1.Effects of inorganic additives on the misfire of modified ammonium nitrate;无机添加剂对硝酸铵拒爆性的影响研究
2.Study on the Misfire of the Millisecond Nonel Tube Detonator During a Tunnel Blasting;坑道掘进爆破毫秒导爆管雷管拒爆现象分析
3.The misfire causes in coal mine blasting are analyzed.综合分析煤矿井下爆破作业中产生拒爆的主要原因,并根据《煤矿安全规程》和《工种操作规程》提出了预防拒爆的措施以及正确处理拒爆的方法。

1.Analysis of Misfire Using Detonating Fuse and Connecting Detonating Cap during Millisecond Blasting & Its Prevention Methods微差爆破中导爆索与继爆管拒爆分析及其预防
2.Research on Anti-explosivity Mechanisms and Additives Combination Technology of New Modified Ammonium Nitrate;新型改性硝酸铵拒爆机理及拒爆改性剂复配研究
3.Reasons and Overcoming Measures of Anti-explosion of Emulsification Detonator in Blasting at Freezing Gravel Stratum Shaft;冻结立井爆破乳化炸药拒爆原因及防止措施
4.Those incarnate upon Maldek objected, and a war broke out.马尔戴克上的个体们拒绝了,战争爆发。
5.The stadium was so full that thousands of fans had to be turned away.体育场已爆满,不得不把数千名球迷拒之门外。
6.Ducat, who claimed to have food for two days, refused to take the phone, saying he was afraid it would explode.Ducat说他准备了两天的食物,拒绝使用电话,说担心会爆炸。
7.The rejection of the peace plan raises the threat of a more general war.拒绝接受和平计划增加了爆发更大规模战争的威胁。
8.When war broke out in former Yugoslavia in 1992, many of the cameramen employed by the TV companies decided it was too dangerous, and refused to go there.1992年前南斯拉夫爆发战争时,电视公司雇用的许多摄影师断定那儿太危险,拒绝前往。
9.statement of dishonour拒付或拒绝承兑的声明
10.Those who refuse to answer shall be punished according to relevant stipulations.拒绝答复的,以拒报论处。
11.To declare(a bill) dishonored or refused.拒绝支付宣布(票据)拒受或拒绝
12.The sound of an exploding shell.爆炸声炮弹的爆炸声
13.The act or sound of crackling.爆裂爆裂的声音或行为
14.immediate explosive power瞬间爆发力瞬间爆发力
15.contained explosion遏制爆炸,地下爆炸
16.A sudden rupture or bursting, as of an automobile tire.爆裂突然的爆炸,如汽车轮胎的爆炸
17.fireworks [explosives and blasting agents]爆竹烟花〔爆炸品及爆破剂〕
18.an unequivocal refusal坦率 [断然] 的拒绝

misfire of explosives炸药拒爆
3)misfiring reasons拒爆原因
5)misfired cap拒爆雷管
6)unfired hole拒爆炮孔
