中部槽,middle pan
1)middle pan中部槽
1.Optimal design of middle pan of scraper conveyor;刮板输送机中部槽的优化设计
2.Research on recycling technology of middle pan for mine scraper conveyor煤矿刮板输送机中部槽循环利用工程技术研究
3.Firstly applies topology technology to the design of middle pan by FEA and elucidates the rationale of topology technology based on FEA,then brings forward process of the topology optimization design in the area of middle pan using topology optimization.把基于有限元分析技术的拓扑优化方法引入到中部槽的设计中,阐述并分析了运用有限元分析方法进行挡板槽帮拓扑优化设计的数学模型和关键步骤。

1.The Intensity Analysis and Optimization for the Trough of Middle Part;刮板输送机中部槽的强度分析及优化
2.Application of the twin-wire welding for robot central slot welding机器人双丝焊在中部槽焊接上的应用
3.Research on recycling technology of middle pan for mine scraper conveyor煤矿刮板输送机中部槽循环利用工程技术研究
4.Machine Vision-based Defect Recognition Processing System of Welding Line on Central Trough of Scraper Conveyor刮板输送机中部槽焊缝缺陷机器视觉识别
5.Investigation of Microstructure and Properties of Bainite Ductile Iron for Middle Flute of Scraper Conveyor刮板机中部槽用贝氏体球铁组织与性能的研究
6.Failure analysis of chute abrasion in scraper conveyor and anti-wear measures刮板输送机中部槽磨损失效分析与抗磨措施
7.A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls.沟槽机器上的槽状部分,运动部件可在其中滑动或滚动
8.Position the slot located in the upper end of replacement grille at the exhaust port and insert edge in the slot.固定位于排气窗处的更换格删上部末端的槽并且将边插入到槽中。
9.Application of cut blasting in trench digging technique in the middle of the stope掏槽爆破在采场中部掘沟工艺中的应用
10.Preliminary Study on the Radiolaria from the Surface Sediments in Southern Okinawa Trough冲绳海槽南部表层沉积物中放射虫的初步研究
11.Popularization and Application of Deep-hole Blasting Technique in Bottom Compound-term Wedge Cutting底部复式楔形掏槽中深孔爆破技术的推广应用
12.Match the notches on the contact edge of the memory module to the ridges in the memory socket. The modules are keyed so that they can only be installed in one orientation.此时将存储模块金手指部份的凹槽对准存储模块插槽中突出的节点(有方向性)。
13.Slot-type Design for 10KA Rare Earth Molten Salt Electrolysis Cell;10KA底部阴极稀土熔盐电解槽槽型设计
14.The trough type liquid distributor is the main part of packing tower for large scale refined unit.槽式液体分配器是大型炼油装置中填料塔中重要组成部分。
15.top filling of tank car铁路油槽车顶部装油
16.sublevel undercut caving method分段下部掏槽崩落开采
17.The horny part of a horse's hoof.蹄槽马蹄的角状部分
18."Insert paper in the manual feed slot at the back of the printer after printing and click OK"在打印后将纸张插入打印机后部的手动送纸槽中,单击“确定”

1.Study on a new type of wear-resisting strengthen chutes;一种新型耐磨中部槽的强化研究
2.Failure analysis of chute abrasion in scraper conveyor and anti-wear measures刮板输送机中部槽磨损失效分析与抗磨措施
3.The abrasive cause from structure is analyzed and work condition against the wear of the chute of scraper conveyor.针对刮板输送机中部槽磨损,从结构及工况入手,分析磨损原因,提出改进方案。
3)line pan中部槽
1.Capital repair of SGZ960/750 double centre chains scraper conveyor's line pan;SGZ960/750中双链刮板输送机中部槽的大修
4)middle cutting中部掏槽
1.Development and application of a new C-linepan with casting back over and divided body;新型铸造封底分体式C形中部槽开发应用
6)middle the trough passes the ear中部槽推移耳

Langer肢中部发育不良综合征Langer肢中部发育不良综合征 为常染色体隐性遗传。表现:下颌小、四肢短,尤其前臂及小腿,伴有腓骨有时尺骨发育不全。身材矮小。智力正常。