昆虫多样性,insect diversity
1)insect diversity昆虫多样性
1.Sampling methods for insect diversity in forest canopy;森林冠层昆虫多样性研究方法
2.Characteristics of insect diversity in marginal regions of Southeast Tibet,China;西藏东南部边缘地区昆虫多样性的特点
3.The effect of globalization of economy on insect diversity in China;试论经济全球化对我国昆虫多样性的影响

1.Studies on Diversity of Orthopterans in Shandong Province;山东省直翅目(Orthoptera)昆虫多样性研究
2.Insect biodiversity of different seasons in Chongming Island in Shanghai上海市崇明岛不同季节的昆虫多样性
3.Analysis on Information of Insect Diversity from Converting the Farmland for Forestry in the Jinshajiang Gorge;金沙江峡谷退耕林地昆虫多样性信息分析
4.Preliminary Study on the Insect Diversity in Heilihe National Nature Reserve;黑里河自然保护区昆虫多样性初步研究
5.Preliminary Study on the Insect Diversity in MoMoGe National Nature Reserve;莫莫格国家级自然保护区昆虫多样性初步研究
6.The Diversity and Visiting Behavior of Flower-visiting Insect in Changbai Montain;长白山地区访花昆虫多样性及访花行为的研究
7.Primary Studies on Insect Diversity of the Vegetation Restoration Areas in Loess Hilly Region;黄土丘陵沟壑植被恢复区昆虫多样性初步研究
8.The Design and Establishment of Shanghai Insect Biodiversity Information Management System;上海昆虫多样性信息系统的设计与建立
9.The Preliminary Research on Effects of Grazing to Insect Diversity in Songnen Grasslands松嫩草地放牧对昆虫多样性作用的初步研究
10.An Analysis of Species of Litter-layer Insects in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve野鸭湖湿地自然保护区地表昆虫多样性分析
11.Study on the Diversity of Insect Communities under the Lamp in Changbai Mountain;长白山地区灯下昆虫群落多样性研究
12.Study on the Fauna and Species Diversity of Sucking Lice in China中国吸虱昆虫区系及物种多样性研究
14.A Study on the Diversity of Polycentropodidae from China (Insecta: Trichoptera);中国多距石蛾科多样性的研究(昆虫纲:毛翅目)
15.Studies on the Genetic Diversity of Bombyx Mandarina M.and Expression of the Toxin Specifically Acting on Insects;野桑蚕遗传多样性分析及昆虫专一性毒素表达
16.Diversity of Insect Community in Chinese Pine Forest from Badaling Forest Center in Beijing;北京八达岭林场油松林昆虫群落多样性研究
17.Studies on the Insect Community Structure and Diversity of the Poplar Tree in the North of Hebei Province;河北南部杨树昆虫群落结构及多样性研究
18.Studies on the Community Structure and Diversity of Insect in the Gardens in Taiyuan;太原市园林昆虫群落结构及多样性研究

insect species diversity昆虫物种多样性
1.The current situation, problems, development and orientation of the insect species diversity researches in China are analyzed and discussed briefly.本文简要分析了目前我国昆虫物种多样性研究的现状和问题,初步探讨了其发展趋势和方向。
3)insect biodiversity昆虫生物多样性
1.At present, the research of biodiversity is developing longitudinally and deeply,and the research of insect biodiversity, which had obtained gratifying achievements,will get new development in the 21st century.目前,生物多样性的研究正向纵深两个方向深入发展,昆虫生物多样性的研究已取得可喜成果,在21世纪将有新的进展。
4)Information of Insect diversity昆虫多样性信息
5)multivoltine insect多化性昆虫;多抱性昆虫
6)Insect polysaccharide昆虫多糖

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学