科技中介机构,technology agents
1)technology agents科技中介机构
1.The developing obstacles and countermeasures of the technology agents;科技中介机构的发展障碍与策略
2.As the media and link between the technology research results and products, the technology agents are important component of the technology innovaton system,.科技中介机构是科技成果转化为商品或产业的有效载体和关键环节, 也是科技创新体系不可缺少的组成部分。

1.Talking about Construction and Development of Sci-tech Intermediary Organizat ions of Farm Machinery;浅谈农机科技中介机构的建设与发展
2.Study on the Shareholding System Reformation of Technology Intermediary Organization;科技中介机构股份制改造的模式研究
3.Optimization of Sci-Tech Agents in China;论我国科技中介机构体系的最优选择
4.Proposals for the Development of Science and Technology Service Agency in Harbin哈尔滨市科技中介机构发展对策研究
5.International Comparison and Reference of the Development of Science and Technology Intermediary Agencies科技中介机构发展的国际比较与借鉴
6.A Study on Operation Mechanism Innovation of Science & Technology Intermediate Institution in China;我国科技中介机构运作机制的创新研究
7.On the Function of Government Administration Section in Technology Media Institutions Development;政府管理部门在科技中介机构发展中的作用
8.Responsive Tactics of Sci-tech Intermediary Organizations in Future Economic Development;科技中介机构在未来经济发展中的应对策略
9.Discussion about Policy Choice for the Development of Non-profit Scientific Intermediary Organization in China;我国非营利科技中介机构发展政策选择论
10.On the Development and Administration of Technological Agency;论科技中介机构的培育发展与政府管理
11.To Develop Science and Technology Agents in the Insitute of Higher Education in Wu-Han Area;发展武汉区域高校科技中介机构的研究
12.Study on Development Status of Science and Technology Intermediate Organizations in Jilin Province and Countermeasures;吉林省科技中介机构发展现状及对策研究
13.Functions and Development Strategies of University Sci-Tech Intermediaries;高校科技中介机构的功能及其发展策略
14.Research on the Development Models of Non-profit Scientific Intermediary Organization in China;我国非营利科技中介机构发展模式探究
15.The Present Condition,Comparison and Future Development of Scientific and Technical Media in China;我国科技中介机构的现状、比较与发展思路
16.Analysis on the Model of the Operation and Management of Shanxi s Sci-tech Intermediate Organizations;浅析山西省科技中介机构的运营与管理模式
17.Probe into the Problems and Countermeasures of the Development of Sci-tech Intermediary;科技中介机构发展面临的问题及对策探讨
18.Countermeasure for developing the sci-tech intermediating organizations in shandong province;山东省科技中介服务机构的发展对策

non-profit scientific intermediary organization非营利科技中介机构
1.According to the different classfied stardands, the article divides the development models of non-profit scientific intermediary organization into the development models of many subjects, the developmengt medels of many fields cross and the development models of many roads.依照不同分类标准,将非营利科技中介机构发展模式划分为:多元主体型模式、多域交叉型模式和路径多元型模式。
2.With the establishment and maturity of our socialist market economy system, our technological system, government function and some social organizations may also happen to important transformation, and the establishment, development and normalization of many non-profit scientific intermediary organization is the product of the progress.随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和成熟,我国的科技体制、政府能以及一些社会组织也要发生重要的改变,非营利科技中介机构的建立、发展规范就是这一进程的产物。
3)sci-tech intermediating organization科技中介服务机构
1.Countermeasure for developing the sci-tech intermediating organizations in shandong province;山东省科技中介服务机构的发展对策
4)science and technique fruit Identification Agency科技成果鉴定中介机构
5)the Scientific Agency科研中介机构
6)sci-tech intermediary科技中介
1.The exterior environment,which is closely related to the elements of sci-tech intermediary s interior environment,exercises an important influence upon the development and standardization of sci-tech intermediary.外部环境与科技中介自身内部环境要素紧密相关,是影响科技中介发展与规范的重要因素。
2.The development of sci-tech intermediary institution can cultivate and improve the scientific and technological intermediary service system.科技中介服务业的发展是提升区域科技创新能力的关键之一,促进科技中介机构的发展对于培育和完善科技中介服务体系具有重要意义。

房地产中介服务机构类型房地产中介服务机构类型  【房地产中介服务机构类型】房地产中介机构,是指依法以各种方式充当房地产交易媒介,为单位和个人提供有偿服务的组织,它包括以下三种类型: 1.房地产咨询机构 房地产咨询机构,是指依一定的法律程序设立的专门从事房地产政策、业务等咨询服务的组织。其主要业务内容有:(l)为客户提供国家、地方政府有关房地产方面的政策、法律法规咨询。 (2)为客户提供房地产投资、项目开发、交易等业务咨询。 (3)代为发展商进行房地产投资项目可行性研究,提供经营决策依据。 (4)有偿提供各种房地产信息咨询,包括价格信息、市场信息、房源信息、投资伙伴和投资招商信息等。 2.房地产评估机构 房地产评估机构,是指依一定法律程序设立的专门从事土地和房屋估价的组织。其主要业务内容有: (l)接受委托进行房地产交易价格评估,提出评估报告,供交易双方决策参考。 (2)接受地方政府委托,对某一区域或某一类型房地产价格评估,为政府确定各类房地产基准价格提供依据。 (3)接受地方政府委托,评定公房出售价格。 (4)接受地方政府委托,进行房地产价格评估基础资料的收集、整理、发布等工作。 3.房地产经纪机构 房地产经纪机构,是指依一定法律程序设立的,为协调、配合、帮助房地产交易双方进行谈判达成交易协议,提供各种代理业务和有偿服务的组织,其主要业务内容有: (l)代理房地产买卖、租赁、抵押、典当等各种交易。 (2)代办各种交易手续。 (3)代为介绍产品,质量鉴定等。