1.This note reports the occurrence of gynandromorphism in Polistes nimphus (Christ,1791) in China.本文报道普通马蜂Polistes nimphus(Christ,1791)的雌雄嵌体一例,并提供其形态特征图。

1.An organism having both male and female characteristics, especially an insect exhibiting a mixture of male and female tissues or sex organs.雌雄嵌体一种同时具有雄性和雌性特征的生物,特别是那种雄性和雌性组织或性器官混杂的昆虫
2.haploid dioecy单倍雌雄异株[体]
3.Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphroditic.雌雄同体的既有雌性又有雄性的特征的;雌雄同体的
4.Denoting a single flower that contains functional staminate and pistillate structures; perfect.雌雄同体的一朵花具有官能雄蕊和雌蕊结构的;雌雄蕊同花的
5.An organism, such as an earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.雌雄同体兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体,如蚯蚓或雌雄同花的植物
6.Having only one type of sexual organ;not a hermaphrodite.雌雄异体的只有一种类型性器官的;不是雌雄同体的
7.Having the stamens and pistil united to form a column, as in orchids.雌雄蕊同体的由雄蕊和雌蕊一起组成一个蕊柱的,如兰花等植物
8.Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的
9.They consist either male and female, or of female and her maphroditic (gynodioecious) individuals.他们或者由雄株和雌株组成,或者由雌株和两性个体(雌金异株)组成。
11.hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids.雌雄同体的水生陆生或寄生环节动物。
12.small genus of dioecious tropical aquatic plants.雌雄异体热带水生植物的一个小属。
13.slang term for a bisexual person.对雌雄同体人的俚语的说法。
14.Psychological Androgyny: A New Perspective to Study Willa Cather;雌雄同体:解读威拉·凯瑟的新视角
15.Androgynous Ideal in Emily Dickinson's Works艾米丽·迪金森作品中的“雌雄同体”理想
16.Research Progress on Sex Chromosome Evolution in Dioecious Plants雌雄异株植物性染色体演化研究进展
17.Study on the Culture of Mouse Embryonic Chimeras between Male and Parthenogenetic Embryo;小鼠孤雌胚胎与雄性胚胎嵌合培养方法与效果研究
18.After in vitro fertilization and parthenogenetic activation,γ- tubulin concentrated around the male and female chromatin and pronuclei.体外受精和孤雌活化后,γ微管蛋白聚集在雌雄原核的周围.

1.The gynandromorphic types, groups, mechanisms, and influences on the biology of insects are summarized.探讨了昆虫雌雄嵌合体的类型、类群、发生机制、对昆虫生物学的影响 ,以及其在胚胎发育学、比较形态学、神经系统调控机理上的应用。
1.The results showed that Ciona intestinalis is hermaphroditism Urochordata animals and the ovary alternates with testis on the inner side of mantle.2004年2—3月对刺参培育池的玻璃海鞘生殖腺进行组织学观察,结果表明,玻璃海鞘雌雄同体,精巢和卵巢相间排列,两侧生殖管数量不同,右侧4~7条,左侧3条。
2.Hermaphroditism changes sex - chromosome each other, or sex - chromosom s sex - gene produce catabolize, there are many difference during this process.雌雄异体生物,是由雌雄同体生物通过交换性染色体,或性染色体的性基因产生异化,随交换或异化的时间不同,性染色体的性基因数量不同,环境条件不同,采用不同的方式,经过五个途径,演变为x2、x2A、x2y、y2A、y2x1型生物。
3.This is how the "hermaphroditism"came into being,and the four levels of the development of it.本文以女性主义的视角阐释了"雌雄同体"这个主题四种不同层次的涵义,从神的形象、人类的异性心理倾向、以服装为道具获得异性的体验到真正的易性。
1.Suppose of Anagenesis s Avenue of Dioecism Creature;雌雄异体生物进化途径猜想
1.At the same time,two fish were observed to be hermaphrodite in confrol group, the testis in the one of them was predominated,and only a few small oogonia existed.同时 ,还观察到两尾鲻鱼为雌雄同体 ,其中一尾以精巢为主 ,只存在少数小的卵原细胞 ,另一尾则以卵巢为主 ,精巢正在发育 。
2.Some individuals in the threeyearold group were hermaphrodite.85%;3龄亲鱼80%为雄鱼,20%转化为雌雄同体;4龄亲鱼性别转化基本确定,多数亲鱼为纯粹具有生殖机能的雄鱼,而在雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺中具有明显雌性第一性征的雌鱼仅占30%左右;雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺GSI为4。
3.The main point of the paper is that Sontag advocates a hermaphrodite ideal in artistic practice by creating a "trio" to show the anxiety and tensions of human sexual delusions,which exemplifies that her writing is truly a work of art with political implications.作者认为,桑塔格对雌雄同体的倡导,在艺术实践中刻意营造"三人组"形象,旨在展现人类焦虑而紧张的性妄想,这既是艺术的书写,同时也是政治的书写。

雌雄雌雄 雌雄   表示属性相对的事物。《素问·金匮真言论》:“此皆阴阳表里内外雌雄相输应也。故以应天之阴阳也。”