
1.Blasthole logging and supervision of blasthole sampling.记录炮眼数据,并监督炮眼采样工作。
2.The lower gun-ports were now below water,下层炮眼已淹没在水里,
3.strip-borer drill露天矿水平炮眼钻机
4.millisecond round迟发毫秒爆破炮眼
5.perforation compacted zone炮眼四周挤压密实层
6.solidly packed tunnel充填密实的炮眼孔道
7.permeability of tunnel fill material炮眼充填材料的渗透率
8.partially sand packed perforation地层砂部分充填的炮眼
9.shotgun marriage [ wedding ]【采矿】不平衡爆破的炮眼
10.He says all he has to do is turn around.爸爸说,他打炮眼呀,打炮眼呀,一扭头就看见我了!
11.All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.所有的炮眼都开着,炮口不怀好意地从炮眼里向外窥探。
12.Before charging work is started, the drill holo is plugged.开始装药以前,先将炮眼下端眼口堵死。
13.When a normal bench round is fired the general result is for the centre of gravity of the round to be moved forward.起爆普通梯段炮眼组时,一般的结果是炮眼组的重心前移。
14.A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet.枪眼,炮眼在墙或护墙上开的用于射击的洞口
15.The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall.窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。
16.Levelling is usually carried out with vertical drill holes.整平爆破通常用垂直炮眼进行。
17.Our min wait until the gunner lit their matches in the cannon - port我们的人等到火炮瞄准手在炮眼点燃了火柴才行动
18.Our men waited until the gunners lit their matches in the cannon-ports.我们的人一直等到炮手在炮眼点燃了火柴才行动。

porthole;embrasure枪眼; 炮眼
3)blast-hole arrangement炮眼布置
1.Computer aided design of the blast-hole arrangement plan in heading tunnel;掘进巷道炮眼布置计算机辅助设计
2.According to the ore nature property and actual mining condition in the mine,the problem of high powder ore ratio is solved by modifying the blasting parameter and the blast-hole arrangement,the lump ore ratio and the ore utilization ratio are increased,thus,the mining cost is reduced and economic profit of the mine is increased.针对我矿矿石的本质特性和开采的实际情况,通过改进采面爆破参数和炮眼布置方式,解决了矿石粉矿率高的问题,有效地提高了矿石块度及煅烧矿石的利用率,降低了采矿成本,增加了企业经济效益。
4)surging perforation炮眼清洗
1.The technology uses deep penetration perforation charge with high perforation density and large perforation diameter and surging perforation with greater pressure differential.它采用高孔密大孔径深穿透射孔弹和大压差抽吸炮眼清洗技术,不仅能提高油井产能,解除近井带污染,还可以改善防砂完井效果。
5)perforation plugging炮眼暂堵
6)bore design炮眼设计

炮眼1.掩蔽工事的火炮射击口。 2.爆破前在岩石上凿的孔,用来装炸药。