词共现模型,co-occurrence model
1)co-occurrence model词共现模型
1.A automatic Abstracting method based on reformative co-occurrence model is proposed.提出一种改进词共现模型的自动摘要方法。

1.Spam Filter Based on Term Co-Occurrence Model基于词共现模型的垃圾邮件过滤方法研究
2.Question Answering System Based on Frequently Asked Questions Using Co-Occurrence Word Model基于词共现模型的常问问题集的自动问答系统研究
3.Co-occurrence Word Retrieval Based on the Lexical Attraction and Repulsion Model基于词汇吸引与排斥模型的共现词提取
4.Towards a User-oriented Design for Grammatical Information of Verbs in English;英汉学习型词典内的动词语法信息表现模式
5.A Method of Automatic Keyword Extraction based on Co-occurrence Model基于词汇同现模型的关键词自动提取方法研究
6.A Study of the Order of Other-indicating Pronouns and Attributives of Other Types That Concur;旁指代词与其他类型定语共现时的有序性考察①
7.Improvement and implementation of coexistence model based on OSEKTime基于OSEKTime的共存模型的改进与实现
8.Towards an Efficient Representation of Lexical Collocations in ECLDs;英汉学习型词典中词汇搭配信息最优化表现模式
9.Effectiveness of presentation models of ditransitive constructions in English-Chinese learners dictionaries;英汉学习型词典双宾构式呈现模式的效果研究
10.Presentation of Fuzzy Meanings of Lexical Units in Chinese-English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners语用模糊在外向型汉英学习词典中的呈现探讨
11.Word Class Prototypes and Verbal Nominalization;词类范畴典型概念与动词名词化现象
12.Lucas? model exhibits the features share by a variety of capital asset-pricing models.卢卡斯 (1978)的模型表现出了许多资本资产定价模型的共有特征。
13.Information Sharing for Supply Chain Management and Its Realization in Technology Model;供应链信息共享及其技术实现模型研究
14.The Data Model and Realization of GIS-T on ITS Information-exchange Platform;ITS共用信息平台下GIS-T系统数据模型及其实现
15.Design and Realization of a Spatial Information Sharing Model Based on GML;基于GML的空间信息共享模型设计与实现
16.Research and Implementation of Resource Sharing Based on Trust Model;基于信任模型的资源共享技术的研究与实现
17.The Research of Gradient Model Construction in Modern School Public Relations Management;现代学校公共关系管理梯度模型建构初探
18.The Ratiocination of the Incentive Contracts Including Debt and Dividend;负债与现金股利共存于激励契约的模型推演

co-occurrence term共现词汇
1.The effect of co-occurrence terms on reranking the relevant documents in information retrieval systems was studied in this paper.为了探讨共现词对检索系统排序相关性的影响,提出一种新的共现词汇算法——FDC。
3)term co-occurrence词共现
1.This paper brings forward a method of auto-construction of concept map based on term co-occurrence technique.提出了一种利用词共现技术自动构建概念图的方法,首先进行词条选择,并计算词条之间的关联强度生成关系矩阵;接着,从关系矩阵中挖掘概念图;最后,利用可视化技术动态展示概念图。
2.Frequent bigrams are identified based on term co-occurrence information,from which n-grams are obtained.然后,根据词共现信息来发现文档集中的频繁2元组,再将2元组扩展为n元组,对所有元组进行去冗余、重要性排序,从而获得候选聚类标签。
3.It took advantage of the term co-occurrence model to combine the term pairs with high co-occurrence’sdegree together to restructure the mined rules into struc- tured classification rules with semantic information of text data, and then using them to build classifier.该方法利用词共现模型,在已挖掘的分类规则基础上,将具有高共现程度的词对组合在一起进行规则重构,形成了有结构的带有文本语义信息的分类规则,再利用它们对新文本进行分类。
4)word co-occurrence graph词共现图
1.The method,based on word frequency statistics utilizes text subject information based on word co-occurrence graph and linkage information of differen.在对现有主题词抽取方法深入研究的基础上,提出了一种基于词共现图的文档主题词自动抽取方法;该方法以基于词频统计方法为基础,利用在词共现图形成的主题信息以及不同主题间的连接特征信息自动地提取文档中的主题词,旨在找出一些非高频词且又对主题贡献大的词。
5)exical occurrence词项共现
6)lexical concurrence词语共现
