超前支护,advanced support
1)advanced support超前支护
1.The application of large-pipe-shed in advanced support in tunnel construction;大管棚在隧道超前支护施工中的应用
2.In the light of the phenomenon such as flowing sand,and sand boil subjected from the flowing sand stratum,in the construction of artificial digging piles,the advanced support with rein- foreement and the chemical churning pile technology can be used to form the watertight curtain,thereby preventing successfully the loss of san.文章针对挖孔桩施工中遇到流砂层,出现的流砂、涌砂现象,采用钢筋超前支护及旋喷桩技术形成隔水帷幕,成功地阻止了砂层的流失,解决了施工进度慢、不安全的难题,改善了桩周的边界条件,提高了抗滑桩的承载能力。

1.Observation and Research of Bearing Stress of Advance Support of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face综采工作面超前支护支承压力观测与分析
2.Study on Advancing Support Effect of Shallow and Large Span Tunnel Construction浅埋大跨度隧道施工超前支护效应研究
3.Transverse-Isotropic-Elastic Homogenization Model of Pre-Support超前支护的均一化横观各向同性弹性模型
4.The construction method of talus shallow tunnel advanced support large pipe shed堆积体浅埋隧道超前支护大管棚施工方法
5.Optimized Design of Advance Pipe-roofing for Tunnels with Flat Roof and Vertical Walls管棚超前支护在平顶直墙隧道中的优化设计
6.On the advance support against the collapse and its application Jinzi mountain tunnel超前支护预防塌方及其在金子山隧道中的应用
8.Shed-pipe grouting technique application in shallow-buried and lateral pressure tunneling隧道管棚注浆超前支护在特殊条件下的应用
9.Design and Research of the Automatic Advanced Hydraulic Bracket in Compositive Area;综放面端头自移式超前支护液压支架的设计研究
10.Making Trial of Forward Supporting Hydraulic Support for Fully Mechanized Coal Caving超前支护式液压支架在综采放顶煤工作面的试用
11.Study on Model Test of the Composite Soil Nailing Supported by Micro-steel Piles Advancely and Mechanism Analysis;微型钢管桩超前支护复合土钉墙模型试验研究与力学分析
12.Application of Pre-Stabilizing Technique with Pipe-Roof for Excavation Underpass Work in Weak Stratum管棚超前支护技术在软弱地层暗挖通道中的应用
13.Application of Large Pipe-shed Advanced Support in Treatment for Tunnel Collapse采用大管棚超前支护技术处理青—莱高速公路毫山峪隧道塌方
14.Application of Advance Support by Pipe-shed in Tunnel Construction超前管棚预支护在隧洞施工中的应用
15.Study on the Working Mechanism of Pipe Umbrella Reinforcement in Weak Surrounding Rock Mass Tunnel;软弱破碎围岩隧道中管棚超前预支护技术研究
16.Study on Application of Forepoling Bolts with Soil Nailing Protection in Soft Soil Layer;超前锚杆复合土钉支护在软土层中的应用研究
17.The Construction Technique of Running before to Take Care of the Shed in theFlabbiness Rounds the Rock Tunnel Engineering;软弱围岩隧道工程超前管棚支护施工技术
18.Ahead Bolt Pre-support at Fracture Zone Construction超前锚杆预支护在过断层破碎带施工中的应用

advance support超前支护
1.Design of advance support system for use in coal faces工作面巷道超前支护设备的设计
2.On the advance support against the collapse and its application Jinzi mountain tunnel超前支护预防塌方及其在金子山隧道中的应用
1.According to the mechanical and deformational properties,technical measures,such as small-pilot-steel-pipe pre-support before excavation,CD-excavation method and field measuring at typical cross section after excavation are adopted to ensure the security of construction.根据大跨扁平隧道的受力和变形特点,在施工过程中采用小导管超前支护加固围岩,CD工法分块开挖并及时进行支护,同时进行拱顶沉降监测,保证了施工安全。
2.This paper introduces crafts and methods of construction,parameters and construction procedure,using design and construction of steel pipes and automatic anchor pole to pre-support,under the bad geology condition in the segment of the tunnel with sandwich.介绍在引水隧洞黄泥夹石段不良地质情况时,采用小钢管和自进式锚杆进行超前支护的设计和施工方法,在施工工艺、参数和施工过程进行了具体介绍。
3.Careful analysis and design were made for the reinforcement, the pre-support of the upper portal and the blasting based on the local geotechnical conditions.本文根据皂市电站导流洞洞身上层的地质地形条件 ,为保证工程开挖安全 ,就洞口预加固、超前支护、工程爆破和开挖施工方案进行了详细分析和设计 ,并进行了现场监测监控 ,结果表明 ,本导流洞的支护和开挖结构体系是安全的 ,达到了导流洞开挖和围护工程的安全与稳定要求 ,对类似工程具有指导和借鉴意义。
1.Combined on high stress and big deformation entry,metal articulated single beam and cross-articulated beam were used with combination,it was analyzed from designed craft and result,and a good experience was raised for spreading metal articulated beam in forepoling of entry.结合高应力、大变形回采巷道条件,对金属铰接单梁和十字铰接梁组合使用的两种布置结构,从架设工艺和使用效果等方面进行了分析比较,为回采巷道超前支护中更好地推广使用金属铰接顶梁提供了借鉴。
2.Starting from the engineering practice,this paper probes into the principles,applicable conditions and construction processes of several forepoling technologies,and introduces the forepoling technology for the tunneling works.从工程实践出发,对几种超前支护技术的原理、适用情况、施工工艺等进行了探讨,介绍了隧道工程超前支护技术。
5)support in advance超前支护
1.Particular measures such as consolidation of earth mass and support in advance have been taken before the commencement of excavation in order to keep the fault zone in a steady condition while tunneling.开挖前对所发现断层预先做了固结土体和超前支护防治 ,使断层带在开挖中处于稳定状态 ,隧洞施工得以安全顺利进行 。
6)pre-embedded pile超前支护桩
1.The finite difference code FLAC3D is adopted to analysis the lateral soil pressure acted on the pre-embedded piles.超前支护桩能在边坡开挖前对危险性高切坡进行超前加固,可以有效地降低边坡开挖施工期间的破坏,是边坡工程的新思路。

超前补偿超前补偿lead compensation 制系统的动态响应速度而采用超前网络对系统进行的补偿。超前网络用得最广泛的是电网络,也可能是机械的、气动的、液压的或者是它们的混合形式的网络。它的输出正弦信号的相位超前于输人正弦信号的相位,且超前相位角是输入正弦信号频率的函数。 图1(a)为一电超前网络的原理图,其传递函数为工T了一汀+一+G。(s)一Eo(s)E(s)了、十1。了s十1式中T一RIC,a一为 R2Rl+R:<1。相应的频率特性G。(i。)=ajoT+1ja田了,+1(0极坐标图,最大相位超前角外出现在频率。一。m时,其值为 .争‘一“,汽一arCS‘n骊二;;图1(c)为这一超前网络的对数坐标图,a一0.转角频率为田一贵和田一涛,、是两个转角频率的几何中点,即 1了,1.、1、1lgOJm一不}lg万;十堪二矛),叽-一下二广 。‘丫aT﹁一一一一一一︸l┌───────┬────────┬─────┐│ │ │ │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│ │// │ │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│ │// │ │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│ │ │ │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│ │ │日 │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│ │卜一一尸厂t全全 │ │├───────┼────────┼─────┤│二一一一洲一~ │}{甲m{ │一~~~‘~一│└───────┴────────┴─────┘┌─┬─┬─┐│ │ │ │├─┼─┼─┤│ │ │ │└─┴─┴─┘图1电超前网络及其极坐标图和对数坐标图(a)网络图;(b)极坐标图;(c)对数坐标图超前网络基本上是一个高通滤波器,即高频信号可以通过,而低频信号被滤掉。超前补偿可使动态响应得到显著改善,而对提高稳态精度作用不大。 举一个用根轨迹法设计的例子。系统的前向传递_、、,、,_K,二二_,~一、~_、,’.~、,、函数为G:~-一气下,在全负反馈情况下,选择补偿一~产切一‘s(s十2丫’一一~~口卜”‘’“”一‘””~装置,使得闭环响应的上升时间(自10写~90%)小于15,过调量小于20%。 所要求的性能指标可由一对主导共扼极点、,二一1十j八八一,、犷一1一j月厂~了来实现,它们是方程、2+29叭s+。乏=o,g~0.5,。。二2 rad/s的一对根(见动态响应)。 图2(a)示未补偿系统的开环极点*~o和:-一2┌─────────┬───┐│一李一1〔 │oT。’││ (a) │。!共 ││ Sl│ ││、而布· │ │└─────────┴───┘ 图2超前补偿的例子(a)未补偿系统的开环极点;(b)补偿网络的开环极点和零点;(c)补偿后系统的开 环极点和零点(二重),希望、1是闭环极点,即::应该在根轨迹上(见根轨迹法)。由图2(a)可看出,在51点,G:的相角为一1200一2火600一一24护。根轨迹上的点,相角应为一180。,因而串联补偿装置在、:点的相角应为600。~~~s+1一.、,一选用Gc一抖泞可以符~”,一s+4 jU””合这一要求,如图2(b)所示。s犷与、1对于实轴对称。 用了上述超前补偿之后,可以作出图2(。)。图上开环极点在0,一2(二重)和一4,开环零点在一1,闭环极点在一1十j丫厂丁,一l一j、/,了,一0 .76和一5.25(对应于K一16)。根轨迹在图中未示出。 超前补偿也可采用频率响应法进行设计。e片ooq)on匕匕chong超前补偿(lead cornpensation)为改善控