1.Study on Function Change of the Mining-prominent Industry City──Citing Yangquan as an Example;工矿城市功能定位转变的实证研究──以阳泉市为例
2.Yangquan mining area has high gas content and gas emission.阳泉矿区瓦斯含量大,涌出量大。

1.Adaptive Plant Selecting in Yangquan 280 Coal Gangue Pile;阳泉280煤矸石山适宜植物选择研究
2.Briefly on the Foundation of Ximenghui(a League of Saving and Sacrificing for the Nation) in Yangquan Area and its Significance;浅议阳泉地区牺盟会的建立及其意义
3.Study on Land Sustainable Utilization Evaluation in Yangquan Suburban;阳泉市郊区土地可持续利用评价研究
4.Discussion on the Selection of Watercourse Seepage Measuring Section in Yangquan Section of Taohe River桃河阳泉段河道渗漏测验断面的选取
5.Yangquan City 2008 Annual Energy Saving and Consumption Situation阳泉市2008年度节能降耗情况综述
6.Analysis for epidemic situation of infectious disease of type A and B in Yangquan city in 1997 to 20061997~2006年阳泉市甲乙类传染病疫情分析
7.Consideration on Ecological Garden City of Yangquan City-building Ways阳泉市生态园林城市建设途径与思考
8.The Present Situation of the Development of the Sports Industry in Yangquan City and Countermeasures浅谈阳泉市体育产业发展现状及对策
9.Data Analysis of Measles Monitoring in Yangquan City in 20062006年阳泉市麻疹监测资料分析
10.Geological structural characteristics and analysis on paleostress field in No.2 Mine field in Yangquan阳泉二矿井田地质构造特征及古应力场分析
11.Application of high dip tunnel for drawing out gas in fully mechanized roof-caving face in No.5 coal mine in Yangquan倾向高抽巷在阳泉五矿综放工作面的应用
12.Analysis of the Examination Results among Primary and Middle School Students in Yangquan from 2002 to 2006;2002~2006年阳泉市在校中小学学生健康体检分析
13.Optimization of the modification plan for coal product structure in Yang Quan Five coal mines;阳泉五矿煤炭产品结构调整方案的优化
14.Status Quo and Its Tendency of High-production and High-effective Mine Construction in Yangquan Mine Area;阳泉矿区高产高效矿井建设现状及发展趋势
15.Practice and Ponder on Characteristic Farm Products Processing Industry in Yangquan;阳泉市发展特色农产品加工业的实践与思考
16.The Feasibility Study on the Industrialized Development of the Lonicera Japonica in the Suburb District of Yangquan City;在阳泉市郊区产业化发展金银花的可行性研究
17.Report on the Findings of the Investigation of Urban Inhabitants Religious Belief in City of Yangquan;阳泉市市区居民宗教思想状况调查报告
18.Current Status of Coalmine Methane Development and Utilization and Its Prospect in Yangquan Mine Area;阳泉矿区煤层气开发利用现状及发展前景

Yangquan Mining Area阳泉矿区
1.Using the viewpoint of geomechanics,the geological structure in Yangquan Mining Area is analyzed,and the structural system,the structure evolution and its formation mechanism are discussed.运用地质力学的观点分析阳泉矿区地质构造,探讨构造体系、构造演化及其形成机制。
3)Yangquan City阳泉市
1.The Present Situation of the Occurrence of the Harmful Forest Organisms in Yangquan City and the Preventive Measures;阳泉市林业有害生物发生现状及其防治对策
2.Quicken Enterprises Steps on Technological Innovation and Promote the Transformation of Economic Growth Mode ——Invastigation and Consideration of Technological Progress of Industrial Enterprises in Yangquan City;加快企业技术创新步伐 促进经济增长方式转变——关于阳泉市工业企业技术进步的调查与思考
3.Analysis on the Potential of Groundwater Resource in Yangquan City;阳泉市地下水资源潜力浅析
4)Yangquan Coal Mine阳泉煤矿
1.Gas Extraction and Drainage Technique and Its Application in Yangquan Coal Mine;阳泉煤矿瓦斯抽放技术及应用
1.Experimental Study on the Influence of Electroacupuncturing at Yanglingquan Points to Gastric Juice Secretion;电针阳陵泉穴对胃液分泌影响的实验研究
2.Research on the Effects of Electroacupuncturing at Zusanli and Yanglingquan on the Stomach and Gallbladder Kineses and Related Brain-Gut Peptide in Rabbits;电针足三里、阳陵泉对家兔胃、胆运动及其相关脑肠肽影响的研究
3.Multi-center Clinical Evaluation on Acupuncture Yanglingquan for Relieving Gastrocnemius Spasm针刺阳陵泉缓解腓肠肌痉挛多中心临床评价
6)Yanglingquan Point阳陵泉
1.Objective:To observe the effect of electric acupuncture of Yanglingquan Point on H reflex latency and H reflex recovery curve of rats with cerebral infarction.目的:观察电针阳陵泉对实验性脑梗死模型大鼠H反射潜伏期以及H反射恢复曲线的变化的影响。

阳泉矿区  中国最大的无烟煤生产基地。位于山西阳泉市区内,石太铁路穿过矿区,煤炭储量丰富,品质优良,开采历史悠久,1908年即由保晋公司用近代方法进行开采。新中国成立后,开始大规模建设新井,到1957年建成平硐和斜井6处,能力471万吨。1975年原煤产量开始突破1000万吨。1981年有平硐、斜井和立井共10处,设计能力801万吨,原煤产量达到1219万吨,并有动力选煤厂2座,年入选原煤超过 600万吨。阳泉矿区是中国较早开始使用综合机械化采煤的煤矿之一,1981年拥有综采设备20多套,采煤机械化程度达75.8%,其中综采占47.8%。阳泉煤矿和潞安、晋城煤矿一起,构成晋东南无烟煤基地。