1.The Case Study the Flattening Organization Operation Pattern Based on Informationization基于信息化的扁平化组织运营模式案例研究
2.UMB systems benefit from a highly innovative flat network architecture that simplifies the core network and network interfaces, making it easy to scale the network.UMB系统利用高度创新的扁平化网络架构,简化了核心网和网络接口,从而易于实现网络扩展。
3.Many corporations in the world have improved their competitiveness by simplifying their management structure to establish flat organizations.目前国际上很多公司都在大刀阔斧地压缩管理层次,扩大管理幅度,通过组织扁平化提高竞争优势。

1.The hierarchy of menus has been flattened down until it is only one level deep.这里菜单只有一级,层次关系扁平化了。
2.Organizations are flat,with responsibility delegated way down.公司组织结构扁平化,责任下放。
3.On Flat Styled Management and its Application in Construction Machinery Industry;论扁平化管理及其在建机行业的应用
4.The Flatting Trend of China s Administrative Organizations and its Designing;论我国行政组织的扁平化趋势及设计
5.The Compressed Structure of the Enterprise Based on Business Process;基于业务流程的企业扁平化组织结构
6.Analysis of Management Process Restructuring and Organization Flattening;浅析管理流程再造与组织“扁平化
7.A Study of Flat Management of Teaching in Sport Colleges in China我国体育院校教学管理的扁平化研究
8."Flat" Reform of the Organizational Structure of the Public Security Organs浅析公安机关组织结构“扁平化”改革
9.Case study on flat management reform of L CollegeL学院实施扁平化管理改革案例研究
10.How flat vs. how tiered an organization do I desire?我希望的是扁平化组织还是层次化结构?
11.Application Research of Flattened Management on North China Petrochemical Company;扁平化管理在华北石化公司的应用研究
12.Preliminary Study on the Flat Management of Students under Mass Higher Education;高等教育大众化下的学生扁平化管理初探
13.The Case Study the Flattening Organization Operation Pattern Based on Informationization基于信息化的扁平化组织运营模式案例研究
14.Technology is a tool and a change in mindset is required to do away with a hierarchical system.科技是个工具,组织扁平化则是观念的改变。
15.Research of Microwave Electromagnetism Property of Flattened Metal Magnetic Powder;扁平化金属磁性微粉的微波电磁性能研究
16.The Strategy of the Marketing Channel Flattening and Multi-brand for IT Distributior;IT分销企业营销渠道扁平化及多品牌战略
17.Dynamical Systematic Research on Horizontal Organizational Structure and Salary Design;组织结构扁平化与薪酬设计动力系统研究
18.nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium非角化复层扁平上皮

1.Influence of flattening on the structure and electromagnetic characteristics of FeSiAl alloy扁平化对FeSiAl合金结构及电磁特性的影响
2.Its vertical structure is flattening and networking.西方大学学术组织结构正在经历一场深刻的变革,其发展取向大致呈现三大趋势:在纵向结构上,向扁平化、网络化方向发展;在横向结构上,向多样化、灵便化方向发展;在整体结构上,向柔性化、弹性化方向发展。
3.The flattening mode practiced in the reform of policing operating mechanism in Daqing has provided valuable inspiration for scientific distribution of police recourses i.大庆市公安局相继推行的以组织机构扁平化为主要内容的警务机制改革为今后公安工作中科学配置警力提供了有价值的参考。
1.Under the impact of informatization,the public organization will become flatten gradually.在信息化浪潮的冲击下,公共组织将逐渐趋向扁平化,中间管理层与以前相比有显著减少,但并不会完全消失,中层管理人员数量的变化也是不确定的。
4)flat structure扁平化
1.Traditional tall organization structure can not meet the new environment, many organizations are changing their structure through flat structure and team-work.传统的金字塔式的组织结构已不能适应环境的要求,许多组织正在进行扁平化和团队结构的变革。
5)flat model扁平化
1.On the base of those conditions, she takes the administration on flat model.从上海市东方医院的发展历程上分析了医院处于高速发展阶段,其高信息平台、高素质人才是进行扁平化管理的条件,并从其流程再造、能本主义、学习型队伍、管理跨度等方面展示了扁平化思想对医院文化建设的创新。
2.Starting from the angle of management theory, this paper analyzes the influences brought about by IT in three respects: efficiency, validity and reformation, expounds the mechanism of the influence of IT on the formation of the flat model of organizational structure of enterprises, and makes primarily discusses on the reformation of orga.文章从管理学的角度出发,分析了信息技术所带来的企业效率、有效性和改革3方面的影响,阐迷了信息技术对企业组织结构扁平化模式形成的影响机理,最后就企业组织结构变革的趋势——无边界趋势、网络组织和类似市场组织进行了初步探讨。
6)super flat超扁平化
1.Main flow features analysis on impeller of super flat automotive torque converter超扁平化液力变矩器泵轮流场主流特征分析

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理