群体腐败,group corruption
1)group corruption群体腐败
1.Only by insisting on tackling this problem at the root as well as on the surface can the increasing group corruption be contained to carry on the anti - corruption.群体腐败有其自身产生、发展的规律,只有深刻剖析其特点及产生的原因,提出可行的治理对策,充分认识其危害性,坚持标本兼治,综合治理的方针,才能使日趋蔓延的群体腐败得到遏制,从而推动整个反腐败工作。
2.Therefore, that taking precautions and struggling against group corruption has became already one of the key points against corruption.群体腐败是商品经济发展的历史产物,无论是在中国还是在世界其他国家,已越来越为人们所关注,因此,群体腐败的预防和斗争,已经成为我们反腐败斗争的重点之一。
3.At the present stage, contrast between public authority department s policy - making authority and their iocomes , motives of administrative promotion, psychological and social pressure and social reality of no law being mass, all these primary factors bring out group corruption.群体腐败是个体腐败的变种,它以集体渎职、集体浪费、集体行贿、集体截流等多种形式表现出来。

1.Group Corruption is the Area Involving Anti-Corruption to be Urgently Viewed in the Period of Social Transformation;群体腐败是社会转型期亟待重视的反腐区域
2.Group Corruption s Behavior, Causes, and its Containment;群体腐败的表现、产生原因及遏制对策
3.Group corruption is a variety of individual corruption . It displays as all kinds of forms: group malfeasance,group waste, group bribe, group holding back state revenue, etc.群体腐败是个体腐败的变种,它以集体渎职、集体浪费、集体行贿、集体截流等多种形式表现出来。
4.To prevent(organic bodies)from decaying or spoiling.防腐处理使(生物体)免遭腐败或腐坏
5.To treat(a corpse)with preservatives in order to prevent decay.防腐用防腐剂来处理(尸体)以防止腐败
6.An Analysis of Corruption and Anti-Corruption of the Countries During System Transition;体制转轨国家腐败与反腐败的经济学分析
7.The body is corruptible but the spirit is incorruptible.肉体会腐败,但精神不腐朽。
8.The crowd chanted "Down with the corruptionists."群众有节奏地反复呼喊着"打倒腐败者。"
9.Completely Intensify the Supervision by Mass, Further Check the Power Corruption;切实加强群众监督 进一步遏制腐败
10.The Position, Role and Means of People in the Anti-corruption Campaign;人民群众在反腐败中的地位、作用及参与反腐败的途径
11.Something that corrupts.腐败物腐败的某种东西
12.Subject to putrefaction.会腐败的,容易腐败的
13.Argentina s Corruption Problem and Institutional Building for Anti-corruption;对阿根廷腐败问题与反腐体制建设的初步分析
14.The Current Features of Corruption Cases in China and the Correctional System of Anti-corruption当前我国腐败案件的特点及惩防腐败体系的构建
15.Improving Masses Supervising Mechanism is the Basic Way to Ant-corruption;健全人民群众监督机制是防止腐败的根本途径
16.Rely on the People Confidently in Fighting Against Corruption;反腐败斗争要理直气壮地依靠人民群众
17.To infect with corruption or decay.使腐败传染腐化或腐朽
18.Corruption is known as a malignant tumor in politics body.腐败被称为是政治肌体上的恶性肿瘤。

the community corruption群体性腐败
1.Presently, the community corruption has already become a great problem which restricts theChinese economic growth, and affects social stablity, destroies social harmony and development.当前,群体性腐败问题已经成为一个制约中国经济增长、影响社会稳定、破坏社会和谐发展的十分突出的社会问题和政治问题。
3)body decomposition尸体腐败
4)decomposed corpse腐败尸体
1.Objective To study the new way of estimating the time since death on decomposed corpse.目的探讨推断腐败尸体死亡时间的新方法。
5)Collective Corruption集体腐败
1.Analysis of the Prevention Mechanism of Collective Corruption and Collusive Behaviors in the Government Procurement in Game Theory;对政府采购集体腐败与串谋行为防范机制的博弈分析
2.This thesis applying the economics standpoint and methods, analyzes the spreading collective corruption, and considers that the collective corruption happens because of the presumption of "rational economic person" and the existing of "scattered interest union".本文运用经济学的基本观点和方法,通过对呈现蔓延趋势的集体腐败现象进行分析,提出因为"理性经济人"假设和"分利联盟"的存在导致集体腐败的发生。
3.Collective corruption is a characteristic in China.腐败是经济转轨国家中普遍存在的现象,中国当前的腐败问题呈现集体腐败的特征。
6)corruption in P.E体育腐败
1.Regulating P.E. according to law:the essentia way of fighting corruption in P.E.;依法治体:惩治体育腐败的根本途径——兼与伍晓军同志商榷

内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。