1.The preventive measure have been put forward,by analysing the reason of roadster accident in inclined alley conveyance.通过对煤矿井下斜巷运输跑车事故原因的分析 ,提出预防措施。

1.It had to be a sports car but more than a sports car.它要象跑车,也要胜过跑车
2.The racer lapped at unprecedented speed.跑车以空前的速度跑完全程。
3.sports car low(usu open)car designed for travelling at high speeds跑车(车身较低,通常为敞篷的汽车).
4.A sports car that stops on a dime.跑车在小范围内行驶
5.A sports car flashed past.一辆跑车一闪而过。
6.Fred has a fast car.弗雷德有一辆跑车
7.He closed out his line of sports cars.他抛售了他的那些跑车
8.a sleek, shiny sports-car闪闪发亮的时髦跑车.
9.How do you like my new sports car?你觉得我的新跑车如何?
10.It does 34 miles per gallon, but it's faster.每加仑跑34英里,但比起其它车跑得快。
11.A competition of speed, as in running or riding.赛跑一种速度的比赛,如赛跑或赛车
12.The black car drew ahead in the race那辆黑车跑在最前头。
13.They ran in front of his wagon.他们跑到他的车子前面。
14.The thief jumped the train and ran away.小偷突然跳上火车,跑了。
15.Passepartout rushed out of the car.路路通立即跑出车厢。
16.This car can go far on very little petrol.这辆车耗油少跑路远。
17.This is a sort of car that can travel really fast.这是一种能跑很快的车。
18.You've let all the air out of the tyres.你让车胎的气都跑光了.

sports car跑车
1.An overview of the design trends of modern sports car through the style changing of conceptual car;由概念车风格发展趋势透视现代跑车设计风向
2.The sports car market is the place of the automobile company s competition.加入WTO后,中国汽车产业在遭受巨大的压力下艰难地发展,跑车市场也是汽车商家必争之地,该文通过分析跑车市场特点和吉利跑车的市场定位,利用SWOT分析方法,分析吉利跑车的市场开发策略,以使人们更为了解中国跑车市场。
1.To prevent the mine car running-away accident in the process of the inclined shaft haulage, and according to the actual conditions of the mine car running-away, an automatic anti-running-away mine car is designed by using speed sensors as automatic braking.为消除斜井运输过程中因矿车发生跑车带来的安全隐患,根据矿车跑车时的实际工况,设计了一种以速度作为制动阀值的自动防跑矿车。
4)gig-back (gig run)跑车倒车
5)racing tyre跑车车胎
6)derailing accident跑车事故
1.Discussion on causation of derailing accident of inclined shaft trip lifting in coal mine;煤矿斜井串车提升跑车事故原因分析
2.This paper analyzes on the reasons and harms of derailing accident,and probes into some measures for preventing the derailing accident of inclined shaft trip lifting.分析了跑车事故原因及危害,探讨了预防斜井串车提升跑车事故的措施。

跑车1.一种供比赛用的车。 2.指在运行的火车﹑汽车上值班工作。 3.开车;车子运行。