免疫逃避,immune escape
1)immune escape免疫逃避
1.Molecules related with immune escape in echinococcosis;棘球蚴感染中的免疫逃避相关分子
2.Advances in the mechanisms of insect immune recognition and pathogen immune escape昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展
3.Objective To investigate the effect of Fas and FasL abnormal expression on immune escape mechanism of renal cell carcinoma(RCC).目的探讨肾癌系统表达异常对其免疫逃避机制的影响。

1.Advances in the mechanisms of insect immune recognition and pathogen immune escape昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展
2.Cloning and Characterization of Three Immune Evasion Genes from Iridovirus;虹彩病毒三个免疫逃避基因的克隆与特征分析
3.The Experimental Research: Antigen B of Hydatid Cyst Induced Immune Escape of Skin Transplantaton in Rat棘球蚴抗原B诱导小鼠皮肤移植免疫逃避的实验研究
4.Lymphoma Endothelium Preferentially Expresses Tim-3 and Facilitates the Progression of Lymphoma by Mediating Immune Evasion淋巴瘤血管内皮细胞异常表达Tim-3:一种新的肿瘤免疫逃避机制的探索研究
5.impossible to avoid or evade:inescapable conclusion.不可能避免或者逃避:“不可避免的结论”。
6.Another tactic keeps herpes well-shielded from immune attack.疱疹病毒还有另外一种方法可以很好地逃避免疫攻击。
7.To use cleverness or deceit in avoiding or escaping.逃避,逃脱用聪明的方法或欺骗避免或逃脱
8.How to avoid enterprise s dodging payment of banks debts by bankruptcy act;如何避免企业通过破产逃避银行债务
9.taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease.接种疫苗以避免感染疾
10.A pathogen must prevent one of three stages of immune function: detection, activation, or effector function.在侵犯过程中,病原体必须逃避宿主三大免疫功能之一:检测、动及效应功能。
11.avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire.避免或逃避困难、危险特别是敌方的炮火。
12.Fas/FasL System and Immune Escape of Cholangiocarcinoma;Fas/FasL系统与胆管癌的免疫逃逸
13.To break loose from;get free of.逃避,逃过逃离,得到自由
14.The act or an instance of evading.逃避,躲避,逃脱逃避的行为或情况
15.Study on the Immune State of Colonic Cancer and the Mechanisms of Fas/FasL Mediated Immune Escape;大肠癌患者免疫状态与Fas/FasL介导的免疫逃逸机制的相关性研究
16.Research of Costimulatory Molecule B7-H1 on the Immunoescape and Immunotherapy of Bladder Cancer共刺激分子B7-H1在膀胱癌免疫逃逸和免疫治疗中的作用研究
17.To avoid controversy, many economists choose to remain silent and while away in their complacency.出于避免争议的考虑,经济学家们大多选择了逃避。
18.Corruption was inevitable so long as businessmen wanted exemption from equitable taxation.只要企业人员逃避公平税收,贪污行贿就不可避免。

immune evasion免疫逃避
1.Objective: To investigate factor associated suicide (Fas), Fas ligand (FasL) and caspase-8 expressions and their clinical significance in cervical carcinoma and explore the mechanism of tumor immune evasion.目的:本文旨在研究Fas、Fas配体(FasL)及半胱天冬氨酸酶-8(caspase-8)蛋白在正常宫颈上皮、宫颈上皮内瘤样病变组织(CIN)、宫颈癌组织中的表达,了解Fas、FasL、caspase-8与宫颈癌临床病理关系,探讨Fas系统在宫颈肿瘤细胞免疫逃避中的作用。
3)immunological evasion免疫逃避
1.To investigate the roles of neutral glycosphingolipids (N-GSLs) in the development of tumor, tumor antigen expression and immunological evasion, the regularities of the expression of N-GSLs in human embryonic and neoplastic tissue were studied, the influence of N-GSLs in the growth regulation, immunological evasion and multidrug resistance(MDR) of tumor cells were analyzed.为了探讨中性鞘糖脂与肿瘤发生、抗原调控、免疫逃避的关系 ,实验系统研究了中性鞘糖脂在胚胎及肿瘤组织中的表达规律及临床意义 ,分析了正常及异常表达的鞘糖脂对肿瘤细胞生长调控、免疫逃避和多药耐药的影响。
4)escape from immune逃避免疫
5)Immune evasion免疫逃逸
6)Immune escape免疫逃逸
1.Effects of SLC concentration gradient on suppression of tumor cell immune escape;次级淋巴组织趋化因子浓度梯度抑制肿瘤细胞免疫逃逸
2.Progress in study on human cytomegalovirus immune escape across maternal-fetal interface;母胎界面人巨细胞病毒免疫逃逸机制研究进展
3.Preparation of anti HBs monoclonal antibody and its combination characterization to both wild-type HBsAg and immune escape mutant HBsAg;抗HBs mAb的研制及其对野生与免疫逃逸变异HBsAg的交叉反应特征

动物的逃避技巧“魔高一尺,道高一丈”,被捕者有很多手段保护自己。例如,蝙蝠与蛾的斗争。蝙蝠的侦察装备是它的声纳系统,蛾对20000HZ以上的超声波十分敏感。蛾后胸两侧各有一鼓膜,分别和2个感觉神经元相连。当蝙蝠距蛾还有35m,还不能发现蛾时,蛾的鼓膜已能因蝙蝠超声波的刺激而振动,鼓膜内面的感觉神经元也因之而兴奋、发生动作电位,传入脑中。蛾还能根据左右两鼓膜所接受刺激的强度不同,而判定蝙蝠是位于自己身体的左右或上下,然后调整自己身体的方位,使两鼓膜接受同等的超声刺激,此时蛾的飞行方向和蝙蝠的飞行方向一致。蝙蝠很少直飞,在它还没有发现蛾之前,它已改变了飞行方向,因而蛾可安然逃走。如果蝙蝠和蛾在空中已经十分接近,几乎有碰撞危险时,蛾不和蝙蝠“赛跑”,因为靠“赛跑”逃不脱被捕捉的厄运,而是做大转圈飞行,或飞快俯冲而落入树丛或草地,两者都可扰乱蝙蝠的声纳系统,使蝙蝠无法确定蛾的位置。 隐蔽是动物逃避敌人最普遍使用的一种方式。动物的颜色和周围环境的颜色一样或相似(保护色),竹节虫形如枯枝(拟态),这些都可使捕食者受骗。阿氏天蛾的幼虫在夜间以咀嚼口器嚼食树叶,天亮时它们将吃残的树叶从叶柄基部咬断。这就消灭了痕迹,使鸟类不能跟踪找寻它们。另一种夜蛾的幼虫也于夜间嚼食树叶,但天亮时不咬掉残叶,而迁移到树丛深处,这2种办法都有逃避敌害动物的效果。有些种类幼虫有刺、毛,或有特殊颜色,能放毒计,有保护自身的能力,自然就不必逃避了。