1.Study on Chongqing Traditional Building with Patio;重庆地区传统天井建筑初探
2.Patio Residence in Southern Shaanxi Province:Taking Qingmuchuan as the Example陕南天井式民居研究——以青木川为例
3.This article, on the basis of introducing the climate features of Guangdong and the principle of natural ventilation, discusses the man-ners of natural ventilation design for Guangdong residential buildings from planning, layout, patio, cold lane, corridor, doors & windows, and indoor partition, and lists some examples.在介绍广东地区气候特点及自然通风机理的基础上,从规划布局、天井及楼井、冷巷及廊道、门窗及室内隔断设置等几个方面,详细探讨了广东民居的自然通风设计手法,并列举一些实例作进一步说明。

1.Raise-boring machinesGB/T12761-1991天井钻机
2.a shaft driven upward is called a raise; one that is driven downward is known as a winze.从下往上开拓出来的井筒叫天井;从上往下开拓出来的井筒叫盲井。
3.long hole raising深孔爆破法天井掘进
4.Open raise implies that building work is limited to the raise catwalk and the basis of a simple platform on which drilling personnel stand.开放式天井,是指那些开挖过程中只需设置天井升降梯道及供钻工站立的简单基础平台的天井
5.The doorway of the staircase gives on the little court-yard close to the left here,' pointing with his hand, 'near to the window of my establishment.楼梯连着紧靠左边的小天井,”他用手指着,“我家窗户边的小天井
6.Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows, confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all possible speed and not approached.凡地有绝涧、天井、天牢、天罗、天陷、天隙,必亟去之,勿近也。
7.How beautiful the snow-covered garden was, how pure!天井被雪装饰得那么美丽,那么纯洁。
8.And he joined Chueh-hui in his stroll.觉民赞叹道,他陪着觉慧在天井里散步。
9.Concrete slab for making pathways or patios.用于建造通道或天井的混凝土板。
10.Rectangular patio. Can be resized to desired dimensions.矩形天井。可将大小调整到所需的尺寸。
11.To a frog in a well heaven is only a sieve in size.井蛙观太空,天仅井口大。
12.Technology of drilling well and well completion of gas well in the west of Hubei and the east of Chongqing;鄂西渝东地区天然气井钻井完井技术
13.CBI+well washing every 45 days in 22 wells (groupⅢ);第三类22口井注菌液并热水洗井,洗井周期45天;
14.A well or drilling that yields natural gas.一种产天然气的井或钻井
15.Study on Borehole Tempera Ture Distribution for Ultra-deep Gas Well超深天然气井井筒温度分布规律研究
16.Sheath Isolation Evaluation in Gas Wells天然气井水泥环封隔能力的测井评价
17.An oil or natural-gas well drilled in an area not known to be productive.野猫井,初探井在未知是否产出的地区钻探的油井或天然气井
18.bald-headed derrick无天车工作平台的井架

1.Courtyard Space of Traditional Houses in Liujiaqiao of Southern Hubei Province;鄂南刘家桥古民居天井空间研究
2.Informal imagination of courtyard space—beginning from the Hu fanqu residence in Luoquan town;“天井”的空间随想——由罗泉镇胡范渠宅说开去
3.In courtyard tunneling, because ordinary demolishes ultra digs, owes digs the phenomenon seriously, destroys in a big way to the adjacent formation vibration, courtyard own bearing capacity bad, the working surface produces the loose rock many, is easy to occur rib spalling, is disadvantageous to the safety in production.在天井掘进中,由于普通爆破超挖、欠挖现象严重,对围岩震动破坏大,天井自身的承载能力差,工作面产生松石多,容易发生片帮,不利于安全生产。
1.Experiences on exploded production 《dark raise》;观双年展作品《黑天井》有感
2.Based on analysis and improvement of some driving methods of raise shaft in medium and small mines,this paper introduces two development methods suitable to raising in medium and small mines.天井、溜井是矿山基建、采准、切割和生产探矿的重要工程 ,它在矿山井巷掘进中占很大的比重 ,同时也起着十分重要的作用。
3.The technique of once blasting into raise used of medium deep hole method is used in medium low raise of ore hardness factor f=5~7 in Zhangmatun iron mine,and so the productivity is increased by a factor of 150%,the working cost is saved 20825 yuan/a,and the material cost is saved 11287 28 yuan/a.张马屯铁矿对位于硬度系数f=5~7的矿岩中的中低天井采用中深孔法一次爆破成井,工作效率提高50%,人工费年节约20825元,年节约材料费11287。
4)Small yard天井
1.House with yard is one of domestic traditional dwelling building forms.天井式住宅是中国传统居住建筑的形式之一,天井具有良好的通风采光和温度调节作用,能改善建筑内部的小气候。
2.The research starts from the design of windows,the courtyard,the stair hall,to the roof, analysising the practical application of natural ventilation in them.自然通风技术是现代建筑生态设计中一种重要的技术策略,本文在对自然通风的理论研究基础上,对浙江安吉任卫中先生建造的新乡土民居——生态屋进行实践研究,从窗户、天井、楼梯间、通风屋顶这四个方面入手,分析自然通风的实际应用,并通过仪器测试加以验证。

天井天井  手少阳三焦经穴。在臂外侧,屈肘时,当肘尖直上1寸凹陷处。手少阳三焦经的合穴。