1)diethyltoluamide[英][dai,epil't?lju:?maid][美][,tɑlju'?m,a?d, -?d]驱蚊胺
1.A method for rapid determination of deltamethrin in mosquito-curtain by high performance liquid chromatography was established.建立了驱蚊蚊帐中有效溴氰菊酯的提取和高效液相色谱分析方法。
3)mosquito repellent驱蚊
1.The preliminary study on mosquito repellent products evaporated at room temperature;室温挥发驱蚊产品的初步研究
2.[Objective] To study the effectiveness of Chinese medicinal herbs as mosquito repellents,as well as their antibacterial properties.[目的]以花椒、艾叶、烟叶、雄黄为原料,研究具有抑菌、驱蚊功能的基元材料。

1.Rub some of this mosquito-repellent on your legs.你在腿上搽点驱蚊剂吧.
2.Efficacy of Novel Home-Made Mosquito Repellents新型驱蚊药及其贴剂的实验室驱蚊效果观察
3.Efficacy observation of four kinds of DEET repellents on mosquitoes4种避蚊胺驱蚊剂型实验室和现场驱蚊效果观察
4.Observation on mosquito repelling efficacy of one kind of controlled released formulation一种长效涂抹驱避剂驱蚊效果的研究
5.Study on Annual Changes of Santolina Essential Oil and Its Biological Activity Against Mosquitoes;银灰菊精油周年变化及灭蚊驱蚊效果研究
6.The new kind of mosquitocide with redouBled effect is availaBle at the previous price.新一代驱蚊剂,价格不变,功效倍增。
7.The new mosquito-repellent liquid affords effective protection and takes effect immediately upon application.新型驱蚊剂,有效防护,一搽就灵。
8.This kind of insect spray is availaBle at large chemist's shops and department stores.这种驱蚊灭虫剂,各大药房和百货商店均有出售。
9.Study on the Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Cell Fusion of Mozzie Buster and Ocimum Basilicum L.;驱蚊草与罗勒的组织培养和细胞学融合研究
10.Establishment of Regeneration Clones and Rapid Propagation of Ocimum Bbassilicum;驱蚊香草优良变异植株无性系建立的研究
11.A Study of Induction Callus with Different Organs of Pelargonium Citrosum Vanleenii;驱蚊香草不同外植体诱导愈伤组织的研究
12.Effect of Different Hormones on Tissue Culture of the Stem of Mozzie Buster不同激素配比对驱蚊草茎段组织培养的影响
13.Studies on Rapid Propagation in vitro of Citrosum with mini-cutting驱蚊香草离体微型扦插快速繁殖的研究
14.Mosquito and midge repellents are necessary especially during summer days. Avoid using aerosal type repellents which are harmful to the atmosphere.特别在夏季,应带备驱蚊药物;避免使用喷雾式的,因为会破坏大气层。
15.The results showed that different hormones had different induce effect on mosquito abjection vanilla.研究结果表明,不同植物生长调节物质对驱蚊香草的诱导效应不同。
16.Effects of Cadmium,the Lead,the Mercury and the Fluorine on Expression of Isozymes POD and EST of MozzieBuster in Tissue Culture镉、铅、汞和氟对驱蚊草增殖与生根过程中POD和EST同工酶表达的影响
17.Made with natural pyrethrum,it is well tested and passed by the technical experts. Very good smell and effective protection against mosquitoes.kill mosquito last for 8 hours.本品采用高效拟除虫菊酯及天然优质原料科学精制而成,驱蚊能力强,气味芳香,对人体安全。
18.A mix of lavender essential oil with grape seed base oil applied to the skin can act as a repellent of mosquitoes, midges and other insects.熏衣草精油混合葡萄籽基础油涂在皮肤上可以用来驱蚊和其它小昆虫。

1.A method for rapid determination of deltamethrin in mosquito-curtain by high performance liquid chromatography was established.建立了驱蚊蚊帐中有效溴氰菊酯的提取和高效液相色谱分析方法。
3)mosquito repellent驱蚊
1.The preliminary study on mosquito repellent products evaporated at room temperature;室温挥发驱蚊产品的初步研究
2.[Objective] To study the effectiveness of Chinese medicinal herbs as mosquito repellents,as well as their antibacterial properties.[目的]以花椒、艾叶、烟叶、雄黄为原料,研究具有抑菌、驱蚊功能的基元材料。
4)mosquito repellency驱蚊活性
1.The mosquito repellency of menthol and the two derivatives has been studied by the methods of national standard.采用国标的方法对薄荷醇及其乙酸酯和丙酸酯的驱蚊活性进行了测定,结果显示薄荷醇对白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)具有一定的驱避效果,而薄荷醇的乙酸酯和丙酸酯的驱避活性很低。
2.The synthesis of pinonic acid esters from α-pinene and their mosquito repellency were studied.由α-蒎烯合成了蒎酮酸的甲酯和乙酯,并采用国标的方法对其驱蚊活性进行了测定。
5)insect repellent驱蚊剂
1.Determination of eight insect repellents including N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide in repellent products by capillary gas chromatography;毛细管气相色谱法测定驱蚊产品中避蚊胺等八种驱蚊剂
6)mosquitos-repelling PP fiber驱蚊丙纶
