泉水,Spring water
1)Spring water泉水
1.Spectrophotometric Determination of Selenium in Keshiketengqi Hot Spring Water;分光光度法测定克什克腾旗热水泉泉水中的硒
2.Bacterial detection of water quality in purified water and spring water of Yanan city;延安市市售纯净水及泉水水质的细菌学检测
3.The occurrence and geochemistry of the spring water in north central Qiangtang;北羌塘中部泉水及其地球化学特征

1.Scattered about on the hill are a number of mineral water springs such as the Nanyin Spring, the Beiyin Spring, the Fanhua Spring, the Xiyan Spring, etc. from all of which water keeps gushing out all the year round.它有南饮泉、北饮泉、翻花泉、洗眼泉等。 诸泉水涌如注,终年不竭。
2.The water of Xiyan Spring is particularly good for brewing liquor.洗眼泉的水是制造白酒的优质泉水
3.Clear water gushed from the spring.清水从泉水中涌出。
4.Some soda water and mineral water.来点苏打水和矿泉水
5.Longquan Natural Mineral Water CO. LTD济南龙泉天然矿泉水有限公司
6.In the woods there was a clear spring with water like silver.森林里有一处泉水如银的清澈喷泉。
7.To flow or cause to flow like a fountain.(像喷泉般)流动(使)泉水般地喷出或涌出
8.There is a spring well up cool water.这里有一个涌出清凉泉水的泉。
9.After that, the spring on Nine Dragon Hill became officially the Second Spring Under Heaven.从此,九龙山泉水,便定为“天下第二泉”。
10.authentic mineral water is made solely of clear spring water and has a natural colour.正宗矿泉水,滴滴清泉,自然本色。
11.Naturally occurring mineral water, as at a spa.矿泉水自然出产之矿质水,如矿泉中的水
12.Examples: Soda Water, Apollinaris, Poland, Seltzer, and Vichy.例如:苏达水饮料、德国)婆林矿泉水、兰矿泉水、德国)尔特札矿泉水、法国)希矿泉水等。
13.The spring oozes out of a rock.泉水从岩石中渗出。
14.The spring kept bubbling up.泉水咕嘟咕嘟地往外冒。
15.There is a bottle of spring water there.那里有一瓶矿泉水
16.We call this mineral water .我们管这叫矿泉水
17.Drinking natural mineral waterGB8537-1995饮用天然矿泉水
18.Thermal Spring Nourishing Cream温泉水保湿滋润面霜

1.Distribution features and forming conditions of the springs in the south edge of Maowusu Desert of Nor thern Shanxi;陕北毛乌素沙漠南缘泉水分布特征及形成条件
2.Water supplying significance of spring in karst area in Guizhou to the coal mine and protection measures贵州岩溶泉水对煤矿山供水意义及保护措施
1.Hongfan Town is very famous for its springs in Shandong province,most of which occur in valleys as descending water at a level of 74.洪范池镇为齐鲁名泉之乡,泉水多出露在沟谷切割部位,以下降泉水的形式出露,出露标高在74。
2.The total volume of springs within Zhangye,Gaotai and Linze along the Heihe River amounts to(10~13)×10~8m~3/a.张掖、高台和临泽沿着黑河一带泉水总量在(10~13)×10~8m~3/a 之间,泉水对张掖地区的农业生长、生态环境、工业和人民生活极为重要,近年来虽然泉水量在减少,但基本保持稳定状态。
1.In Ming Dynasty,the fountain,lake water and river water were the main resource to Hu.在明代,会通河主要以泉水、湖水、河水为补给水源,及时地保证了通航。
5)Shuiquanwan Spring水泉湾泉
6)spring water泉水,矿泉

泉水泉水spring water quanshui泉水(s Pring water)地下水的天然露头当含水层或含水通道(如含水断层)被揭露于地表时(地形、地质、水文地质条件恰当的结合下),地下水便流出地表成泉。根据地下水运动的性质,可将泉分为下降泉(由潜水或上层滞水补给,水流作下降运动);上升泉(由承压水补给,水流在压力作用下呈上升运动)。根据出露原因,下降泉又可分为侵蚀泉,即河流、冲沟等切割揭露潜水含水层时所形成;接触泉,即地形切割达到含水层底板时,地下水沿底板面流出而形成;溢流泉,即潜水流前方透水性急剧变弱,或由于隔水层隆起,潜水流动受阻而溢出地表而形成。上升泉又可分为侵蚀泉,即河流、冲沟等切穿了承压含水层的隔水顶板时而形成;断层泉,即地下水沿导水断层上升,在地面高程低于承压水位处,溢出地表而形成;接触带泉,即岩脉或侵入体与围岩接触带,因冷凝收缩而产生隙缝,地下水沿此接触带上升而形成。泉的动态主要表现在流量变化上,当最小流量与最大流量之比为1二1时,便是最恒定的;1:l一1:2为恒定的;1:2一1:10为变动的;1:10一1:30为极变动的;大于1:30为特别不恒定的。下降泉动态季节变化显著,而上升泉动态较稳定。动态比较恒定的泉,在缺水地区或缺水季节是宝贵的水源,对于农田灌溉意义十分重大。 (黄立强)