1.Parasphenopteris Sun & Deng, a new genus from the Lower Permian of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China;内蒙古乌达地区下二叠统植物化石新属——拟楔羊齿属(英文)
2.Wuda mining area in Inner Mongolia as the study area in this paper is located in northwest China.本文以地处我国西北部的内蒙古乌达矿区为研究区,应用生态学、恢复生态学、土壤学、植物学知识,采用查看文献和实地考查等方法对煤火废弃地的生态恢复进行了研究。
2)Wuda bituminous乌达烟煤
1.Calculation of micro-structure parameter of Wuda bituminous coal and relationship-analysis between coal structure and coal spontaneous combustion;乌达烟煤微观结构参数解算及其与自燃的关联性分析
3)Wuda coalfield乌达煤田
1.Analysis of spontaneous combustion internal factors and division of spontaneous combustion types of coal seam in Wuda coalfield,Inner Mongolia;乌达煤田煤层自燃内因分析与自燃类型划分
2.Study on the fractures related with coalfield fire area in Wuda coalfield,Inner Mongolia内蒙古乌达煤田火区相关裂隙研究
3.The fires in Wuda coalfield of Inner Mongolia is taken as an example to show the application of comprehensive assessment of environmental impact of coalfield fires.以内蒙古乌达煤田火区为实例,论述了煤火环境影响综合评价的实施过程。
4)Wuda mining area乌达矿区
1.Effect of the waste dump on environmental in Wuda mining area Inner Mongolia;内蒙古乌达矿区矸石山对生态环境的影响
2.15,in the Wuda mining area,Inner Mongolia,indicated that the coal seams formed in a fluvial dominated delta plain are characterized by low pyrite content,high clay mineral content and better washability,but the coal seams formed in tide dominated delta plain are charac.通过对内蒙古乌达矿区主采煤层 9、10、12、13和 15煤中黄铁矿和粘土矿物的赋存特征与煤层成因关系的研究 ,发现河控下三角洲平原形成的煤层中黄铁矿含量低 ,粘土矿物含量高 ,其可选性较好 ;潮控下三角洲平原形成的煤层 ,其硫分含量高 ,粘土矿物含量较低 ,其可选性中等 ,而在潮坪沉积基础上形成的煤层中黄铁矿和粘土矿物的可选性最
1.On the Social Model Legal System of the Uganda AIDS Community Support;论乌干达防治艾滋病社区支持模式的社会法律制度
2.AIDS Education in Uganda;乌干达学校的艾滋病教育
3.Clinical Observation of Ketamine Compound Anesthesia on Adults in Uganda;氯胺酮复合麻醉用于乌干达成人的临床观察

1.In Uganda, Aids is rampant.在乌干达,艾滋病猖獗。
2.of or relating to or characteristic of Uganda or its people.属于或关于乌干达乌干达人的,或有其特点的。
3.The Ugandan President decided to withdraw troops from Democratic Republic of Congo乌干达总统决定从刚果(金)撤军
4.Ugandan Parliamentarians Forum on Food Security, Population and Development乌干达议员粮食安全、人口与发展论坛
5.In fact, just 1,600 Ugandan troops have shown up.事实上,仅1600名乌干达维和士兵出现。
6.Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are being hurt.内陆的乌干达和卢旺达都被这个所伤害。
7.The group last year temporarily suspended $367 million in funding to Uganda, citing financial mismanagement.去年,由于乌干达政府财政管理不善,这一组织临时延期了给乌干达3亿6700万资金。
8.The leaders of Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army failed to appear at peace talks on the Sudan-Uganda border, Congo border on Sunday.乌干达起义军的领导未能在周日在苏丹-乌干达、果边界发票和平宣言。
9.Since1992, HIV prevalence in Uganda has dropped by more than half.自1992年以来,乌干达的艾滋病感染减少了一多半。
10.Cotton is Uganda's second leading cash crop after coffee.棉花是乌干达仅次于咖啡的创收型经济作物。
11.Agreement on the Settlement of Disputes and the Normalization of Relations between Uganda and the Sudan乌干达与苏丹解决争端和关系正常化协定
12.Ten Peacekeeping Personnel Killed in Uganda's Big Traffic Accident乌干达发生重大车祸十名维和部队人员死亡
13.The lifeline road to Uganda is unpaved; prices shoot up when it gets mired after rain.通往邻国乌干达的交通要道也没有铺平。
14.The Analysis about 2063 Cases of Hospitalized Patients in the Pediatric Department of Jinja Hospital in Uganda乌干达共和国金贾市医院小儿科住院病种分析
15.TO SAY the least, Congo and Uganda have never been the best of neighbours.刚果与乌干达从来就不是能忘却旧仇的邻友。
16.a state of Uganda and site of a former Bantu kingdom.乌干达的一个州,是以前班图王国所在地。
17.Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime mountain gorilla safari in Uganda and Rwanda.在乌干达和卢旺达享受一生一次的野生大猩猩的考察活动。
18.The suspension prompted the Ugandan government to launch an investigation and Global Fund lifted its suspension3 months later.这项延迟迫使乌干达开始调查,而且环球基金3个月后解决了延缓。

Wuda bituminous乌达烟煤
1.Calculation of micro-structure parameter of Wuda bituminous coal and relationship-analysis between coal structure and coal spontaneous combustion;乌达烟煤微观结构参数解算及其与自燃的关联性分析
3)Wuda coalfield乌达煤田
1.Analysis of spontaneous combustion internal factors and division of spontaneous combustion types of coal seam in Wuda coalfield,Inner Mongolia;乌达煤田煤层自燃内因分析与自燃类型划分
2.Study on the fractures related with coalfield fire area in Wuda coalfield,Inner Mongolia内蒙古乌达煤田火区相关裂隙研究
3.The fires in Wuda coalfield of Inner Mongolia is taken as an example to show the application of comprehensive assessment of environmental impact of coalfield fires.以内蒙古乌达煤田火区为实例,论述了煤火环境影响综合评价的实施过程。
4)Wuda mining area乌达矿区
1.Effect of the waste dump on environmental in Wuda mining area Inner Mongolia;内蒙古乌达矿区矸石山对生态环境的影响
2.15,in the Wuda mining area,Inner Mongolia,indicated that the coal seams formed in a fluvial dominated delta plain are characterized by low pyrite content,high clay mineral content and better washability,but the coal seams formed in tide dominated delta plain are charac.通过对内蒙古乌达矿区主采煤层 9、10、12、13和 15煤中黄铁矿和粘土矿物的赋存特征与煤层成因关系的研究 ,发现河控下三角洲平原形成的煤层中黄铁矿含量低 ,粘土矿物含量高 ,其可选性较好 ;潮控下三角洲平原形成的煤层 ,其硫分含量高 ,粘土矿物含量较低 ,其可选性中等 ,而在潮坪沉积基础上形成的煤层中黄铁矿和粘土矿物的可选性最
1.On the Social Model Legal System of the Uganda AIDS Community Support;论乌干达防治艾滋病社区支持模式的社会法律制度
2.AIDS Education in Uganda;乌干达学校的艾滋病教育
3.Clinical Observation of Ketamine Compound Anesthesia on Adults in Uganda;氯胺酮复合麻醉用于乌干达成人的临床观察
6)Wuda coalfield乌达矿区
1.According to the analysis of occurrences of pyrite, clay mineral and organic sulfur in the main mined coal seam in Wuda coalfield, it can be seen that it is not practical to decrease the content of sulfur and ash in a single coal seam at present technical and economic condition.通过对乌达矿区主采煤层中主要矿物黄铁矿、粘土矿物和有机硫的赋存状态分析 ,认为在现有的技术和经济条件下 ,对单个煤层的降硫脱灰是不切实际的 ,只有综合考虑矿区所有的主采煤层 ,合理布置采区 ,针对不同的煤层 ,选择合适的配比进行煤的洗选 ,实现地质 -采矿 -选矿的有机融合、动态协调是目前提高煤炭质量的最佳途
2.Occurrence of organic sulfur in the hand picked vitrain samples from coal seams 9, 12 and 15 in Wuda coalfield, located on the western edge of Ordos Basin, was studied using the XPS technology.应用 XPS方法研究了鄂尔多斯盆地西北缘乌达矿区 9煤层、1 2煤层和 1 5煤层手选镜煤的有机硫赋存状态 。
3.Eight coal seam spontaneous combustion in Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia, were divided into 3 types from the viewpoint of internal factor control, viz.分析了内蒙古乌达矿区煤层自然发火的内在原因和外在条件,从内在原因控制角度将乌达矿区8个主要发火煤层划分为高硫助燃型、厚层氧化型和过渡型等3种类型;根据外因条件不同将乌达矿区16个火区划分出大矿采空区起火、小煤窑起火和煤层露头起火3种类型;根据内外因条件不同分别划分的3种类型进行两两组合,将煤层自燃划分出9种成因类型,并将实验区16个火区进行了综合成因分类。

萨乌达迪萨乌达迪运动项目:足球球队:ac米兰队英文名:luca saudati生于:1978-1-18身高:182体重:79公斤国家:意大利[个人历史]场上位置:前锋出生地:米兰