· 本站提供的所有资料 均来自互联网,资料的版权属于作者本人 。 · 本站提供的所有资料 只供个人学习用,不得非法出版、销售。