强客观性,strong objectivity
1)strong objectivity强客观性
1.Some aspects of the contents are: A transform of traditional epistemology realized through new objectivist questions; an argument that modern science is local knowledge on the basis of the European culture; establishing a "strong program" of objectivity concerning about "strong objectivity".其主要方面为 :以“新客观性问题”实现传统认识论的转换 ,论证现代科学是建立在欧洲文化背景上的“地方性知识” ,建立客观性的“强纲领” ,以达到“强客观性”。
2.Their main divergences are: Is science centralized or localized? Is science unified or diversified? Is science characterized by weak objectivity or strong objectivity? Sandra-Harding studies the development of scientific history from a brand new angle, and puts forward an opposite viewpoint, i.她与欧洲传统科学观的分歧主要表现在三方面:科学具有中心性还是地方性?科学是一元性的还是多元性的?科学具有弱客观性还是强客观性?桑德拉·哈丁从一个全新的角度来考察科学史的发展历程,她提出了与欧洲中心论相对的观点,即科学的边缘性(立场论)、科学知识的地方性(科学的多元性)和科学的强客观性

1.Harding and Her Studies of Strong Objectivity;论哈丁及其“强客观性”研究——后殖民女性主义认识论语境分析
2.The Objectivity and Certainty of Intensifying the Moral Construction of the Socialism;加强社会主义道德建设的客观必然性
3.Improvements on objectivity of English abstracts for academic papers;对增强学术期刊英文摘要客观性的探讨
4.The condition or quality of being external or externalized.客观性客观的或使客观化的条件或性质
5.Understanding the Objectivity of Cognition From the Perspective of the Inter-subjectivity;主体间性·客观性·历史认识的客观性
6.This method eliminates the effect of correlativity among indexes and thus it is more objective.这种方法剔除了指标间相关关系的影响,客观性较强。
7.The physician's need for objective, concise, and well-organized information on drugs is obvious.医生非常需要有关药物的客观性强,内容精炼,条理分明的情报资料。
8.Overemphasis of the objectivity, inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice.传统的教育规律观过分强调规律的客观性、然性和确定性,不利于人们的教育实践。
9.Discussing Historical Objectivism with Objective Attitude应以客观的态度讨论“历史客观性”问题
10.objectivity and universality of connections联系的客观性和普遍性
11.They're sensitive and objective.那就是敏感性和客观性。
12.Post- impressionism believes that painting should not rigidly adhere to objective naturalism description, instead representation of subjective ration, ego sensibility, and individuality should be highlighted.后印象派认为绘画不应拘泥于客观自然主义的描写 ,强调主观理性和自我情感、个性的表现
13.The objectivity you're looking for is not the objectivity of the breath, but the objectivity of cause and effect.你寻找的客观性,并非是呼吸的客观性,而是因果的客观性。
14.its essential characteristics include the subjective-objective unity,the life freedom and wisdom,illusory-real supplement each other,and strong psychical tendency.“趣”的审美特征主要包括主客观统一性、生命的自由与灵慧性、虚实相生性及强烈的心理趋向性;
15.Objective To enforce the objectivity, authenticity, accuracy and integrality of nursing records and to improve the quality of nursing records constantly.目的不断强化护理记录的客观性、实性、确性及完整性,持续提高护理记录质量。
16.objectivity and detachment.客观超脱的心理特性。
17.the realm of factuality must be distinguished from the realm of imagination.客观世界具有实在性。
18.an unscientific lack of objectivity.不科学,缺乏客观性。

the notion of objectivity客观性观念
3)subjective objectivity主观客观性
1.The article presents self-examination the writer made on the problems about objective after reading Mr Jin Guantao s philosophical analysis in his book System Philosophy on system evolution problems.结合当代自然科学发展的哲学启示,认真解读金观涛在《系统的哲学》中对系统演化问题所做的科学哲学分析,以及对客观性问题的哲学反思,分析流行的各种误解。
2.This article reflects on the objective of evidence, attempts to redefine evidence and proposes some humble opinions on the correlative questio.本文拟就对证据的客观性的反思为出发点,试图对证据进行重新认识和界定,并就相关问题提出自己的一些浅见。
1.Testability between subjects·Reliability of criticism·According with facts——On the three meanings of the concept of objectivity in Popper′s scientific philosophy;主体间可检验性·批判的可靠性·符合事实性——论波普尔科学哲学中“客观性”概念的三重涵义
2.Improvements on objectivity of English abstracts for academic papers;对增强学术期刊英文摘要客观性的探讨
3.The Study on the objectivity of drought index in Henan;河南干旱指标的客观性研究
6)subjectivity and objectivity主客观性

客观性原则(objectivity)  也称真实性原则,财务会计的基本原则之一,是指企业的会计记录和会计报表必须真实、客观地反映企业的经济活动,企业的会计核算应当以实际发生的经济业务为依据,如实反映企业的财务状况和经营成果。真实性不等于精确性,会计不可能提供精确的信息,因为经济活动存在许多不确定因素。这就决定了会计核算过程中不可能完全排队会计人员的主观判断。要实际会计核算的生,就要求会计人员在进行估计之前,必须尽可能获得现实的、客观的数据。