1.involved four stages: encountering、hugging、interlocking and leaving.完成一次交配行为经过相遇、抱对、锁结、离开等几个过程。
2)To object; complain.反对;抱怨
3)precopulatory mounting交配前抱对
1.The precopulatory mounting has been proposed to guard a female or ensure timely mating.不仅交配时间长,而且进行频繁的、长时间的交配前抱对
4)Doubt of对……抱有怀疑

1.regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in.认为……是靠不住的;对……抱有怀疑;对……不抱信任,对……没有信心。
2.place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.被怀疑或对什么有怀疑。
3.Nowadays people tend to question orders, if they are doubtful about them.现在人们对训令抱有怀疑时,都会问个究竟。
4.He had, I think, a certain skepticism about the birth control zealots in the United States.我认为,他对于美国的节育狂热派是抱有怀疑的。
5.Even today there are still comrades who have doubts about the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles.有些同志至今对党提出坚持四项基本原则仍然抱怀疑态度。
6.He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family.他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑。
7.she is unassumingly skeptical of her own work.她对自己的工作抱着谦逊的怀疑。
8.Some people are in doubt about sympathizers.有些人对同情者有怀疑。
9.I have a query about his sincerity.我对他的诚意有怀疑。
10.I am doubtful that this deal is going to happen.我对这一笔交易是否会实现抱怀疑态度。
11.We began our survey of the research literature with healthy skepticism but with a commitment to avoid prejudging the findings.我们著手调查研究文献时,是抱著正确的怀疑态度,同时也努力避免对发现有所成见。
12.It is groundless and utterly wrong to be sceptical about the domestic situation and the future of the four modernizations.对于国内的形势和四个现代化的前途抱怀疑态度,是完全错误、没有根据的。
13.Specific commitments were scant because the Bush administration remains skeptical of climate change.声明中少有特定的决议,因为布希政府仍然对气候变迁的现象抱持怀疑的态度。
14.He had the courage to doubt, where all the others piously Believed对所有其他人都笃信不疑之处,他却有勇气怀疑。
15.It’s a very hidebound society and views anything new with suspicion这是个非常保守的社会,对任何新事物都抱着怀疑的态度。
16.There is (no) room for doubt.(没)有怀疑的馀地.
17.call in/into question1. 对...表示怀疑
18.incredulous of stories aBout flying saucers.对有关飞碟的故事表示怀疑

To object; complain.反对;抱怨
3)precopulatory mounting交配前抱对
1.The precopulatory mounting has been proposed to guard a female or ensure timely mating.不仅交配时间长,而且进行频繁的、长时间的交配前抱对
4)Doubt of对……抱有怀疑
5)post-copulatory mounting交配后抱对行为
1.The rice grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, shows not only multiple copulation, but also prolonged copulation and prolonged post-copulatory mounting between males and females.利用近缘种的种间交配 ,对小翅稻蝗的精子竞争、交配后抱对行为的适应意义进行了探讨。
6)feel strongly against对...抱强硬态度
